[hider=Devika and Roland] [u][b]Devika Ah'sur:[/b][/u] Portrayed by Mistress Dizzy Full Name: Devika Ah'sur Nicknames: Dev Race: Half human (father)/ half orc (mother) Gender: Female Age: 26 Hair: Black, coarse and kinky Skin: Brown with green undertones Eyes: Light brown Height: 5'9'' Weight: 190lbs Place of Birth: Soklar Valley, known for it's weaponsmiths and miners Appearance: Devika is a sturdy woman. She is heavily curved, with rich brown skin that shines a bit green in the sunlight. Her eyes are wide, her jaw is square, her lips are full, and her teeth are terrifying. Her black curls usually are hastily tied back with a scarf, but she lets them free when she isn't traveling. Devika usually wears a hooded cloak and a pair of strange glasses with tempered black glass in them. Occupation in the frontier forces: Chronicler/mediator Gear of choice: Heavy wooden staff Black-lens glasses Positive Personality Traits: intelligent, reserved, excitable (usually about new places), artistic Negative Personality Traits: very shy, doesn't trust easily (or sometimes at all) Misc. Quirks: keeps a small notebook and charcoal sticks to take notes at any time something strikes her, never looks people in the eyes Likes: historical places, old fashions, books Dislikes: stupid people, her body Hobbies:(optional but encouraged): reading, writing, researching, drawing, occasionally staff-fighting Paired character: Roland Connection with paired character: Devika hired Roland as a bodyguard, after he rescued her from attack in her father's lands. Even though their original contract is over, she is glad to work with Roland on a new journey. She would like to consider them friends, maybe partners, but is unsure of how he feels about the matter. Fantastico! History: Devika's father, Reginald, was a human scholar traveling the world. He met Devika's mother, An'ika during part of his journey to Grah-Nglak. She was a warrior student. They fell in love through learning and teaching. She taught him to properly wield a weapon, he taught her to speak and write other languages. They married quietly, in secret, and An'ika was soon pregnant. Reginald convinced An to move back to Aega with him, where he was sure they would live in prosperity once his work was published. Unfortunately things didn't quite work that way. Reginald did publish, but An and the baby Dev'ika were ostracized in the human cities. An moved back to Grah-Nglak with baby Dev when she was about 3. Her father followed soon after. They lived on the fringes of the city, where they were mostly unbothered. Devika took after her father, loving to read, write, and learn. While she has the potential for fighting, she doesn't have the will. Her mother taught her to wield a staff, but she only does so in self defense. Her magic potential was much stronger than her desire to wield a sword, and she was heavily trained in that since the age of 5. When Devika became an adult, she decided to take up her father's path and travel the world, learning and recording what she can. She started with her human roots. During her travels in Aega, she ran into a group of human men who didn't like her looks. They charged her, and Devika was forced to unleash the full brunt of her magic on them. She willed fear into herself and send it outward. All but one of her attackers crumbled to the ground, screaming as terror took hold of their bodies. The last may have had a stronger mind than his friends, because he came at her. Before she could pull her staff and prepare to defend herself, a white-haired stranger came and knocked him unconscious. Her rescuer turned out to be a human man named Roland. They quickly struck a partnership- he would agree to protect him, and she was provide payment on return to Grah-Nglak. That journey had just ended, when Devika's father came upon a letter from one of his old research friends. The opportunity to explore the lost continent of Ialdia was a priceless one, but he knew he couldn't make the trip at his age, with a wife and home and two more children to raise. He passed off the torch to his daughter, and Devika jumped at the opportunity. Now, with Roland at her side, she is prepared to learn what no one else can... What lies beyond the shores of Ialdia. ----- [b][u]Roland Arrylhill:[/b][/u] Portrayed by Krimp Name: Roland Arrylhill Nicknames: The Exile of Arryl, The White Tiger, Shamanslayer (among others, not all of which are cast in a flattering light…) Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 35 Hair: Roland’s hair has been an inexplicably pure white from the day he was born. He keeps it cropped close to his skull to ensure it doesn’t get in the way. Skin: Caucasian, although years of travel have left it a tanned, weathered brown. Eyes: A pale, pale grey. Height: 6’2” Weight: 200lb Place of Birth: A small farmstead half a day’s ride from the city of Arryl, the southernmost major city on Aega. Due to its close proximity to Siilara, Arryl prospers greatly from trading with their southern neighbours and selling these goods across Aega. Appearance: Roland cuts an intimidating figure. One could reach this conclusion by simply taking in his