Once the mutant left with the teddy bear and walked over to talk with Ellie, she felt a pain in her chest. What her eyes saw, was indeed a teddy bear. Finally the pain got to be to much and she started to cough. Just as quickly as she started to cough, it turned into laughter. Boy did she feel safe with an NCR trooper that had to carry around a teddy bear. Rebecca tried to take deep breaths between laughs, but it wasnt working out. The terror filled squeak that escaped Sabin was fresh in her mind. After about a minuet of laughing, she calmed down and looked at her new NCR hero, . A look of shame for laughing spread across her face. She looked down at the floor, and managed to get a look at the troopers pants. It wasnt hard to keep a straight face when acting scared of House. It was easy to fill Sabin with a sense of well being. The way he swallowed her words was something else. Of course being from the easy she knew next to nothing about the NCR, or its people.“No need to call me ma'am.. Makes me feel older then I really am.” A soft smile tried to erase the ashamed look while she tried to avoid having him ask why she was laughing “Now I feel safe” She said to him. “Stood you're ground to a blood thirst, rip you in half mutant like that..” She took a very small step closer and added “Promise to be that fearless when ever House shows up?” In the background she was listening, or trying to listen, to find out what Ellie and the mutant had started talking about. Noticing how friendly Ellie was with the thing, she only felt abit of disgust. [I] You mutant loving... You must have been sad when the trog vanished.."[/I] She thought about Ellie. Someday she would need to learn that mutants couldn't be friends.