[b]"You can't tell but I'm smiling back."[/b] Kiena laughed at that comment. She wasn't sure why, but she found it amusing that he had to verbally announce his facial expressions like that. [b]"Come to think of it...the hood doesn't really hinder my sight. I still managed to see you take a peak at me so I'd say I'm good to go. Many people think the hood hinders my vision but it doesn't. Not like any would think anyway. The black mass you see that covers my face is actually generated by this hood. It's a magic hood so I'm sure you can tell where I came from. I stole this hood couple years ago to be honest. I grew up on the streets so learning to steal was my only option. Didn't really have parents. Never met them anyway. Anyway, the hood is enchanted with dark magic. That is what gives me this dark appearance."[/b] Kiena nodded as he spoke, indicating that she was being attentive to what Astiroth was saying. She only asked one question, and now he was laying out his whole life story for her. The fact that he was so open about everything else only deepened her curiosity for what he hid behind the mask. Apart from that, she was also intrigued by their similar pasts. She had also grown up on the streets. Then again, so had most of the other Ironwolves, so it wasn't a huge revelation. [b]"This wolf is gonna make a nice coat."[/b] He seemed to be talking more to himself now, but she murmured her agreement nonetheless. [b]"Thanks. Not a lot of people think that because I prefer words that I can't fight. So thanks for the compliment. Your not bad yourself. Your quick on your feet."[/b] "Well, you know," Kiena puffed up her chest with pride, but let her voice carry with a casual tone like the compliment was no big deal. Astiroth had shared his life story, so she might as well offer him something in return. "I also grew up on the streets, as did many of the Wolves. I've been with them for a little over five years now, so I've learned a lot about fighting." She nimbly leaped over a large root in her path and then ducked under a low-hanging tree branch. "After training with such a talented group, what can you expect? I'm sure you'll be an ace fighter in no time too, Astiroth." She smirked at him good-humoredly. "You've already got some natural ability - you proved that today - and the Ironwolves can bring that out in you if you let them."