[b]26th Mid Year, Abarbbas, Pyandonea,[/b] Uldondil went immediately to the ships builders. There were enough of them to work on more than T’Mol, but the gigantic vessel dominated the port they had. He dropped a purse into the shipsbuilder’s hands. “King Orgnum desires that the facilities in Kituna Vos and Secula be restored to construct ships once more. One will use chitin from Morrowind and build ships for our allies, the other will build trade vessels to accommodate our expected supply. Abbarbas is to continue producing military vessels once T’Mol is completed. You are to train more craftsmen if need be.” “Many will come from retirement, High Admiral. The people do love building ships.” In this sentence the shipsbuilder had confidence. ------------------------------------------ [b]30th Mid Year Mournhold, the former capital of Morrowind. [/b] The past decades wasn’t really kind to this fair city, with the Red Mountain spewing flaming rocks on it, and the Argonians looting the city of all its riches. Under Oravos’ decree, Mournhold was reconstructed and was turned into one of the most formidable fortress cities Morrowind ever had. The port of Mournhold wasn’t as spectacular as the Akaviri inspired buildings inside the city. It was simple, yet serves its purpose exceedingly well as a trading hub and a shipyard. When the Maormer fleet approached Mournhold, the watchers immediately informed their King who was staying in Mournhold to oversee the arrival of the Akaviri in the coming days. The massive chains barricading the entrance to the port slowly lowered to the waters when the Maormer ships approached. When the chains was fully lowered, the ships were granted entry, and was directed to dock on the vacant piers. On the central pier dedicated to flagships was Oravos and a contingent of his elite Sentinels, waiting for the Maormer flagship [i]The Ash Crab[/i] to dock. The men alongside Oravos was wearing an Ebony set of Ordinator armor, and armed with Akaviri styled weapons enchanted by the King himself. Oravos who stood in the middle of the group wore his famed Daedric armor and Wraithguard. His blade Trueflame was sheathed on his right, but can still be seen to emit faint traces of flame. The group of Dunmer waited until the Maormer flagship stopped before the platform they were standing on. Hierdan "Five Tongues" Nemuar was nowhere nearly as armoured as the men he was meeting with today. He wore a full headdress comprised of bright coloured feathers, woven silks, glazed and polished chitin, and fine metals. Beneath is headdress was quite possibly the only red head of hair in all of Pyandonea. On his chest was an usekh bearing Anurbis and Pyan-Do-Mai, beneath it a robe detailing the many Maormer Ancestor Spirits. Hierdan had never seen Morrowind before. Orgnum’s previous translator had before he died two hundred years ago, and described it differently than what Hierdan saw before him. He was expecting more ash, more fire, more vulcan everything. What did catch his eye was the Akaviri architecture. He would definitely ask about that. As [i]The Ash Crab[/i] docked Hierdan looked at Oravos and his men. Dunmer’s skin seemed to much in opposition to Maormer. He couldn’t help but wonder what cursed them to be so… he would say ugly but Hierdan had a fascination with exotic cultures which made him view few races as ugly. Oravos caught his immediate attention. Nerevarine. Reincarnate. God Killer. He waited at the platform for Oravos’ invitation. This one needed care. Upon seeing Hierdan aboard, Oravos, accompanied by two of his guards, moved forward towards the ship. Oravos walked in a relaxed manner while taking quick glances on the ships of the Maormer.He  was deeply impressed by the sight of the ships, he knew to himself that his people won’t attain such skill to possibly match the Maormer’s, but one can freely dream they can right? Now just a few steps close the ship, one of Oravos’ security shouted clearly towards the flagship [i]The Ash Crab[/i]. “Oravos the Nerevarine, King of Morrowind and Hortator of the Great Houses, wishes the Mer of Pyandonea a warm welcome. Feel free to dock and roam the city as you please, for our King have gathered the finest goods in our land, in preparation for your arrival.” says the guard before returning to Oravos side. When the previous one finished speaking, the other guard stepped forward and spoke. “Our King wishes to seek audience with the King of Pyandonea, or if not, the Leader of this expedition.” Hierdan was gripping a ring on his right hand. It was a special ring that he was to gift to the Dumner King should he prove himself and his people worthy. Before he could respond, however, it grew hot and Hierdan was surprised that someone would be using its power so quickly. T’Mol’s construction must have focused on the communications chambers. A mist began to roll from the ship, and forward strode King Orgnum to place a hand on Hierdan’s shoulder. His dark elven