Username: Nerevarine Country Name: Poland Human Name: Danica Zawisza Age: 18 (physical age since last rebirth) Gender: Female Birthday: 1025 AD (first birth); 1989 (most recent rebirth) Appearance: Poland currently stands at around 6ft, although she is on par with Russia when fully grown. She has brownish blonde hair that is cut just above her shoulders, dark brown eyes, very pale skin, and sports a very curvy body. Personality: Poland seems a bit air headed and aimless at first, little cares and a love of pure fun. She has a love of drinking, and is always there when a party is starting. However, years of death and rebirth have affected her mind, producing a dark side that manifests around those who have wronged her. She has almost a psychotic hatred for Russia die to their strained past, in which Poland has died 3 tInes as a result. Weaknesses: Kind of airheaded, still young in body, carelessness Strengths: scary darkside, no fear of death Likes: Wodka, sausage, parties, German girls, relaxing at home Dislikes: Russia, dying, Russia, war, Russia, Polish Language, Russia, did we mention Russia? Other: her catchphrase is "will there be drinks?"