As all the chaos in the fighting took place Tenjer suddenly felt his face burning, a plasma bolt that hit him in the head had melted off part of his helmet and his face was left partly burned. He flinched for a split second, but you had to be tough to be an ODST so he didn't roll over and groan like a normal marine would. He clenched his teeth tight though to try to control the pain, and let off another burst as he did so killing one more grunt. Just then Jameson asked over the com who can get to McCoy, once Ander's answered Tenjer said "So am I sir!". Suddenly though he heard Ander's yell at Tenjer to get in cover while ordering Brewer to help save McCoy. Tenjer replied in the three way com-link "You ain't taking me out of the fight that easy", though he did roll over behind a nearby empty barrel. He looked over his cover and began firing again on the Covenant, specifically aiming at the Zealot who was starting to make his way to McCoy. He hoped that he could either slow him down, or distract him.