[IMG]http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/Blonde_moment/17b7c77a-5975-400e-aa44-3e37ef86cdbd_zpsf0b296cc.jpg[/img] SILVER VIPOINTE DISTRICT TWO - MASONRY 21 ... winner of the 69th Hunger Games ... Silver is a Hunger Games Victor from District 2, having won the 69th Hunger Games at the age of 15. Her name was announced at the reaping for the Quarter Quell, and she had asked all other female victors not to volunteer for her if she was chosen. Her mother works within the ‘Nut’ as a commander among the militant ranks, a severe and cruel woman she pushed Silver to be as barbaric and brutal as she could be. And her father trained Peacekeepers, and he was perhaps more cruel. They are proud to be in the Capitol’s pockets and believe it is a greatest honour to have a Victor as a daughter. Silver had a younger brother named Cobalt, and she adored him. He was reaped the following year and was slaughtered in the arena in a most haunting way, and each year Silver is forced to relive the graphic killing of her 13 year old brother. And it has started a serious unrest inside. And it is for that reason Silver yearns for the downfall of the Capitol. As for her parents, they are ashamed of young Cobalt and have since denied that he ever existed. For Silver, there is no one in two that she holds dear anymore. Silver won her Hunger Games by her talent with blades and her incredible speed and agility. She was part of the career pack and claimed eight kills in the arena, including the other three of the Career pack. She was admired for her svelte movements, and was labelled as a ‘dancer’ for the way she seemed to move when killing. From then on, Silver has never been the same. She matured very quickly, had to grow up quickly. She was originally proud to be a Victor, until her young brother was reaped and no one volunteered, then when he was killed, her allegiance changed. For mentoring your brother for a fight to the death is enough to change anybody. . . . [IMG]http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/Blonde_moment/KevinZegers_JamesSiriusPotter.jpg[/IMG] KAYGO OTTER DISTRICT 6 - TRANSPORTATION 19 ... winner of the 71st Hunger Games Kaygo is a Victor from District 6, having won the games the day before his 15th birthday. He volunteered at the reaping, to save his morphling addicted Uncle when his name was called. Kaygo is the third of four boys, but has always been independent of the others. From a young age, he and his eldest brother would train illegally, and learn to fight should they ever be reaped. He was raised to work in the baggage handling, and from this he gained some real strength. He has incredible upper body strength and it was this that led him to win his games. His mother is very sickly, having inhaled so many fumes over the years she has taken to her bed. Kaygo and his brothers work hard to provide everything, as his father is, like a lot of the District 6 inhabbitants, a Morphling addict. His uncle was the winner of the 58th Hunger Games, and ever since has battled with the addiction, trying to forget what had occurred in the arena. His father took to the painkiller when Kaygo was reaped and entered the Games. Kaygo has a very unstable relationship with his father because of this. Kaygo was at a disadvantage in the games as he had no experience with weapons. But his strength worked to his advantage, and he killed two tributes by crushing them with large boulders. Another he killed in a fist fight, before the Game makers decided to turn the arena into an inferno. They made a volcano errupt, and Kaygo was able to climb to a tree and hang there for a long time, whilst the remaining Tributes died in the attack. When the wave of lava passed, Kaygo jumped to floor and listened to the cannon's. But his final image of the arena was of one Tribute running and screaming, her skin aflame and melting before dying at his feet.