Ally had walked a few paces behind the whole way to the car, however she had dropped her shield of shadows altogether now. She was used to using them for frequent, short periods of time but this extended usage was starting to take its toll. Once they reached the car Ally had paused for a moment, she hasn't been in one for so long. Sure she had been in one as a kid at her foster home but ever since she'd been out on the streets she had not been able to afford nor needed a car. She carefully climbed in, pulling the door to a soft close next to her before putting on her seatbelt and facing the front. The car had one of them newly cleaned smells and she marvelled at its interior. She flinched as it roared into life but soon relaxed as they set off. Her gaze was glued to the view beyond the windows, it had been a while since she had last left town, there was never anything outside of it for her to see apart from the odd dealer who would make her travel on a series of buses to reach the destination. As the car pulled to a stop outside a house Ally moved her gaze back to the woman who had kindly drove them. She realised she still didn't know everyone's names here, neither did they know hers - which still wasn't a bad thing. She stumbled from the car and followed the woman to her door. As she took a step through the doorway she froze, never had she seen such beautiful interior! The foster home had been nothing like this and it's sleek clarity took her back. Ally glanced back at the others, wondering whether she should remove her foot ware for the fear of tarnishing the shiny wooden floors. She thought it only polite to do so and quickly slipped her overly worn and grubby trainers off on the mat. Her stomach rumbled at the mention of the kitchen, she had managed only one meal (if you could call it a meal) for the whole of the day. Despite her earlier thoughts of politeness she wasn't about to refuse the offer of free food and so rushed to find the kitchen. Once again as she entered her breath was almost taken away at the sophistication of the decor chosen. For a brief moment she felt it would be better left untouched, but her street nature quickly urged her to rage through the cupboards. And so she set to work trying to find something edible.