[quote=februari]It was late evening when an entourage of Alfar...[/quote] No time traveling in this game :-P Srsly, though, Februari, you generally can't time skip ahead like this in an RP post because it prevents the GM and everyone else from responding. If it was late evening I would have posted the moon thingy. Most of the action that has occurred has been highly localized and brief with lots and lots of dialogue and introspection (also most of it is happening concurrently because the players and NPCs are all separate). At best it's late afternoon, though the brothel scene has lagged and there it's more like late morning as the Iron Police went straight to their door after the morning rush. By doing the time/scene shift you also prevented me from having Torbil arrive at the sanctum so that you and Zemmum are aware of both the changeling and Delphi's location. That's why I said above [quote=glibglobb]Once you write this scene I'll have Torbil return to the estate so that you can both learn from him the whereabouts of the fomori and the changeling. That should serve to put most of the PCs on a collision course.[/quote] What I recommend is to drop any assumption that an advanced post needs to be a certain length. I'm not part of the James Joyce 'school' of RP. Often a couple paragraphs is enough and if you're needing to time skip then you've definitely written too much. We can fix this by just eliminating the time leap or reducing it to late afternoon and I'll have Torbil encounter you at the Hole instead, though, I kind of wanted to avoid that because that scene is WAY too crowded.