Ellie couldn't help grinning, partially out of nervous fear. It was as if she was standing on a buried power mine... Unsure if it was a pulse or plasma mine... And for all she knew it could explode any second and fuck her day up. As the Nie-kin pressed his palm against hers she felt horribly small and insignificant... But she keeps a strong face and grips one of his sausage fingers and shakes hands with him. As he starts questioning her, the smile falters for a moment before it returns, "Well, my companion" She gestures over to Rebecca, pausing for a moment before shouting over "Who if she's gonna start sucking soldier dick needs to take it to another room! We already got in you don't need to try to get the caps anymore!" Once she's done taunting her companion she turns back to Scrap, "We're from out east, just roaming our way cross country. When we got here to New Vegas we heard about this mission for the Mag rails and started asking around... and then some psycho cowboy securitron found us and brought us here... And as for what I do, I'm a doctor.." She says, shifting the teddy a bit in her arms, not quite sure what to do with it. "So, Scrap.... Where're you from? I've.. uhm... Never seen one of you before... That guy over there said you're a... Nie-kin?"