basic characteristics: taller than average, with wide, strong shoulders and thickly knotted arms, it is clear that his lifestyle requires a great deal of strength; his crooked nose and short, military style haircut confirm that this physical lifestyle involves combat. His light eyes are serious, made even more so by his downturned brows; they give him a look of constant disapproval, and if there is even a shred of humour in those eyes, it is not easy to see. Similarly, his mouth curves down slightly, with no appearance of good faith or humour. There is an assuredness to the way he walks, as well as a sense of grace which one would not expect in one his size. Where some walk gingerly, hesitantly, Roland’s steps firmly, as if daring anyone to challenge his right to go where he pleases (this self-confidence has allowed him to bluff entry into many places which would otherwise be barred to him). From all of this alone it is obvious exactly what his profession is, yet there is something else. Something about his movements – so slow, smooth and confident – suggests a power of great magnitude, ready to be unleashed at any time – a power which makes him seem far older than his 25 years. It is how he gained the moniker of White Tiger: like a great beast, he can go from sinuous and graceful to an explosion of sheer force in the blink of an eye. Those who know him by reputation before meeting him quickly understand this; those who do not tend to draw the same comparison before long. Occupation in the frontier forces: Guard-cum-explorer. Wherever a sword and a brain are needed, Roland will be. Gear of choice: As Roland’s style of fighting tends more towards mobility and precisely applied power, he prefers not to be hindered by the hefty steel armour that most warriors in his profession tend towards. He opts instead for leather: a four-piece set of chest piece, greaves, boots and gloves that are all scarred and pitted, yet obviously of a high quality. His thick coat is a deep grey that was obviously once black, and falls to his boots as well as having a very concealing hood. He can comfortably sleep in his armour – and has on many occasions – but also carries around civilian clothes to wear when there is no impending danger. His weapon of choice is Doluk-Sum: a hand-and-a-half sword forged in the deepest fires of Grah-Nglak, it is less of a weapon and more of a precision instrument in Roland’s hands. Tough enough to battle through an entire army without dulling, and with a handle long enough to be wielded either with a shield or on its own, Doluk-Sum was forged specifically for Roland and is practically an extension of his arm. He also carries a small, simple dagger on his person at all times as a final precaution. Positive Personality Traits: Practical, Level-headed, Cunning, Independent Negative Personality Traits: Self-serving, difficulty empathising with others, overly cautious Misc. Quirks: Roland has a ritual every morning: after rising, he will spend an hour going through the motions of the kithan, a series of movements on which his fighting style is based (think Tai Chi). This is followed by bathing then breakfast – every morning without fail. Likes: Having a clear objective in front of him, travelling, his own company, finding the best possible solution to a problem. Dislikes: Rash decision-making, loud spaces, combat, racial prejudices. Hobbies: Chess, travelling, history, meditation (exercising and training his mental magic). Paired character: Devika Connection with paired character: Roland was hired by Devika while she was travelling through Aega, and travelled back with her to Grah-Nglak to collect his payment afterwards. The two have been travelling partners for about half a year, now. Fantastico History: Comment from the author: [i]Fame is a funny thing. It can drive a man to narcissism, to a love for oneself bordering madness. It can take the simplest tale and blow it up to such extreme proportions that it is impossible to see the link between original and retold. Such is the case in the story you are about to read. This writer has travelled far in order to glean the truth about The Exile of Arryl; of what few facts were found, fewer can be confirmed: [/i] The man is truly a gifted swordsman, and despite over a year of searching, this writer has been unable to find another warrior who has learned the same technique. Few could best him in single combat were it just blade against blade. However, his magical prowess is limited, if not nonexistent. He has achieved through a meditation process unknown to this writer a way of 'blocking' magics cast against his mind. In a way, he has created walls around his consciousness which would no doubt be difficult to break; whether any have attempted is unknown. Apart from this, the tale that unfolds below has been created from second- and third-hand stories; it is up to the reader's discretion how much they decide is fact, and how much is fiction.] The White Tiger, the iron fist of the Three Branch Mercenary Company, he who defeated Cyrett’s champion in single combat – no one would have ever predicted that this man was once Roland, son of Richard