[center][b]Inside Bruma[/b][/center] From outside the Chapel of Arkay, Eugain heard a hearty commotion and the clanking of gate gears. It roused him quickly from his catnap which had left him splayed out on the pew, sending him tumbling over the side and crashing into the floor. Hastily he stood, brushing off his robes and surveying his surroundings to be sure none had caught his blunder. Thankfully, the chapel was empty. "Despite my robes," he thought to himself, "it would likely be ill to be caught sleeping here. . ." The clop of hooves against cobblestone paths and the roar of voices behind the ramparts drew his attention once more to the commotion outside. His curiosity piqued, he shuffled to the doors of the chapel and opened them only enough to stick out his head and peer towards the scene outside. What could have been an intimidating force appeared to be somewhat sallow. Dejected and heartbroken faces lined the ragtag army of Legionnaires. Eugain furrowed his brow; What monstrosity could these men have faced that left them so broken? The Elves were one thing, but these men. . . It was as if they'd stared into the maw of something worse than Oblivion. Quietly, he stepped outside, just as the man dressed as Legate dismounted and tied his horse outside the chapel path. As he turned to make way to Castle Bruma, Eugain shuffled forward and called out, raising his voice in an attempt to be heard by the Legate over the cacophony of refugees that were denied entry. "Excuse me, m'lord. If I may ask. . . What in Oblivion is going on?"