Connor pondered that, and nodded, "I suppose that's so" He said,"And this is a truck stop, so there's probably more normal people then there is hunters and supernatural passing through here" He shrugged, "We can't stop it all from happening, no matter how much we want to" Connor grimaced slightly, looking at his own hands, for he at least had a way of curing vampires, but how could he do so? He'd kill himself trying to do so. And the only problem was, the vampires would kill him to get his blood. It was like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. "So we just do what we can" He said, his voice soft, then shrugged. "And we hope that something or someone there helping us, unseen" That was probably the closest he had ever come in his life to admitting he believed in a higher power. But what else would have protected the teenage werewolf. prevented her from bitten and turning another? He smiled, relaxing and looking up as the waitress came, and he smiled, ready to virtually swallow the burger in one swallow, feeling half starved, and he chuckled at himself.