armour, made from an ore unseen to Tamriel, glistened with the image of a serpent raging against a storm. Pyandonean script dominated the other parts, his staff coiled visibly around his arm. On his right hand was a very similar ring to the one Hierdan had. He took Hierdan’s ring and thanked his translator. Turning to the guard, he announced. “I am King Orgnum of Pyandonea, and accept your gracious invitation to the rich and wondrous lands of the powerful and proud Dunmer people. My people will humbly trade the goods they have brought for your rich wares. We have prepared many of our own foods, including the special dish your emissary was so fond of, as a show of good will towards the meeting.” Orgnum spotted the Akavir styles and was puzzled. Akavir this far and he had not heard word in the history books or from his spies…. the King Oravos was keen. His crew disembarking with goods, people, and magic research, Orgnum approached Oravos. His beard almost found the ground save for a slight puff of air he conjured to keep it clean. It was all that kept it from being dirty when he bowed. “In my land a greeting is done over a meal. What is your tradition so that my people may meet it as yours have met mine?” He asked in an honourable and firm tone. Oravos moved forward through the middle of his two guards, separating them and revealing his form to Orgnum's view. Oravos stood still for a few seconds before Orgnum, letting the image of the immortal King of Pyandonea sink into his mind. After a rather awkward seconds of silence, Oravos speaks, while lifting his right hand towards Orgnum, gesturing a handshake. "I'm Oravos king of Morrowind. It is an honor to be of your presence King Orgnum, its not everyday that I see a wise and respectable person in Tamrielic land, I am truly honored to meet you in person" He says to the immortal King of the Maormer. Orgnum took the hand of Oravos in his. The grip was firm, and his pale Maormer skin contrasted perfectly with that of the dark Dunmer’s skin. Orgnum detected the sincerity in Oravos’ voice and could not help but smile faintly. The Dunmer King was smart and polite, suffering not from the impatience of youth Orgnum was sure he’d encounter more and more often with the other races. “I am equally honoured, King Oravos, to meet someone like yourself. Powerful and just, yet uncorrupted by that power. It is not, indeed, that ones such as ourselves often meet.” He let go the firm handshake, his people unloading their goods in a bustle behind him. Many eyes were on the two ageless elves at the dock, but Orgnum was entirely focused on the King in front of him. Having his hand released from the handshake, Oravos lifted it again, and gestured it towards the gate behind him leading to the courtyard of the keep. "I'd like to show you around King Orgnum, if its alright with you. Morrowind changed drastically in the recent years, I'm sure you'll be interested in the change my people went through." he says before leading the Orgnum and Heirdan away from the dock, and inside the city walls. The group was followed by a small detachment of their guards, but none of them appeared to be alert, rather, they were relaxed. Once they entered the courtyard,the first thing that the group sees is a group of Redoran guardsmen, sparring with each other with real blades, instead of wooden ones made for practice. The guardsmen weren't holding back with their blade, and can be observed that every strike has the intent of killing their sparring partner. Seeing that the sparring caught Orgnum’s attention, Oravos spoke. "Fighting is a constant in life, and to hold back means that you're suppressing the true power you are capable of. Our men doesn't hesitate to strike his friend or brother with a killing blow, they are trained with techniques gathered from far away lands that no man in Tamriel has seen before. That knowledge in warfare is something that our people wishes to share with yours, if you wish to accept it King Orgnum." says Oravos before a loud clang of metal echoes in the courtyard's confines. A Redoran guardsman parrying a sword's blow from his shoulder only by using a bonemold bracer caused the sound. It was lucky for him to block the blow with a bracer, but nonetheless, impressive in the eyes that saw it. Orgnum exhaled sharply like one surprised by what they had seen. “Impressive, truly. I humbly accept your offer. Our men would be highly honoured to be trained by your own, and that you openly offer it is very generous of you.” The King continued watching the Redoran guardsmen for a few seconds. Their devotion reminded him of his Satakanimeri. Moving past the practice grounds in the courtyard, the group moves into the small market area for the nobles residing in Mournhold. Stalls filled with rings, bracelets and necklaces embedded with precious gems can be found sitting on  soft velvet cushions in the open. Clothing made from the finest silk in Tamriel was also exhibited