[u][b]Character Pairs List:[/b][/u] [hider=Linara and Vultog] [b][u]Vultog: Portrayed by SwordfishKnight[/b][/u] Full Name: Vultog Nicknames:None Race: Orc-Elf Gender: Male Age: 18 Hair: Long flowing shoulder length black hair. Skin: Light green. Eyes: two different colors, the left eye being green and the right blood red. Height: 6’4” Weight: 160 lbs Place of Birth: Vultog was born in the mountains, near a mining plant. In the village, race did not matter, only strength and camaraderie. Appearance: While Vultog inherited his fighting spirit from his mother, he inherited his looks, at least in his face, from his father. His skin is light peach, with a green tint to the skin, in his mouth, he has two relatively small fangs. He is well built due to his mother’s training. His eyes are two different colors, his left eye being green and representing his father, while his right eye is red and represents his mother. Occupation in the frontier forces: Diplomat, Guardian for Linara Gear of choice: Vultog owns a sword named Fortune of the Gods. It is a large, serrated broadsword, almost the size of him, and was given for his bravery in war, the blade is constantly kept in a leather sheath that he carries, and is wrapped in cloth to prevent rust and other problems. He wears a pair of leather pants, as well as a cloak to cover his face. Positive Personality Traits: Can realize intentions and has a good set of morals, knowing who not to attack, and will help injured or people in trouble. Negative Personality Traits: Attacks who he thinks may be evil. Misc. Quirks: Enjoys the thrill of fighting trolls and other large creatures, if only for the danger it brings. Likes: Fighting, killing bandits. Dislikes: Spiders and Humans. Hobbies: Enjoys sewing clothing in spare time, and taming animals. Paired character: Linara(Strudel) Connection with paired character: Vultog is a guardian for Linara, hired by her parents, after rescuing her from a bandit attack while she was traveling to the mining plant. Fantastico. History: Vultog was born to an elvish father and an orcish mother. Before he could walk, his mother was already training him in weapons. By the time he could speak, his father was teaching him eloquent words. By the time he was sixteen, he joined in a battle against ferocious beasts. He lost his best friend to one of these beasts, one that resembled a massive spider. After the battle, he received Fortune of the Gods, for his extreme bravery. When he left his parents to live on his own, he became a vigilante, protecting the roads that the gem miners used to transport cargo from gem mines, from bandits and robbers. One day, while he was watching over the roads, a carriage carrying the daughter of the owners of the company, was attacked by a large group of bandits. Vultog defended them until they got away, killing most of the bandits in the process. After hearing of the rescue, The parents of the daughter hired him to protect the daughter, and he has been serving them since. ------ [b][u]Linara Samachi:[/b][/u] Portrayed by Strudel Full Name: Linara Samachi Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 17 Hair: Brown Skin: Pale Eyes: Blue Height: 5’2 Weight: 45kg Place of Birth: Linara was born in the north of Veruulis where she spent much of her early childhood in a large castle hidden away in a frozen valley. Her family later moved to a large manor house just south of the mountains when she was in her early teens. Appearance: At 5’2 Linara is a fairly average height for her age, though a little thinner than healthy. She has a very pale complexion mostly from her time spent in the north getting very little sunlight and spending most of her time indoors. Her hair is dark brown, very long but well kept. She normally allows it to flow loosely behind her but will sometimes tie it up for formal occasions. She is fairly pretty with an angular face and light blue eyes yet she can still be somewhat intimidating when annoyed. Occupation in the frontier forces: The Samachi Mining Company have paid a large sum of money for her to join the expeditionary forces. They hope that she can establish deals with the frontier teams to trade gems and take control the market before other companies can gain a market share. Gear of choice: (include clothing, armor, weapons etc. if applicable.) Linara uses a rapier as her weapon of choice. Her parents paid for her to be trained in dueling from a very early age. She has become very proficient with her blade and will often use it alongside her magic in a fight. Much to her teachers despair, Linara often neglects the use of actual armour and prefers to wear normal clothes or dresses. As a result much of her clothing has been fitted with light padding though it is unlikely to stop anything but a glancing blow. Positive Personality Traits: Confident, Sensible, Reliable Negative Personality Traits: Arrogant, Irritable Misc. Quirks: Has a tendency to flatter to those superior to her Likes: Time alone, Practicing magic, Organisation Dislikes: Inexperience, Hobbies: Dueling Paired character: Vultog Connection with paired character: Vultog has been hired by Linara’s parents to protect her. She is not best pleased with this. Fantastico History: Linara was born in a mountain range to the north of Veruulis where she spent much of her childhood. It became clear to her parents early on that Linara had an affinity for ice magic and they hired the best mages money could buy to hone her talent. When they eventually moved south of the mountains Linara was just entering her early teens and her magic was flourishing. The vast wealth of her parents allowed to her access to all possible avenues of learning and she prided herself in being the best she could be. Despite a near limitless