So, my character! Character Sheet Name: Saxon Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=pic][IMG][/IMG][/hider] Saxon looks older than he really is. A lifetime of fighting baltic barbarians have rendered him strong and tough, but tired and scarred. He has short blonde hair and a big bushy beard. His eyes are green. He wears simple and comfortable clothing when not in his armor. Personality: An aura of self confidence surrounds the veteran knight wherever he goes. He seems calm, almost tired, when not in battle. When fighting he transforms into a raging lunatic, screaming at the top of his lungs. Saxon is generally methodic when dealing with everyday issues and is a very pious man. Origin: Saxon was born in Baveria to a low ranking noble. Background: Coming from a long line of warriors, Saxon had no choice but to follow the predestined path his ancestors had set up for him. He has fought against the enemies of the church and the order since he was old enough to carry a sword. Equipment: Armor, sword and shield, clothes, a horse and travelling gear. Miscellaneous: Conversational in a few languages, including german, french, english, italian and latin. Can write and read in latin.