[b]The T-Intersection of Maynard and Fremont[/b] [i]“Can anyone get to McCoy!”[/i] It was Master Gunnery Sergeant Jameson, who was asking over the Comm-link, Jace soon realized as he slammed another fresh shredder magazine into his battle rifle. [b]"I'm working on it, sir!"[/b] He replied as dozens of little green globs of super-heated plasma streaked passed him barely, sizzling away at whatever was left of the warehouse behind him. Re-acquiring the Grunts via his scope, he soon noticed the dangerously large green glow of an overcharged plasma pistol. [b]"Shit!"[/b] Was all he could manage before throwing himself to the ground and rolling behind random metallic ammo crate that had been thrown from the warehouse behind him during the planet's glassing. More plasma began melting away the cargo box, as the overcharged shot crackled above him where he was stood just seconds before. He could feel the heat of it wash against his suit. He knew he couldn't stay there for long. Turning back to face his comrades, he noticed Tenjer taking a glancing shot of plasma to the side of his face. His helmet began to sizzle way and Jace could start to see burnt flesh. [b]"Tenjer!"[/b] He yelled over the three-way comm between himself, Brewer and the recently struck marine. Anders didn't have time to move toward him before the crate began to completely melt into slag. Rolling to his left, Anders quickly aimed his rifle as he lay prone on the sidewalk. Squeezing the trigger once more, another set of bullets were sent flying into one of the Grunts assaulting him, silencing its' sustained plasma fire. He turned to look at Tenjer, who was still under heavy fire. [b]"Tenjer, get your ass behind some damn cover! Brewer, we're going for McCoy, cover me and I'll cover you!"[/b] Pushing himself up off of the ground, he could see, in full view, the Zealot who had almost killed McCoy with a plasma grenade and was now striding toward his fallen comrade to finish the job. [b]"Oh, hell no!"[/b] He exclaimed, firing bullets into the patrol group to provide Brewer with a window to move. Then, moving quickly, he dived behind the husk of a burnt out car, narrowly escaping the hail of fresh plasma that had been sent to kill him. He opened up the detachment Comm-link. [b]"We're gonna need some immediate back up at Maynard and Fremont, I'm Oscar Mike to McCoy's position but these Covies have almost got me pinned!"[/b] He let off a few wild shots in his enemies' general direction, hoping to slow their rate of fire. [b]"Not to mention the big, ugly Zealot motherfucker making his way toward McCoy to finish the job!"[/b]