supply of money, Linara often found herself alone in her the families large manor house. Her parents spent much of their time away taking care of the families gem mining business and Linara was left with the servants and house guard for company. It was in this time that the captain of the house guard took it upon himself to teach the young girl to duel. Using a couple of sticks and later blunted ceremonial swords, the captain taught Linara the basics of combat and in time her skill in the area became more than adequate. When the guard captain eventually retired to the south of Veruulis, he presented Linara with a finely crafted dueling rapier of her own. Linara loved the sword, though now she had no one to practice with she found herself alone again with little to do. To make matters worse, The Samachi Mining Company had become the prime target for bandits. Her parents were around less than ever and on the rare occasions they did return they were both restless and aggravated. In an attempt to escape the boredom and hostility of the manor, Linara asked to take on some of the families work. After all, she was the heiress to the company. Her parents responded by sending her to some of the more local towns hoping she would find more customers for gems. This was dull but surprisingly easy work as gems were always in high demand from mages. However, it was returning from one of these trips that her carriage was attacked by bandits hoping make a fortune by kidnapping her. Linara and her small guard put up a good fight but they were vastly outnumbered and under equipped. Then, just as it seemed the bandits would win, a half orc intervened, fending off the attackers brutal skill and efficiency. Once they returned to the family manor, Linara’s parents decided to hire to young half orc as her permanent guardian… Despite Linara’s protests that she could have take care of herself. [/hider] [hider=Shani and Aerathanis] [b][u]Shani Dark Star:[/b][/u] Portrayed by Februari Full Name: Shani (Shah-nee) Dark Star* Nicknames: Race: Raevan Gender: Female Age: 17 Hair: Long ebony feathers interspersed with several, fluffier slate-colored feathers Skin: Ebony Eyes: Gold Height: 5' 4" (1.7m) Weight: 125lb. (56.7kg) Wingspan: 18' (5.49m) * Note that the use of surnames varies from one unkindness (group of Raevan) to another and, with most being relatively small and some no larger than extended familial units, many Raevan go by but a single name. For those who do so, a secondary title typically emerges to distinguish one from another across geographically related unkindnesses. These titles tend not to be formal, but evolve through natural conversation and become de facto surnames. However, unlike traditional surnames, most such monikers have no familial thread - for example, while there are a handful of Dark Stars, none of them share any direct familial ties. Place of Birth: Molniya, a small, relatively remote island among the Floating Isles of Sachia. Generations are born and die there without having ever ventured more than an isle or two away for trade. Appearance: [img=http://goo.gl/bfNMeo] Shani is a lovely young Raevan. Her petite figure is light and her movements would best be described as possessing deliberate grace, both purposeful and fluid, while her flight is as elegant as it is fast. Within the range of Raevan coloration, Shani's skin tone is ashier than most with a slight bluish tint such that it's a shade closer to dark slate than ebony. While her feathers are, quite obviously, black like other Raevan, she likes to decorate herself by applying semi-permanent pigments to some among them to create a substantially more colorful effect. This is particularly true of those around her eyes and shoulders, which she often tints various shades of blue with the odd one done in titanium white. Her "hair" is a mix of long ebony feathers interspersed with several, fluffier slate-colored feathers and often a number of more exotic feathers woven in with thin brass or copper chains. Shani eschews clothing in general as it impedes her flight, though her feathering is light enough across her body that modesty compels her to wear at least a snugly fit skirt about her waist and hips. Her legs are bare to her knees, where long feathers begin and flow to her feet. In flight, Shani keeps her feet together and fans these feathers out for stability, but they're otherwise kept tucked neatly behind her calves. Occupation in the frontier forces: Scout Gear of choice: Shani prefers to travel as lightly as possible, avoiding weapons and armor, though she's likely to carry small parcels or food and water, or other light items necessary for survival on extended flights. She wears a crude-looking necklace with several smoky-colored crystals - a family heirloom taken without permission, the gems of which are each capable of absorbing magical energy. Personality: Shani speaks in quick, lively bursts and, while she tries to catch herself, frequently interrupts others. She's quick-witted and carries herself confidently, even when she's clearly beyond her depth. Many find her audacious and even a little abrasive at first but, on pushing deeper, find a personable, spirited young woman whose finer qualities are tucked beneath a cavalier attitude toward her own mortality. She quite literally lives in and for the moment, challenging boundaries with courage and a spirit of self-reliance. While these traits are a boon to her as a scout, emboldening her to soar fearlessly across unfriendly or unknown winds, her personal life has tended to follow as well. She's attracted to what most would consider risky or thrill-seeking pass-times, and relationships follow a similar pattern, with her typically losing interest beyond the excitement