and hanged for the group to see. Everything in the area screamed nobility and royalty, perfect for person Oravos was showing around. "Our lands are rich with minerals that most of Tamriel cannot obtain in large amounts. Our smiths and craftsmen are well educated about dealing will all sorts of metals in Nirn, that their knowledge and skills are envied by many" says Oravos while signalling a servant to move to Orgnum's direction, carrying a pillow with exquisitely designed accessories fit for a king. "Please take it as sign of our good intentions to your people." added by Oravos before gesturing the party to move into the keep, and towards the dining hall. Orgnum chose an ebony bracer to remind him of the firm handshake he’d experienced earlier. After receiving the ebony bracer, the group went and entered the keep, before heading to the dining hall. Upon entering the royal dining room of Mournhold, a long wooden table filled with every high class meals in Morrowind revealed itself to the group. From seared Nix-Hound steaks with Marshmerrow dressing, to the aged Kwarma eggs garnished with roasted Saltrice, it was the dream of any Dunmeri food connoisseur made reality. The two powerful figures was ushered into the ivory seats on both ends of the table, with a variety of food laid before them. Once the Oravos and Orgnum were seated, only two of each of their bodyguards remained with them, standing behind the seat of the Lord they were protecting. "I've been informed by my emissary that you have an exquisite taste in food, I hope what Morrowind's delicacies can be satisfying as the ones your people make." says Oravos before nodding to one of his servants to pour a Dagoth Brandy on a cup beside Orgnum's empty plate. “I’m pleased that my emissary did his job well and told you of our interests with your people, I hope that you found Morrowind as promising as the words that my emissary said. If you wish to explore the lands to see what our province can offer further, just say so, and I’ll make the necessary preparations..” For the first time since his arrival Orgnum's face did not betray a slight smile. "I must decline your offer, much to my own dissatisfaction, for I am meeting with the Altmer high king tomorrow. However, to make up for my sudden departure I can take a message from Morrowind to him if you wish." He waited for a reply before tasting the Dagoth Brandy. Oravos was taking his time, and any mortal would likely become impatient to not be at talks already. Orgnum was simply enjoying the tour, and the time away from it all. He'd waited longer for much, much, less. “I see.. if you wish to explore the lands of Morrowind in the future, you need only to say so, we would be honored to show you around in our lands.” replied by Oravos before speaking again. He knew enough formalities was said, and they weren’t getting to the main agenda of their meeting, prolonging this show would be very improper. “In my days in Akavir, I have seen the people there work together to achieve a common goal, something that I rarely saw on Tamriel in my past travels. People usually don’t get along if they don’t share something in common, which is why I wish to extend the opportunities Morrowind can offer to the people of Pyandonea.” He says before taking a gulp from his cup filled with the same brandy Orgnum was drinking. “I wish to bring our people closer King Orgnum, if not as allies, then as friends at least.” Orgnum was at ease in Morrowind. Their people seemed to be just like his people if not for their complete contrast in skin and environment. He finished the brandy, and procured a small box. Within it was a ring very similar to his own but bearing the Moon and Star instead of the serpent. "I agree with your assessment, and that is why I have come to you. We both understand what is at risk, and what we wish to gain. I will be direct with you because you have shown yourself as an equal. It is my desire that a government be established to guide Tamriel without ruling over it. Representatives from each race will comprise it, with immortals hedging their short ambition. No country will serve this government, it will serve the countries. It will also govern research into undoing Lyrkhat's treachery, thus eliminating godhood among mortals by restoring us all to our place in the heavens. This is my dream, but it is not why I came to your lands. Say so now and I will never speak of it again." The Maormer paused to give Oravos time to respond to this idea, and then moved to the other topics. "I and my people desire an alliance with Morrowind and her people. Everything your emissary brought to me can easily be initiated in addition to this. Open trade, cooperation between our people, and the upholding of mutual interests are all to our benefit. I will inform you that it is very likely my people will war with the Yokudans of Hammerfell. And yours?." “Eliminating godhood..” Oravos repeats the words beneath his breath, his