Name: Jack Yatagarasu Age:9 Gender:Male Appearance: [url=] The face of a serious and competent mecha pilot, totally [/url] Personality: Jack is hyperactive and energetic in the extreme and basically believes himself to be a "Soldier of Justice!" and "Warrior for Peace!" among many other things, all of which require an exclamation point when spoken. While he's not quite naive enough to think of war as a game, he insists that being a Mechanical Frame Pilot requires things like coming up with names for your attacks and maneuvers that you can shout out during battle, talking to your mecha like it's a living thing and boldly announcing your arrival, preferably accompanied by a theme-song or a cool nickname. Regardless, he puts a lot of attention and time into caring for his mecha and training for battles and is not [i]quite[/i] as dense as he seems. Most of all, he longs to make friends, having often enough given up the chance in the past in order to focus on piloting. History: For as long as Jack or anyone who has known him can remember, he has been obsessed with giant robots in general and Mechanical Frames specifically and though his ideas on what it meant to be a pilot were a little strange his hunger for the subject allowed him to advance rapidly through school as long as he could keep mechanical frames in focus, though other areas of study barely held his interest. He immediately volunteered to be a Mechanical Frame Pilot in any way he could and practically begged until he was admitted to a pilot school despite his youth and inexperience. Mechanical Frame Appearance: [url=] Lots and lots of gun [/url] Weaponry Jack's Mechanical Frame is a unique customization meant to function as an anti-armor or anti-artillery Hunter-Killer, with most of its' systems designed for that role, though it also can be used for mid-to-long range fire support or skirmishing against enemy Mobile Frames. Laser Rifle- one of Jack's main armaments, this high-powered laser rifle is designed to melt through artillery emplacements and heavily armored mecha with equal ease and the ability to focus its' beam means its' effective at a variety of ranges. Gatling Piercer-This shoulder mounted weapon flips forward when in use and launches large armor piercing projectiles very rapidly. The intense heat it generates necessitates additional external heatsinks. Multi-Missile Launcher-A second shoulder mounted weapon capable of firing up to seven missiles at a time. Heat Breaker!-A secondary function to the mecha's external heatsinks that Jack has dubbed 'Heat Breaker'. the Mechanical Frame can focus all of the stored-up heat from its' weapons and core and vent it into a powerful, incinerating stream. While it's effective only at very short ranges and was initially meant as an emergency measure against over-heating, Jack often uses this unusual feature to compensate for his mecha's complete lack of close combat weaponry. Assault Rifle-Jack's sidearm is a mecha-sized assault rifle capable of firing in single-shot, burst or fully automatic. Sensor Array-The horn on Jack's Mecha's head is actually a sensor antenna capable of sending out scans in a wide range to find potential enemies and sync with Jack's weapon systems for more accurate targeting. It is even capable of using its' sensors to see through obstacles to prevent ambushes or hit through concealment. Jack's mecha actually has no real armor and shielding in order to make it maneuverable enough to outflank heavier mechas and get inside the blindspots of artillery emplacements despite its' heavy payload. Other than Heat Breaker, it has no close combat weapons.