of the initial novelty and thrill of the pursuit. Positive Personality Traits: Bold, independent, self-reliant, emotionally stable, spontaneous, resourceful. Negative Personality Traits: Dis-inhibition, issues with authority, aversion to repetition and routine, reckless. Misc. Quirks: Shani loves to smoke just about anything, mainly because she's naturally fidgety and it gives her something to occupy her hands. She's terrified of spiders and does not consider them a dangerous thrill. Spiders are definitely for squashing, but only if someone else is going to do it. Likes: In general, anything that offers a thrill, regardless of the magnitude or risk, draws Shani's attention. It should be of little surprise, then, that she likes to flirt and relishes the pursuit of boys, though only if there's some particular challenge to it. To their disappointment, she's rarely interested in more than the initial rush and loses interest quickly. She's particularly fond of flying and would be, for flightless creatures, the aerial equivalent of a gymnast or acrobat such is her aptitude and skill for it. Dislikes: Spiders, picking Shafran pods. Hobbies: Daydreaming, flirting, painting (she loves bright colors and most often uses her own feathers as her canvas). Paired character: Aerathanis Dwin'raesh (Warm Regret) Connection with paired character: Complicated. Shani and Aerathanis couldn't be more different. His draw toward the young Raevan is some sort of noble sense of protection, from herself, which she has no interest in whatsoever. Her draw toward him is the sport of provoking him to unease, either by deliberately endangering herself or creating socially awkward situations, which appear to cause him significant discomfort. History: Within the Raevan culture, it's considered a sign of good fortune to be born on a moonless night in the year of the dark star, when its faint glow can be seen in the heavens above. On such an eve, Shani was born and given the moniker Dark Star, as is tradition in such events so all know favors of the ancients were cast upon the fledgling. For her, however, good fortune would have placed her anywhere but on a tiny, relatively remote chunk of rock among the floating isles where she, along with a dozen or so siblings and cousins, tended to and harvested rare Shafran pods planted among the nooks of the island's cliffs. Few events were so exciting as a flight to the main island to sell pods at market and take in the sights of the Floating City, a complex arrangement of shifting terraces fashioned from the unique stone of the isles upon which stood magnificent structures whose brass-adorned spires gleamed in the sunlight. For Shani, the monotony of the day-to-day was nigh unbearable, as there were few things she disliked more than picking pods. Instead, her days were often spent shirking her chores to fly among a series of inverted canyons on the isle's underside, a risky endeavor with their erratic turns and jagged edges. However, with her light frame and above-average wingspan for a girl of her size, she flitted about them fluidly carrying a glow of elation at the thrill of each nerve-wrenching turn. Her misspent days also saw the discovery of something entirely unexpected - an aptitude for magic. During one such flight on a particularly menacing-looking afternoon, thunderclouds engulfed much of the island, flashes of electricity crackling through them. As she neared one of the more treacherous turns, one such flash erupted immediately before her and sent a wave of adrenalin through her veins. Bluish flashes arced across her skin, such that she thought she'd actually been hit by the bolt. However, as she came to a hover and regained her composure, she noticed that the tiny arcs persisted, crackling across her skin but causing no harm. As she studied them, they moved in time with her thoughts as if subject to her will. The experience was exhilarating and would not be her last as a new layer of her existence was revealed. Throughout her youth, dreams of adventure, other lands, or anything but picking pods filled her with hope and desire. Only one Raevan in recent memory had left island for any extended period, and that was her older sister Mareeth. To be fair, they were only sisters by birth, as Mareeth was some fifteen years her senior and they'd barely spoken in, well, ever. She was strong, courageous, worldly, and amazing. Shani often dreamed of Mareeth's adventures, inserting herself as the capable sidekick to witness her greatness and participate in some small way. When Mareeth returned for one last visit before embarking on an expedition to the mysterious lands of Ialdia, of which Shani had heard magnificent and dubious myths, the lure was unbearable. Shortly after Mareeth's departure, Shani gathered a light satchel-full of belongings and set off to join the expedition. The journey to the launching site was an adventure in and of itself for the young Raevan. However, what greeted her was wholly unexpected. A diverse array of beings from all lands bustled about in preparation for the voyage, many making ready for the trip while other still vied for a berth. Given her age, it was a certainty that she'd be lined up with the other fledglings to compete for the handful of remaining vacancies. The trial before them was a narrow course set up along a cliff-side with protruding beams and tiny targets, the final of which was situated perilously close to a jagged set of rocks a the shoreline. She was ushered toward was a nervous, fidgety lot of Raevan from across Sachia, each more anxious than the next about the trials and whether they'd have the requisite talent or end up crashing themselves against a beam, or worse. Most fared well enough, taking a respectable number