Ellie couldn't help curiously watching the big purple... thing... the Nie-kin.... What the hell was a Nie-Kin? Was it an affliction around here like the Trog was in the Pitt? The Trogs still seemed mostly human though... This thing was MASSIVE... Although it seemed slightly unstable, seeing to baby a single cap as if it were the most important thing in the world. The only thing she could truly figure out about it... Was that she should do her damndest NOT to piss it off, and that having it as a friend would be a very, very good idea. As she studied the Nie-Kin, she caught snippets of the conversation around her... Piss pants giving his name that she would never remember, and "Piss pants" would be so much easier to remember... That same guy further insulting the Nie-kin, showing her that he wasn't the sharpest scalpel, and if there was ever any precision work he needed to be far, FAR away... But he MIGHT make a good meat shield... So maybe she could tolerate the smell of piss to let him fulfill that purpose... But the way he was going on about the Nie-kin she decides to stay away from him for now. Then the guy who sounded like he was chompin on jet ingredients started his barely intelligible talk... Stealthboys being pretty much the only thing she cared about from it... Something about the Nie-kin going insane from the use of them... So the Nie-kin were sneaks? Even more reason to stay on his good side... And that view was reinforced as the Nie-kin starts raging and storms over to Piss pants, tearing a teddy bear from his arms before stomping over towards her. She, was nowhere near proud enough to even try to deny the jolt of fear that shot through her as she watched the massive creature stomping over to her, teeth bared... She didn't realize that the snarl was their default expression yet... It took every bit of her self control not to start firing. She doubted her rifle would succeed in doing anything more than pissing it off further. So she just stands there, statue still, fighting the urge to run as it looms over her, keeping her rifle lowered so as not to aggravate it even further... And when it stopped she finally released the breath she hadn't even realized she was holding in, and her eyes drifted to the teddy bear. [i]It's.... it's.... giving me a teddy bear? this massive monster is giving me a teddy bear?[/i] She couldn't wrap her mind around the absurdity of the situation she found herself in... And she cracked a little as she reached out to take the teddy bear, her other hand slinging the rifle up on her shoulder as she laughs audibly, nearly hysteric. "A teddy bear?" She laughs as she grabs it, "Thank you big guy, I know weapons aren't toys" She says, nodding as the laughter starts to fade, "Sorry, just didn't know what to expect up here... For all we knew this Mr. House person thought we were asking too many questions and planned to put a bullet in our skulls. Can't be too careful." she says as she tucks it under her arm and holds out a hand, doing her damndest to be as polite as humanly possible with the mutant. "The name's Ellie big..." she pauses, looking it over.... Did it even have a gender? Well... it looked masculine so might as well take a shot and hope it doesn't decide to tear her arm off, "...guy... What's yours?"