He was dreaming about walking towards a locked door. The world in his mind was made of light and shadows; an apparently square room (though he couldn't tell in the darkness) with an entrance at his back that emitted a nephilistic, white glow, and a very plain door in front of him. Even in his sleep he could feel his clammy skin freezing, and for a moment he wondered if this was death and he was going the wrong way--despite all the hope that the simple door filled him with. As he pondered this, he heard a deep chuckle behind him, and a long, skewed silhouette appeared on the floor next his own. But when he turned around, there was no one there. Lars shuddered and his eyes opened to a grey cement floor, which wasn't quite right--he had been walking home to his apartment the night before, a little bit drunk, maybe, but not so inebriated to get himself in trouble with the law. He supposed his parents could bail him out but he still felt a bit annoyed that he'd have a criminal record. It was certainly cold though, and he'd slept sitting up, his arms wrapped around his knees and his head buried in his legs. He felt a bit sore, and it couldn't hurt to get up and stretch his legs to get the circulation going. But when he looked up he discovered that, [i]no,[/i] he was not in a holding cell, and [i]no,[/i] this was something his parents couldn't get him out of with money. He felt his heart thumping in his chest and an oncoming panic attack set in; small gusts of wind seemed to appear from underneath him, blowing at his dress shirt and causing his hair to stand on end. [i]Calm down,[/i] he though to himself. [i]You're a smart boy, you'll get out of this.[/i] He quickly scanned the area, ignoring his fellow abductees for the time being to look for a crack in the wall or a vent in the ceiling--[i]anything.[/i] When he realized there was none, he took a deep sigh through his nose to calm his nerves and turned his green eyes to look at the others; a mistake. A dragon, a giant wolf, a teddy bear, two (seemingly) humans...and a buzzing noise above him, which turned out to be a...fairy? He wheezed and the panicky feeling came back. Was this a fever dream?