of targets methodically with their weapon of choice while either hovering toward the one at the rocks or avoiding it altogether. When Shani's time came, her mind set itself on the inverted canyons back home and on her dreams of adventuring at Mareeth's side. No sooner had her launch been queued than she lunged into the air with pace, navigating the beams with previously undemonstrated speed and igniting the straw-filled targets with thin flashes of lightning. At the end of the course, Shani tucked her wings close to float over the final beam near the cliff's peak, and descend in a free fall toward the final target and accompanying rocks. Breaths were gasped and held nervously as onlookers watched her plummet ever faster downward until, at last, when most were certain they'd witness her grisly demise on the shore, Shani's wings fanned out, feathers in full array, and caught her within less than arm's reach of the rocks. Neon blue flashes spidered across the rocks, igniting the final target as she glided mere inches above it and returned to a round of applause from her junior peers. Though reckless, the performance earned her a place with the expedition. All that remained was a bond. When Shani offered Mareeth's name, she thought the matter was settled. However, within the span of a brief exchange, the senior Raevan left no uncertainty that Shani was unwelcome and that she had no intention of letting the reckless youth hijack her adventure. Despite the sharp rebuke, and having lost a fair measure of respect for her sister, Shani seemed otherwise unphased by the exchange and remained intent on venturing to Ialdia. That prospect looked increasingly remote, however, as each day was met with more rejections from other Raevan who had either abandoned their dreams of wealth and adventure, or who sought a partner with more experience, or at least a little more sense. Throughout, she found herself repeatedly approached by an Elf chocked to the brim with advice she neither wanted nor needed, but who persisted in sharing it nonetheless. The incessant yammering about safety and restraint might've proved unbearable were it not for his reserved, serious nature and Shani's discovery that great sport could be found in deliberately provoking a reaction from the man. And so a bond was formed. While Shani continued her pursuit of another Raevan to share in the adventure, she often found herself seeking out Aerathanis for the amusement of trying to evoke some type of emotional response from the Elf, often by engaging in even riskier behaviors than she otherwise might. In fact, were he to consider the dynamics of their relationship, he might see the irony that in seeking to protect the young Raevan from impetuousness, he instead incites it. ----- [u][b]Aerathanis Dwin'raesh:[/b][/u] Portrayed by Warm Regret Full Name: Aerathanis Dwin'raesh (pron: Air-ath-on-is Dwin-ray-sh) Nicknames: Na’milon Race: Elf Gender: Male Age: 180 or about 30 in human years Hair: Ash Blonde Skin: Pale White Eyes: Gold Height: 6’ 2" Weight: 185 lbs. Place of Birth: The lush forests of Siilara. His clan controls the centermost location of Siilara known as Teresta Vel’ai. Appearance: As elves go, Aerathanis does not particularly stand out when it comes to looks. It is rare for elven-kind to be considered unattractive and he is of no exception. Although toned, he does not appear overly muscular. He is quite trim for his height, possessing broad shoulders and a slim waist. Standing at about 6’ 2”, he is taller than most. His hair is a long, ash blonde, pulled to the back of his head in two taut ponytails, one just above the other. The bottom most tail reaches down to the nape of his neck, the one just before it stopping about half the length of the lower. His skin is pale white. His eyes are gold and intense with a stare that could freeze one’s heart if you gazed upon them for too long. Almost never smiling are a pair of thin pale lips. The middle of his face houses a small nose that is somewhat pointed and slender, matching his dignified features. His exposed ears are pointed towards the sky and he has a strong jaw line, with a face as smooth as polished glass. Oddly, he has a rather intimidating appearance but is somehow pleasant to look at. Occupation in the frontier forces: Guard/Medic/Researcher Gear of choice: Armor: Elvish armor. He is armored moderately, wearing sturdy leather boots of a pale silver hue with light pieces metal forged into them. The metals are painted in a pattern of dull gold and deep crimson which cover the toe and sides of his foot as well as the circumference of the front of his legs. The boots stretch up to his knees, where once again light pieces of metal are forged into flat and rectangular shin guards. His leggings are reinforced leather, also pale silver in color, with a wide belt buckled at his inner thighs. His breastplate is the same dull gold and rich crimson as the rest of his armor. The armor is not bulky but more fitted and compact, with a piece on either side that protects his upper thighs. To complete the matching set, is a pair of gauntlets made similarly as his boots, also with elbow guards. Weaponry: Talaenar, a sword that is long and polished. The sword looks as if it has rarely been used but upon closer inspection, one would notice that it is slightly worn, just very well taken care of. The hilt has the same gold color of his armor, the base of which houses a small ruby colored jewel. The jewel absorbs magic energy over time. His scutum style shield is probably the heaviest piece of equipment to carry but it is almost unnoticeable to him after years of toting it around. The shield also matches his armor in terms of color, dull gold on top, dark red on bottom. It is decorated with