thoughts forces him to recall the events in the past. Dagoth Ur and Almalexia’s death, Vivec’s departure, it all came back to him. Before he could speak his mind about Orgnum’s vision, something in the air seals his lips, as if stopping him from saying another word. When Oravos regained his ability to speak, Orgnum had already spoken matters that involved Morrowind and Hammerfell. “It is an honor to hear those words King Orgnum, I assure you this alliance will undoubtedly bring prosperity to both of our kingdoms” says Oravos before raising his cup full brandy above his face proposing a toast. Returning the gesture, Orgnum continued speaking lightly. He passed the box to Oravos. “Inside that box is a ring; a symbol of our alliance should you accept. That ring will allow my allies to teleport small amounts of goods, letters, and themselves, to and from an ongoing project I have. It is a floating island that is to serve as a mobile embassy and harbor for the ships and troops of my allies and I. It is not completed yet, and thus the teleportation chambers are not functional, but the ring will signal you when it is. When my project, called T’Mol, is completed, the ring will grow both warm and cold. If someone wishes to teleport themselves or anything to you, the ring will grow warm. If you are summoned to T’Mol for urgent news and council, the ring will grow cold. But, please, before you accept it and our alliance, give some consideration to what I have said. My people would call upon yours for aid in Hammerfell, and I wish to know if my people can aid in any military endeavours of your own. Neither of us is foolish enough to agree to a military pact without first knowing the military status of each other. For my other proposition, consider it and return to me your decision when you are ready to. My dream is quite far away on the calendar.” Orgnum was anxious on the inside now. His offer had been made, and in nothing more than a polite inquiry. Outside, he was friendly and relaxed. He would have felt completely so if not for revealing his agenda to someone else for the first time under such circumstances. Oravos took the box and opened it, the appearance of the ring reminded him of the one he was wearing right now. He takes it and holds it near a candle, carefully studying the details on the ring. Oravos then looked at Orgnum, his eyes studying the face of the immortal King with much interest. He knew Orgnum wasn’t stupid not to notice the Eastern touches on the city, keeping it from him would not only strain the alliance, but the trust of Orgnum, if he speaks about it first. “I know you’ve already noticed the Akaviri influences in this city and in Tear, you‘re probably asking questions in your head already.” he says before placing the ring into his left palm, securing it from view for a while. “I’ve been in Akavir in the past centuries, gathering knowledge and information of the country that Tamriel fears. Never have I suspected that I’ll also gain a friend, that is now turning Morrowind into something other than the burning province I’ve seen in my visions.” Oravos clears his throat before taking a healthy swig from his cup. “Morrowind is covertly supporting the Akaviri invasion by providing them a staging ground on attacking the other provinces. In return, all we ask of them is their support on our endeavours, whether it be military or economic.” Oravos takes another gulp from the cup, before speaking again. “What you’ve just heard is something in return for the honesty you’ve given me King Orgnum, alliances aren’t made with people lying on each other’s faces.” Orgnum coughed with surprise. “An invasion of Tamriel? An invasion of Tamriel…. This is acceptable to Pyandonea. I do not wish to be presumptuous but do you believe that Pyandonea could ally itself with this invasion? We would support Morrowind wholly in the same ways Akavir does for mutual support of course. Pyandonea will not need economic support, however, as my coffer supplies all the gold we need and will support Morrowind as well.” He lifted an eyebrow curiously to Oravos. “Perhaps the Dunmer will be the first people other than our own to step foot onto Pyandonea.” Orgnum took another drink of the brandy. He thought he’d trade a bottle of Abbarbas’ Misty Waters for his own bottle of Dagoth Brandy. Oravos smirked beneath the mask he was wearing, as if something just went in place in a puzzle he was solving. “I’m sure Akavir wouldn't hesitate to accept Pyandonea as an ally, your people proved yourself as people of honor and trust, and every Akaviri respects those factors.” Oravos says before taking out a small medallion beneath the robe he cloaked over his armor. He hands the medallion to his servant, to place before Orgnum’s side of the table. “It is a symbol of Morrowind’s trust, if you wish to pursue an alliance with Akavir and meet with the head general, that might help.” The medallion was carved from a metal not local to Tamriel, in