A massive palace, built from solid grey steel, stretched out before Blackjack. He had not seen anything to match this other than in the Over- and Underworld, where angels and demons alike had created massive machines of war. However, this dwarfed even the greatest of such works, besides perhaps the Pillar of Balance, upon which all of creation rested. Or at least, it had done so in his world. Much closer, however, was an assortment of odd figures, vastly different from anthing he had come to expect of demons or angels, and none of them looked like the normal folk of the villages. However, he HAD entered a new world, after all. Walking forward, he decided to speak in general. He didn't know if any of these people was 'in charge' although it seemed unlikely, and he realized that some groups had quite delicate social ettiquette. While he strived to achieve all things, perhaps making a social faux par might not be the smartest of moves. "Hello. It seems I've reached a new world. Where is this place, and who lives within this palace?"