the picture of a rising sun in the center. To the lower left of the sun is a silver crescent moon and to the lower right of the sun is a red star. Other Items: He also carries some elvish coin, his journal and a twig from the Coia tree, sacred to his kingdom. Personality: Aerathanis is a quiet and conservative individual, spending much of his free time in his journal, rather than giving in to self indulgence. He exudes an aloof and superior air which sometimes gets him into trouble but those who bother to get to know him are pleasantly surprised by his civility. Due to his serious nature, he isn’t one for fun and games. It would take more than a life time to hear him crack a joke and almost as long to see him laugh at one. He can be a little awkward in social settings, having spent much of his life in isolation and then constantly traveling. He also tends to struggle with inner turmoil, never really seeking outside help with his fears, troubles or concerns. He has never been romantically involved with anyone but has come to realize that he prefers the company of other men. He is proficient with a sword and shield although his particular training favors use of the later. His swordsmanship is above par, he would be able to out duel a common swordsman but he is a master by no means. His fighting tactics rely heavily on his shield. With a shield, he is a defense specialist. He is also adept in using his shield offensively. With the ability to use light magic to a mediocre degree, almost all of his spells require use of his shield. He can also heal minor injuries, anything more than that is out of his league. Positive Personality Traits: Chivalrous towards others and fearless in battle, he ready to stand against a horde of foes to protect that which must be protected. He is a benevolent man and cannot ignore the pleas of those in need. Negative Personality Traits: He doesn’t appear to be very approachable and gives off an air of superiority. He can be blunt and direct which may come off as him being cold or insensitive but he just doesn’t know any better. Misc. Quirks: He likes to sing when he thinks no one is listening and actually has a wonderful voice. Likes: Order, Sunrises, Trees, Good natured People, Scenic Overlooks, Animals, Justice, Honor. Dislikes: Indecisiveness, Cowardice, Oppression, Depravity, Dishonesty, Injustice, Vampires, Necromancers, Demons, and the Undead. Hobbies: He enjoys reading, especially information on other races. Paired character: Febuari Fantastico Connection with paired character: Guardian (He behaves like more of an authoritative figure than a bodyguard). As part of his pilgrimage, he has to find a partner, someone with whom he can travel to Ialdia. Shani was probably the last person he would have expected to pair with, given the stark differences in their personalities. Truly, he considers her more of a nuisance than anything but it was her innocence and inexperience that drew him to her and it was her impressive recklessness that compelled him to want to protect her, partially from herself. History: Aerathanis was born to the house of Dwin'raesh known to produce warriors and knights for his clan. Normally, he would have been raised in the way of the sword and with luck, been appointed to serve his lord or lady in whatever capacity they saw fit. To a lesser degree, he would have been made a soldier and tasked with the role of protecting their home from outside threats… however there was a slight exception to this cycle. Every couple hundred years or so, when certain conditions are met, someone is chosen during childhood to become “Na’milon” and trained as a Paladin. Instead of being trained in the ways of the warrior, they are sent away and follow the distinct style of the soul and shield, an ancient and mostly symbolic practice. Aerathanis was that -lucky- child. In his youth, Aerathanis resented this role because instead of following in the footsteps of his brothers and sisters, he had to follow a different path, one not tread very often nor one he thought useful. The whole Paladin of light role was more of a tradition if anything, stemming from some ancient lore of the elves. While it did instill some sense of unity and high spirits for their clan, it was mostly a pointless undertaking, culminating in a pilgrimage which when completed marked the beginning of a year long celebration. Barely into his teenage years, he was sent away for training, deep into the Storm Wall Mountains. His teacher, Baelora, became more than a mentor, she filled the role of mother and father. She was an older woman, several times his age, who had completed the Pilgrimage many years before and it would be he who surpassed her when the time came to mentor the next Na'milon. Life with Baelora was difficult to begin with, in truth, her mentoring was more rigorous and precise than if he were to be trained as a knight or solider. Not only did she teach him in the ways of combat, she also molded his mind and spirit in the ways of the Paladin, instilling in him Confidence, Honor and Resolve. After he reached maturity, he and Baelora would occasionally visit the nearest monastery. There he was trained in the use of light or soul magic but the time spent there was never extended. Besides brief introductions, he was limited to interactions with a chosen monk for lessons in magic. Baelora would then help him perfect the technique that allowed him to integrate the magic he learned with his mastery of the shield. When he and Baelora finally returned to their clan, he was almost immediately summoned by the Lady of their house and given his task. It was his duty to complete the Pilgrimage to Ialdia by joining the exhibition force and attempt to eradicate its curse, or at least bring