Ray managed to escape the place, and Runali said nothing about it. He was going to have to make use of himself from the outside in. She trusted him, and she trusted everyone to keep quiet about it. "Rational thinking you all." She said aloud, not caring if the escorts would hear. "Three boatloads of their crew and probably more. No one do anything brash." She remembered the name. These were the pirates that had taken out Kai's ship- well these were the descendants of those pirates, give or take a few of the older crew. She spoke out, mainly to Kai as she noticed the tension of trying to remain calm. "Don't do anything stupid." She nudged him lightly before walking ahead next to Haru. "Hm, King and Queen status here? The actual king and queen." She got a few growls from the escorts. "The king is awaiting your decision. He has yet to pick his queen." Runali rolled her eyes, even if one could only be seen. Haru noticed she still wanted an answer. Why would a couple of pirates want to know what became of the king and queen? "Alive." Was all he said before quieting down. The captain laughed lightly and looked over her shoulder. "That's not how things will work. Not this time. Just follow my orders. For worry Danny, you will have your chance." She turned away and mumbled more to herself as the pirates gave a skeptical glare. "We will all have our chance." The pirates' attention turned to Luro who was making fun of their Captain. "You will respect our king!" Despite their threats and yells, Luro continued on, making Runa laugh lightly. Even Haru held his hand over his mouth to prevent his laughter from showing. ×××××××××××××× [Img] http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/137/5/3/throne_room_by_zoriy-d4qp2wi.jpg[/img] (This except there are two chairs in the middle and one on the right and a few pillars in there) Captain Fenn was once again, lazing about on the throne that didn't belong to him. When he spotted the crew being brought in, he gave a hearty laugh. "That's it? A little small don't you think! Ah, well... I believe my little servant monkey has explained the gist of the details, yes?" He waited for the answer from the captain, deciding to sit up and be 'a little more formal'. Once again, Runali stepped forward only to get a scoff from the 'king'. "You're the captain? You don't look like much. But allies are allies and you guys could be useful distractions or something." Even the captain was getting a little annoyed by his undermining. But she stayed silent until he was finished and crossed her arms. Once again, they were surrounded by pirates. They all had piles of gold and jewelry around them. Must have been from the royal stash. She looked back at her crew, absently patting her leg. She was counting the number of pirates on either side of her. Around 40 or so...plus the three around the group. With 6 of them against all. "Well? Will you be apart of a growing army or not?" The captain tipped her hat up. Luro, Kai, and Danny were next to the three pirates that circled them. Perfect. "That would be a no. I didn't become a pirate to work under someone else." She watched as Fenn glared, and Runali held one finger behind her back, signaling for her crew to wait. "You dare defy my new law?" He stood and his pirates tensed. [I]'Wait for it...'[/I] She signaled still as he stepped forward. "Do you not know the consequences?" The pirates with the treasure, all forty or so watched the easy kill that was about to take place. With 6 pirates, the forty didn't need to help. The pirates near Luro and Danny put their hands on their swords, while the one near Kai rested on his gun. That would be a mistake in a matter of seconds. "Of course, I know the consequences. But you underestimate us. This is not up for debate. I made my decision. And the StarDusk pirates will bow to no one." "You're willing to risk your crewmates' lives and your own just because you're a stubborn brat?" She smirked and retorted. "If you don't risk your life, you can't create a future." She turned quickly to her crew. "Now!" Runa pulled Haru behind a pillar as the other pirates joined in to kill the pirate crew. "Haru, where's the king and queen?" The servant stammered, watching in shock as the 6 man team easily took down pirate after pirate. "T-that way!" She was about to head that way with him, but noticed that Fenn slipped away in the chaos. "Kai! Nolan! Follow Haru and get the royal family to a safe spot." "Fenn has their daughter, a-and the soldiers are in prison! The prison isn't in the kingdom though." He blurted as Runa took down the pirates coming towards them. That made everything easier. "Don't worry, we can handle this." She interrupted before he could finish. The rest of the crew stayed behind to finish off the pirates that were trying to take them down. "Try to keep them from escaping! They'll call to the rest of them if they do!" - - - - - - - - - - - [U][B] Some stranger's home [/b][/u] A young woman and her daughter stood wide eyed as a random pirate bursted through their door. The mother grabbed a heavy iron pan and readied to smack the pirate clear across his head. The daughter, probably around 7, noticed the sound of the other pirates and then the sound of him breathing heavily. "Wait! Mom! He was running away from the others! He's not one of them!... He looks to clean to be one of them anyway." The mother narrowed her eyes and glared at the pirate at their door. "You have seconds to explain yourself." She threatened. Obviously, this woman had been through a lot and she was not planning to take any crap. The daughter could only step to the side in order to retrieve a weapon if it was needed. And stay out of the way if a fight did start.