the middle was an Akaviri inscription which if read by someone who speaks the tongue, can decipher the word [i]Friend[/i]. “Also, to prove our dedication to this alliance, my people will send troops to support your endeavours against Hammerfell. May this help tilt the balance of power to your favor King Orgnum.” He says before taking the ring given to him and inserts it into his right middle finger, fully accepting what Orgnum offered to Morrowind. Orgnum studied the medallion. His translators were almost purely diplomats and confidants these days as he’d learned the Akaviri language long ago. The inscription tickled him but he kept serious. He pocketed the token. “My deepest thanks to you, King Oravos. Our agreement is set, then, and our people will flourish as long as it stands. I will send Hierdan promptly to contact the Akavir and [i]The Ash Crab[/i] is yours should you wish to keep it. With our negotiations concluded I must take my leave after dinner and….” he calculated something in his head, “A brief tour of the city. Alinor and its King Aelid make demand of my presence tomorrow. Is there anything you wish the Altmer to know, while my service is offered?” Outside, at the docks, his transport had fully divulged itself of Orgnum’s troops. His mages had met with the Dunmer’s, ores were being traded, and chitin was being loaded into the now vacant transport. “You have our gratitude King Orgnum, [i]The Ash Crab[/i] will be Morrowind’s flagship from this day onward.” says Oravos before bowing his head lightly in respect. “There’s nothing we wish to relay to the Altmers, but thanks for bringing up the offer. Now that everything is settled, let us indulge ourselves with the food on the table, I’m sure you’ll like the food we’ve prepared for you.” Oravos says it before lifting the helmet off of his head, he rarely removes it and Orgnum would probably the first to see his face directly in two hundred years. [b]1st Sun's Height, 4E 205 Abbarbas, Pyandonea[/b] High Admiral Uldindol paced about furious that his Captain had made such a decision on his own. They knew little about the status of Tamriel's countries, what alliances they had made, or the naval powers. Blast it all, the Altmer could open fire in hatred! His people had been on alert for several days now, and he gazed stiffly at the bay through his window. Still, if the captain managed to start a ceasefire...... he was interrupted by a sharp knock at the door. “Sir, news from the battlegroup! They've aided 200 Altmer vessels and taken the waters of Stros M'Kai! Half of our vessels sustained damage, seven of those sunk. The Altmer fleet has agreed to resupply them in exchange for holding position until reinforcements arrive. Additionally, their ceasefire with us is being negotiated. The Captain has agreed to this.” Uldindol was genuinely shocked. The Altmer? Had they changed so much? And that fool captain making decisions on his own. He wrestled with the idea of sending his fleet to Summurset. Surely the bulk of their navy was at Stros M'Kai. “What of the Yokudans?” “They retreated with roughly fifty ships, High Admiral. Their vessels appear to be inferior to our own by a factor of 3:1.” An unofficial ceasefire with the Altmer, possibly a war with the Yokudans. Whatever King Orgnum was negotiating with the High Elves. Uldindol rubbed his pale chin thoughtfully. This was a mess. ------------------------------- [b]1St Sun’s Height Abarbbas, Pyandonea[/b] Orgnum sat at his throne, going over his people’s needs and wants. The greedy Captain himself had just stepped in to deliver the news of the battle. He stood tall in his finest uniform, a perfect polish on the chitin adornments. The Captain expected a large and well deserved promotion. Beside Orgnum stood High Admiral Uldondil whose skin colour spoke of disdain and wrath at the sight of the Captain. Ognum’s visage was blank. The Maormer King finished with his civil duties and stood, not yet looking at the Captain. He motioned for the sailor to step forward while straightening his robe. Another motion told the Captain to deliver his report. The Captain gave a quick glance towards Uldondil before starting. “I have negotiated a ceasefire with the Altmer, sir. We aided them in the battle for Stros M’Kai, losing seven ships and another eight taking damage, while they suffered almost one hundred and twenty losses. The Yokudans lost two hundred ships, and the island is open for siege. The Altmer will share the island in trade for our aid in taking the island. My ships are restocked by the Altmer ready for reinforcement and relief. At your order I will sail a fleet north.” The Captain mostly suppressed a smile, expecting praise to come. Instead, Orgnum raised his brow silently. He wet his lips before speaking slowly and evenly. “Your report, Captain, is missing some key details.” “Details, sir?” “Yes, details. Details such as your orders to return after clearing the waters no farther north than