back with him some useful information for the scholars. He questioned his Ladyship’s decision to begin the pilgrimage now, expressing his desire to remain with his people, where he thought he would be more useful. Unfortunately, his Ladyship thought differently and felt that by going on this pilgrimage, he would “bring a light of hope back to their people”. During his pilgrimage, he was able to visit the Sachia base camp. He thought himself fortunate to be able to witness one of their rituals, where the young Raevan were required to complete a trial in order to prove one self ready to join the expeditions. Finding a sparsely populated spot to join the spectators, he whipped out his small journal. It wasn’t until a young female Raevan appeared, showing extraordinary skill and determination, that he stopped writing. Without even knowing her name, he could almost tell her life story, just by watching her movements. She surpassed all the other applicants but did so by showing a total disregard for her own life. It infuriated him that someone so young and talented, could risk so much so easily. He could see the potential in her, however such talent would be wasted if she continued on such a reckless path. In all his years traveling, no one had ever provoked such strong feelings in him and against his better judgment, he took it as a sign. When the time was right, he approached Shani, kneeling and placing a fist to his breast. “My lady. My name is Aerathanis Dwin’raesh, Paladin of Teresta Vel’ai. If you allow me to be your partner, I vow to protect you on our journey.” [/hider] [hider=Emric and Rickon] [b][u]Emric Auberon-Hamish:[/u][/b] Portrayed by Raid Full Name: Emric Auberon-Hamish Nicknames: Chief, Boss, Em, Emy, Ricky (It depends on who’s doing the speaking, really.) Race: human Gender: female Age: 31 Hair: deep and thick brown Skin: tanned Eyes: brown Height: 5’ 8” Weight: 150 Place of Birth: Hillcrest, a town in the south west of Aega that is two days travel from the port town Stuttgart that is a large hub for trade and commerce. Appearance: Being a mother of twelve living children has giving Emric a strong body as well as a rounded one. Her hips are wider than her breasts, creating more of a pear shape. Her feet are calloused and ugly with cracking skin, often a blacking toe nail, and dirt. She avoids wearing shoes when possible. Scars on her stomach from her pregnancies are slim lines of shining bronze against the darker tones of Emric’s skin. She manipulates her brown hair into plaits, buns, and twists or whatever fits her fancy that day. Pieces of dried flowers, metal, or cloth, is often added in. Her thick eyebrows overshadow thin, deep set eyes. Her curved nose matches her rounded chin and cheeks. She likes to paint her lips different colors as well as applying ash to her eyelids. She can’t bend one of her wrists. Occupation in the frontier forces: Midwife & Healer Gear of choice: Emric wears tunics and leggings mostly because of how active she is. When making runs between villages and homes, she wraps her breasts. She has two dresses she wears when feeling particularly spunky. She owns a pair of boots that spend more time sagging in a corner of her house than on her feet. When lounging about her shop she always has a collection of beads and jewelry on. Rings on her fingers, bells on her ankles, layers of necklaces ranging from elegant stones to pieces of carved wood. (It is due to her love for jewelry that she loves Dwarves or maybe it’s due to an old lover who was a Dwarf that she likes jewelry?) Most of her down time is spent fixing her basket that she keeps strapped to her back when traveling for her work or collecting ingredients for medicines and drugs. Woven only from sapling branches, she lines it with leather to cushion anything inside. Several pouches hang off her hip along with a bronze knife forearms length long for gathering and preparing medicines; it is a family heirloom. (She refuses to use any other metal in her work.) Positive Personality Traits: Polite, Calculating, Consistent, Steady Negative Personality Traits: Fussy, Particular, Superstitious Misc. Quirks: She likes to keep a chair facing Northeast in her shop, but no-one is allowed to sit in it; she wakes up to watch the sun rise and then goes back to sleep for another hour or so; she does not accept money or coins as payment for her services and knowledge. Likes: proper hygiene, jewelry & trinkets, courtesy, Dwarves, chatting, gossip Dislikes: shoes, mercenaries, Scael & Raevan & Elves Hobbies: Running, drinking tea Paired character: Rickon Vitala Connection with paired character: The Order of Surma contracts Emric to produce Hiisi for their members, like Rickon. Fantastico History: Like most midwives and those learned in medicines, it is a family trade. Something Emric grew up learning from her mother and grandmother. When to collect clover and how to store sage. To only make Hiisi during the three days of new moon for the most potent batches. That a baby comes out easier if the mother crouches during labor instead of laying down. And sometimes, it is the husband, not the wife, that is infertile. Emric was the first born. Other families might consider this a disappointment, but her birth was celebrated (her mother cut her fees to half for almost a fortnight because she was so happy). She grew up separate from her four younger brothers (Caspar, Gable, Louis, & Mikkel) who tended the family shop while the women were away doing jobs or collecting items. Her father insisted that the family always ate dinner together—the only thing he ever stood up to her mother about. What she knows of her brothers and father came from those dinners that they made with the help of Oma, their grandmother. Adept in