Jangel, you don't have to constantly name your character when you're in third person. For example: [quote]Angelo sighed a little shrugging letting him go. He just needed to be alone for a while [/quote] Is completely fine since you used a quote to make it directly know who you're reply to. If you don't howver you may write it differently to make it known that Wes is the subject. Like I said that part was fine. However: [quote]Angelo said softly not letting him hear since Angelo want going to make him do anything he didn't want to. Angelo gently pet Mark so Angelo could forget about Wes exploding on him [/quote] Is fine however it looks messy. This is mainly due to you constantly repeating Angelo's name as the subject. This isn't neccesary since one you establish that he is the subject of the sentence, paragraph etc. you can replace his name with other things such as him, he or something of the same context. Another thing is the way you handle your narrative but that's less messy than the way you handle the subject. Don't mean to be offensive in any way by posting this - though I could see how you could be - so don't take it personally. I just feel that it's better practise the try and explain what I feel isn't quite right than leaving it or just complaining.