Woodhearth. Your disobedience to those orders. Your willingness to take it upon yourself to choose which allies and enemies I should have.” At this the Captain cut in, “Sir, your intention was to ally with the Altmer. I have done nothing but expe-“ A slap and hiss from the King silenced the Captain. Orgnum began walking around the Captain. “Your report leaves out your lack of discipline, and disregard for the chain of command. You are not of the political caste. You do not negotiate. You were a Captain, a sailor in [b]my[/b] navy under my orders. Who is to say that I should ally myself with the Altmer witnessing what is likely a large portion of their fleet being destroyed? You, after losing half of your own ships in unfriendly waters? No,” the King said , now behind the Captain and drawing his dagger, “You do not make such decisions. I relieve you of your burden, Captain.” At the last word Orgnum plunged the dagger through the former Captain’s lower skull and directly into his brain. The elf was dead in less than a second. The Wizard King turned to his High Admiral, whose satisfaction was evident. “Dispatch the necessary ships to Stros M’Kai. We cannot suddenly be known to go back on our word, especially violently. The Dominion is weak, but we mustn’t make enemies too soon.” “And Hammerfell, sir?” “Lost to us as an ally, thanks to our dear captain. Accelerate our other plans instead. I will meet with the Altmer High King today. We shall see how well he stands up to the Nerevarine’s impressive display. Perhaps this can be made into a successful venture without the Yokudans.” ----------------- [b]3rd Sun's Height Thorn, Black Marsh Hierdan leaning over the rail of the ship he’d been on for almost a week now. After stopping at Mournhold he was sent south to Tear to speak to the Akaviri instead. The sudden appearance of Orgnum had unsettled him. For the past day he’d followed the Akaviri fleet into Black March… another unsettling event. As Thorn approached on the horizon, Hierdan returned to his study. Akaviri had probably changed over the last era, but he’d be masterful in all of it that he knew. Signals went up from the docks eventually, and Hierdan prepared himself. He’d never seen any of the Akaviri races before in person. Drawings and descriptions were all he had. His ship slowed and docked at Thorn, revealing himself to the new residents. “Masters, Captain Matiyahu, Lord Ildoryn, Commander Xing,” a Tang Mo messenger rushed into the meeting room. He had clearly just came in from a sprint. “We have foreign ships docking at the port, they requested to see you.” “What?” Xing questioned, he looked over to Ildoryn, who just returned an equally confused gaze. “Alright, follow me people. Let’s see who these visitors are.” At the docks was a large ship, hull constructed from chitin. It was similar to those docked in Tear, except this one was far more imposing in scale and appeared to be well built. The crewmen of this ship were elves, elves with exotic skin colors unseen in the descriptions of Tamriel. Then he realized, there were the sea elves of legend, who supposedly made contact with Akavir more than an era ago. “Greeting foreigners,” Xing hailed, shouting to the elven sailors. “I am the commander here, what do you seek of us?” “I am Hierdan Nemuar, translator to King Orgnum of Pyandonea.” Hierdan raised a hand containing the Akaviri medallion he’d obtained from Orgnum before leaving to Xing, his voice jolly in its usual manner. “Once I was called “Five Tongues” by your people long ago. King Orgnum is in Morrowind securing an alliance with the Dunmer, and I am here to do the same with your people. I bring this medallion as a symbol of faith from Morrowind.” Hierdan was only partly lying when he said that he was called “Five Tongues”. It [b]was[/b] Orgnum’s translator who’d been called thus by Akavir, but that elf had died many many years ago. Still, the nickname stuck and every translator was given it. He was surprised by the mixed appearances of the Akaviri. [i]”That one was Tang Mo,”[/i] he thought of the messenger, [i]”And this one is Tsaesci.”[/i] The snakelike lower half of Captain Matiyahu, though he didn’t know the Tsaesci’s name, it did amuse him in that his own people considered themselves descendent of the serpent. A coincidence he wouldn’t bring up for the sake of the joke. Matiyahu shifted uncomfortably at the Maormer’s gaze, something about these sea elves just didn’t feel right to him. Xing, however, ignored the looks on their faces and decided to continue their dialogue. “I do not have the authorities to speak for the Thousand Isles or Akavir,” it was true, a decision of this magnitude would require the Assembly’s approval. But, a cooperation on the field, between men of actions was something he could see without a room full of bickering politicians. “However, your presence here would indicate our goals to be similar, perhaps a brief collaboration of forces for the common purpose