healing, Emric began to show her proficiency in the business side of the family shop. Smooth in trades and savvy with customers her brothers began seeking apprenticeships elsewhere because their sister took over most of the working. Caspar and Gable both married and moved further south along Aega where the shadow of Sachia’s floating islands were like clouds in the sky. Louis ended up working the docks Stuttgart and found himself a permanent position as the quartermaster aboard the Open Line. Mikkel continues to help around the shop and married a girl who does not speak half as much as Emric does. He claims the quiet is nice. Despite being the oldest, she did not marry until she was twenty. Oh, she was engaged several times, but finally settled down with a man who traveled so much that he was gone from Hillcrest the majority of the year. The arrangement worked out fairly well. She entertained a handful of lovers, but all of her children are Dobry’s. And all twelve of them are damned boys. She lost three girls either to sickness or miscarriage. Maybe that is what turned their relationship sour—or maybe it was because he kept on spending more and more time in Hillcrest—or maybe it was her mother’s suicide—or—either way, it didn’t matter. She was twenty-three the first time he hit her. Three months after she delivered another set of twins. The girl was a stillborn and the boy came out blue. He wanted to have sex and she told him to go to a whorehouse. She does not think either of them expected what happened after that. Her sixth son was the result of that copulation. It was not until she had her ninth son and miscarried her third girl that he hurt her again, snapped her wrist and crippled that hand. She does not remember the reason. She does not think there was a reason. At least, all the times after that there was not a reason, that she was sure of. It was Oma, who lived with Mikkel and his mouse-wife, that gifted the steel knife to Emric. “It solved the problem of my husband,” her crinkled grandmother said. “It will fix yours, too.” And it did. When her last set of twins were born a year ago, she did not care that they were boys because now they were her boys, now. Only hers. But having a full brood of children and only one person to watch them became hard, so the bursting house became more full one Oma, Mikkel, his wife, and his two daughters joined them. Then, her father, who left town after her mother’s suicide, came back too. And for six months a soothing bliss existed. Like light rainfall during a hot summer week. Or the first snow. Or the first croquis to push out of the frozen ground…then a blight began to eat at the G. Dissecta. Now for those unaware of the Hiisi and its making, all you need to know is that this is a very, very bad thing. So bad, in fact, that she finally met with the men who kept Emric’s family comfortable, who, in fact, always made sure that the women of Auberon stayed comfortable: the Order of Surma. But she was accepted in the frontier expedition for her medical knowledge and prowess—not to cook up another drug like Hiisi. ----- [b][u]Rickon Viitala:[/u][/b] Portrayed by Fennick Full Name: Rickon Viitala Nickname(s): “Knight of the Curls” - “Hunter” - “Murderer” (That isn't a popular one) Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 27 Hair: A wavy mess of dirty blonde that dances and weaves across the top of his head. He's known to keep up a regular six months trim to his hair doesn't become unruly and hinder his performance. Skin: Fair toned, hailing from a people who dwell in the tundra, you don't tend to tan well under harsh suns. Eyes: Blue Height: 5'11” Weight: 171 Place of Birth: Rickon doesn't know where he was born, however, as his parents were described as locals, he believes he was born in the city of Frigg. The most Northerly city of Aega. Appearance: Knight of the Curls was not a moniker that was earned without reason; even from his youth, Rickon's hair had always been rather lively. A bundled mess of dark blonde curls, that knot tightly in places, frizz and spring up in others, all which seemingly complement his features, his blue eyes, youthful face and half smile. Rickon long stopped attempting to follow any sense of grooming and gave it free reign, minus the annual the six month trim he receives. As a warrior, Rickon is not what most would picture; He lacks in that imagined chiselled jawline, the hard stare, commanding presence and muscles that want to burst out of its armour. Rickon is lithe, fresh-faced, a cheeky stare and an easy laugh, he bares a few scares across his face from his adventures and training but none that immediately jump out – he would appear to be more the young recruit than harden soldier, however, his body speaks of a different story. Unlike his face, which has been sparred from a mauling, his body has taken the brunt of his enemies attacks, baring several scars he has several stories to speak entertain with. It is a body built for endurance, he knows he will never possess such strength to deal with the monsters which he has become so accustomed to, so he must outlast. He must be faster, quicker, he must be agile and know when to use his strength to deliver the killing blow. To survive in the most harshest of circumstances. Occupation in the frontier force; Representative from the Order of Surma; aka, monster hunter and general monster know-it-all. Gear of choice: Jackets, trousers, boots and glove made largely out of leather, his jacket is under-laced with fine interlinked chain-mail, providing a needed protection, but usually, he dresses in whatever makes him comfortable with the obvious protection covering his vitals. His weapon of choice is his silver-blade called Virgin (you'll have to ask him about