Rebecca squinted one eye as Sabin raised his voice when he tried to defend his dignity, his piss soaked dignity. Clearly he didnt like people thinking he had pissed him self, but she understood sometimes a soldier has to piss on them selfs from time to time. “Now that you mention it...” She started to say, giving Sabin a wink. “Ever sense the mutant left, the piss smell went away too. Guess it really was the mutant” Really, she had no idea if it had been him, or the mutant, but the way he acted told her it was really him. She pulled her self together when learning his rank. Oh how she hated being a boot licker rank. But that was life. But Sabin didnt seem to mind. Maybe things where different in the NCR. She saluted him none the less and gave a short giggle at his bow. “Nice to meet you privet. Names Rebecca.” She listened to him explain the situation about the mutants around here. Having never seen one before she was bound to beleave damn near anything that was said about them. “So the NCR hunts mutants too? My my.. such hero's!” she exclaimed. But weather she was really impressed would be hard to determine “Really that strong and unstable..? Well I guess its a good thing we got such a strong NRC soldier with us then right?” With a smile, she finally heard something she wanted. Somthing about the House. "Don't know nothin' more than anyone else about this House bloke, all I know that he's some barking mysterious rich fella who apparently lives up 'ere somewhere." afterwards, he added in a whisper, "'eard he's evil, drinks the blood of unsuspecting folks so that 'e doesn' age, lives forever. Best be careful aroun' 'im once he makes his appearance." Of course she didn’t be-leave House drank the blood of other people.. But one thing she knew. He had to be rich to have a place like this one. “Really?” She whispered back to him. “You.. Your not gonna let him drink our blood right?” A fake hint of fear slowing in her voice. Despite what Del had said about the mutants, and the different generations of mutants. It wouldnt change what she really thought of them. She was taught by the end of the day, a mutant is still a mutant. They couldn’t and wouldn't help people in anyway shape or form. So the best mutant was a dead mutant. Though no sooner she thought that, did the ugly thing run up to them. Fast, strong, and.. dumb? [I]This isn't a good combination..[/I] She thought to her self. But before she could really do or say anything to the beast, he had yelled some threats, and taken... a.. teddy bear? from Sabin. Dumbfound she looked at Sabin and blinked a few times with a semi hard swallow.