of conquest?” Hierdan nodded, thinking rapidly. If all went well at each front Pyandonea could advance its goals considerably. If not, they had at least gained one ally and potentially another. “Yes, a brief collaboration of forces as you say. At what time could Pyandonea meet with a representative who could speak for such an agreement? Furthermore, how may we collaborate at this time?” His completely white eyes were fascinated with the people he’d not seen before, but he kept them from wandering. “Commander, you wouldn’t possibly think of collaborating with these savages?” Matiyahu turned from uncomfortable to plain distain. “That is not a decision for you to judge,” Xing dismissed, he never liked this Dragonguard, and he wouldn’t let Matiyahu disrupt an opportunity like this. “Captain, your Dragonguards are on shift for watch duty, you should join them now.” “Forgive me, the Captain will not act out of order again” the Tang Mo apologized. “Back to the matters at hand. I assume your fleet would be positioned in the south, which would form a pinching attack combined with our soldiers from the north. I have seen a city called Lilmoth, this place should a sea port for your people to mount an assault.” Ildoryn stood with his arms crossed over his chest, his attention was distracted by the appearance of the Maormer ship, which is why he remained silent up to now. He didn’t have the authority to speak at the matter that presented itself, but he was curious to inquire about the progress made in Mournhold. “Tell me Hierdan, what transpired on the meeting in Mournhold?” “Our forces will be there in a couple of days to take the Argonians by surprise.” Hierdan stated. He wanted to ask again when Pyandonea could meet someone from Akavir to begin negotiations, but a Dunmer voice cut into his thoughts. “Ah, and you are?” He asked politely, unsure of how long he’d missed the man’s presence in his fascination with the exotic species in front of him. “I’m Ildoryn Sarano, Lord of Tear and right hand of the King of Morrowind. Its been days since the scouting party informed us of the arrival of King Orgnum, I’m just curious to what transpired on the meeting of our Kings.” replied by Ildoryn. “So we are each other!” Hierdan said, completing the last phrase of a Maormer children’s song. “As for your question, King Oravos and King Orgnum got along very well. I’ven’t witnessed him in such good spirits while negotiating as he was just a few days ago. A full cooperation between Morrowind and Pyandonea was agreed to. The deal your emissary came back with was only altered in that our countries will support each other militarily and economically as well.” His voice was full and smooth saying these things. Then he swatted at an errant mosquito native to Black Marsh and cursed its lineage. If there was one thing Xing could agree with these Maormers, it was that the creatures of Black Marsh were indeed obnoxious. This will be the ground they negotiate on, one of common enemies, to quash everything from bugs to lizards. “Very well Hierdan,” Xing nodded to emissary. “While your navy takes Lilmoth, you king could negotiate with our leaders. Akavir is far from this land, and travelling there would only hinder our progress. However, General Abasi-Kil is currently based on Ynslea, a little more than a week’s journey for your vessels. If you could wait another week on Ynslea, our leaders could travel there from Akavir.” “As a counter proposal,” Hierdan started, “King Orgnum could make for Ynslea in a week’s time to arrive when your leaders do. Is this acceptable?” “That would be well,” the monkeyfolk answered. Though he wasn’t sure how the general, or the Assembly, or whatever governments other Eastern Nations had think. As one man, Xing just couldn’t move mountains by himself. In this case, he would have to trust the decision makers back home. “I will send a magickal message to General Abasi-Kil and to the Assembly of the Thousand Isles, they will be glad for your audience” Ildoryn who kept silent after hearing the Maormer publicly say Morrowind’s allegiance to Pyandonea, suddenly glance to S’arah, who also kept her silence during the meeting. Before anyone from the group noticed Ildoryn move, he slipped a small piece of paper into S’arah’s paws before speaking. “Now that’s settled, I wish to head to my chambers, I’m sure you’ll have no need of my presence here.” The Dunmer briskly walked away from the docks, leaving S’arah to deal with an informal invitation to dinner. ------------------ [b]Actions[/b] Reactivate two shipyards Orgnum teleports to Morrowind only due to the ring he gave Hierdan Pact with Morrowind sealed. Orgnum teleports back with the ring he took from Hierdan Hierdan to Thorn, Black Marsh. Temporary agreement with Akaviri to help take Black Marsh. Negotiations to come later. Morrowind soldiers to Pyandonea for military aid. Ships and goods to return to Pyandonea from Morrowind. Hierdan to return with ships.