the name). A two handed weapon which has served him faithfully over the years. The sword itself lacks anything noticeable or fancy, as Rickon puts it; “A sword shouldn't be gaudy, as long as it blood lets, it's a good enough blade.” And Virgin is pretty good at what she does. Personality: An Order of Surma hunter is – despite their expertise in hunting monsters – not always a welcome sight. Rickon learned this lesson early on in life and became more aloof as a result, weighing up the reception he receives from the other characters in his vicinity before loosening up. Too often has he taken a job from a village who were just as ready to drive him out same as the monster he had just slain. Once he eases up and feels that the people around him won't try and kill him, Rickon is a light-hearted character, he enjoys a laugh, a drink or two and the company of friends, alas, sometimes he feels this is a façade. He is a man whose experiences have aged him remarkably, he has seen some of the worst aspects of the nature of the creatures of the land, and whilst this has saw him take on a more nihilistic view on life, it has also given him some foresight and wisdom into the world, making him often the unlikely leader and source of comfort and protection. Though never made apparent, Rickon is far more serious, knowable and unfortunately, sombre person, than what he lets on. Unfortunately, like all surviving Order of Sumra hunters. Rickon is addicted to the substance, Hiisi. Introduced into his diet as soon as it became apparent he was growing into a man, Hiisi starts life as plant that, once infused with magic, can provides moderate magical abilities, greater endurance, strength and stamina. However, the downside is that without regular consumption the mind will grow addled and a rage will slowly build until the conscious fully snaps – unless Rickon has asked you to kill him first. Paired Character: Emric Auberon-Hamish Connection with pared Character: Business associates of sorts; Emric is one of several providers of Hiisi to the Order of Sumra, but her batches are usually the most potent and fresh. The Order has also funded her to accompany Rickon to Laidia due to her knowledge on botany and to see if the order can find a replacement for Hiisi. History: Rickon has no real memory of his parents, fuzzy recollections of a doting mother and a father who argued they couldn't afford to feed another mouth, but Rickon is unable to recall names or even what they look like. At a young age he was sold to the Order of Surma; a secretive and old order of monster hunters. Some would call them heroes, others would refer to them with less enthusiastic titles. Early memories are of harsh winds that would sneak over the black walls of the secluded Seminary in the Cliffs that overlooked the Bitter Sea, the early morning training – brutally hard – the bowls of soup for breakfast with the large cuts of bread and sometimes butter, the numerous cuts and bruises and tears, the small cups of ale himself and the other children were granted at the end of each week if they had behaved, the warm fires in the coldest winter and his small room, his small bed, his pile of books he collected and his small window that overlooked the sea itself and the outline of lights in the distance from the city of Frigg he'd always look to in the night. For how difficult the Order of Sumra drilled it's children, Rickon had escaped – at least, he assumed he escaped – a life of dire poverty and for the majority, his life within the Seminary in the Cliffs was a happy one. From boy to man; Rickon was soon sent out into the world to prove himself, to wet his blade and return with the head of the creature of his first hunt and become a full brother of the Order. He returned to the Seminary with the head of a vampyre matriarch – with scars of his own to show for it – and thus began his tales and adventures. As a young man, he was quick to discover that he could lead an incredibly rewarding life, as the motto went; “The bigger the beast, the bigger the pay.” Vampyres, werewolves, lakelarks. Spriggans and banshees. With it came coin, ale and women; a young man drunk on the thrill of the hunt and its rewards. He grew braggart, cocksure, he would step into the monsters lair with no care, no plan, his confidence was an uneasy shield. Rickon's illusions of the world however came to a crashing halt as he almost met his demise, not at claws of some foul creature within it's den, but at the hands of armed simple-folk. For most of his life, since he began to yearn to begin his journey into the outside world, he had held onto the idea that he would be viewed a hero, that the Order of Sumra was a name that instantly commanded respect and awe. The spearhead that sank into his thigh reminded me that the world held alternative views. That day Rickon killed his first men and came to face the reality that his order was not widely loved; in some places, he was viewed in the same light as the monsters he fought and in other places, a butcher of species committing a slow genocide. He grew to become more contemplating, that it was not only the beasts he fought that he needed to assess, but people also. He soon knew where he was wanted, who wanted to hire him but soon wanted him to leave once he was paid, who would paid him, who would try and avoid paying him, and who would try and kill him – and several would try. These experiences helped him mature and ultimately avoid an early grave. As consequence Rickon became one of the order's most reliable students, growing into something of a minor legend back home as his exploits grew with each creature tamed. It was why he was selected, as a representative of the Order, to accompany the expedition to Laidia. [/hider]