The Holy Grail. It is an object desired since ancient times. Men have fought and died for it. Because of its legendary existence, many tales and myths have followed the Holy Grail, telling tales of great warriors and kings who have fought to claim this holy relic. A thousand years ago, the Einzbern, a family of magi, began their plans on reclaiming a great lost power then once had. Their plan resulted in failure, which forced them to do something never done before 800 years later. They enlisted the aid of outside help to obtain their powers. The help consisted of two other magi families, The Tohsaka and the Makiri. In order to mask their true intentions, the Einzbern created the lie that their work was to find a method to a way to reach a source of ultimate power. Eventually, the three families worked out a solution: The Holy Grail. The Einzbern provided the vessels required to hold the grail. The Tohsaka provided mana rich land to create the Grail on, and the Makiri designed the command seals that would be vital later on. But like all great plans, there was always a flaw. the flaw in this plan was greed. Each family wanted the grail for themselves. Before they started a war with each other, they managed to come up with a solution. They would create a great lie to determine the owner of the Holy Grail. Seven magi, called Masters, would be picked out to fight for the Holy Grail. They were told that the Holy Grail would grant them any wish they desire. Each magus was given a servant, a heroic spirit of the past. these masters and servants would fight until only one pair remained. The defeated servants' energy would fill the holy Grail, giving it power to work with. These families would then go to war every 60 years in an attempt to obtain the Holy Grail. The Masters, while powerful magi each, were not the ones that do the fighting. The ones that fought were the Servants. Each servant is a Heroic Spirit, a great warrior from the past summoned by the Holy Grail to battle. They were also promised one wish should they win. Each servant was assigned a class. Archer Assassin Berserker Caster Lancer Rider Saber A servant is randomly assigned a class that fits them. Now, the Fifth Holy Grail War has started, and by a twist of fate, time has diverged from its original course and new Masters and Servants have been chosen to fight for the Holy Grail.