Portugal and Macau sat at the bar with the other nations, looking about and around. The older of the two, Portugal, sat by himself, only distantly with the group, out toward the edge, sipping on some obscure liquor that he was not even able to pronounce. He had tried it once when he was in Africa, and it was absolutely sheer coincidence that it was even here. Still, he wasn't going to pass up that opportunity. Oh how he missed the old days of exploration and adventure. Macau sat closer to the other countries. She hadn't interacted much with the others before, usually China did that for her. Still, now that she was starting to branch off from China's hold, she felt like it was a must to get at least acquainted with them. She sat near to Iceland, feeling that she could approach a smaller nation easier than a bigger one. Besides, he looked like he could use a friend. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- While the other nations sat with each other, another country eyed them from the back. She was not easily recognisable, what with her usual military uniform gone. Instead she stood in a short, black cocktail dress and had her face done up bright with make up. China sipped from her drink slowly, eyeing each nation she saw. None of them were of any real interest, except for one. England. China smiled to herself when she saw her old hatred. Oh dear, what luck that they would show up together. Not that it was too shocking, afterall, following Macau meant that she knew that a meeting was in order, she just didn't expect to find other nations her of all places. China rose from her seat, and walked over to the other nations, and rested a hand on Denmark's shoulder, cocking her head to the side and letting out a seductive smile and gaze, "Ni Hao, Denmark. Got room for one more?"