the squash farmer. Somewhat of a legend in his own time, Roland had much more humble beginnings than most of the stories say. Roland’s father was an alcoholic – and a violent one at that. His mother Ana was kind-hearted, petite and gentle. It was a marriage doomed to misery from the beginning. The two had five children, but only the middle child, Roland, made it past ten. Perhaps this was what drove Richard to drinking, or perhaps it was the boredom of working the farm; whatever it was, it lead to the suffering of his wife and only child. From the age of five Roland was sinking a spade into frozen dirt before the sun had risen, favouring one wrist over the other because his father had been mad at him the night before. After a hard day’s work, he’d return to his mother, who would whisper sweet words to him through the side of her mouth that wasn’t too swollen to talk. The incessant hours of tilling, sowing and harvesting made Roland strong, and he had always been big for his age anyway – yet graceful in a way his father labelled ‘womanly’. It was on his tenth birthday that Roland realised he could fight back against his father. A week later, Richard Arrylhill was dead. Roland thought his mother would be ecstatic, happy to finally be free of the shadow of her husband; the only thing she could sob out was ‘Leave’. So it was on the day of his father’s death that Roland left Arryl, and he has not returned since. News fast spread once Ana was found, and as Roland’s fame grew, so too did his name in his own city: the father-killer, the Exile of Arryl. There was only one way to travel, and that was north, but Roland was unprepared for such a journey. He had never travelled more than a day away from his home before, and as such it is no surprise that he collapsed out of exhaustion and dehydration the morning after leaving. Here is where his story would end, were it not for the fact that a small group of sellswords from Three Branch weren’t heading back to their headquarters along the same road. Even then, Roland no doubt would have been left for dead – Three Branch swords aren’t known for their charity – were it not for the fact that Shelza-Durm, the ancient half-elf half-orc matron of the Three Branch Mercenaries, was accompanying the group. She saw potential for greatness in Roland, and oversaw his training personally, both in mind and in body. It is she who is responsible for his unique fighting style, and she who his responsible for his magical prowess in keeping his mind sealed. Ten years under Shelza-Durm’s tutelage flew by, and more would have followed were it not for the mistress’ death – she was ancient to the point that no one knew exactly how old she was, but it was not unexpected. Roland was quickly brought in on the inner mechanisms of the guild, and soon began making a name for himself across Aega, both for his skill with the sword and his meticulously careful nature. It has, however, been an empty time: Roland cares little for any but himself, and suffers from extreme isolation when he is not busy; perhaps this is what drives him to such great achievements. Six months before the expedition to Ialdia, Roland was travelling back to headquarters from a completed contract when he saw a commotion on the road. He quickly discerned what was going on: a group of human men threateningly surrounding a half-Orcish woman. It seemed like things were very quickly going south for the Orcish lass, and Roland prepared to intervene. Racism being the one thing in the world Roland can't stand, he prepared to intervene, when suddenly, something inexplicable happened. Without warning the men started to scream - one fell to his knees and clasped his head with such force it seemed like he would crush his skull, while others seemed paralysed out of fear. However, the magic did not seem to affect one, and drawing a blade, he stepped threateningly towards the woman. Roland acted on instinct: he deftly strode towards the man (who's knees started knocking together as he recognised the white hair of the man who was approaching) and, before the man had a chance to react, rapped him over the head with the hilt of his sword. Shortly after, Roland found himself talking to the woman. Devika, her name was, and they quickly struck a deal: the woman wished to explore the home of her father, and he was happy to accompany her so long as he got paid in the end. This journey eventually lead them back to Grah-Nglak, where he received his payment: Doluk-Sum. He was planning on returning home when he received a missive sent from Three Branch: [i]Swords needed for expedition to Ialdia. Payment the likes of which you’ve never seen.[/i] It was more than enough of an incentive for Roland to accompany Devika into the unknown. [/hider] [hider=Youn and Emmeric] [b][u]Youn Barlai:[/b][/u] Portrayed by SkySwimSky Full Name: Youn Barlai Nicknames: Yuu Race: Human Appearance: [img=http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/images/f/f9/OdaVol8Cover2.jpg] Gender: Female Age: 13 Hair: Pink Skin: Light but greatly tanned from all the sunlight Eyes: Green Place of Birth: Tevelesen, the shining star of the north-west. The city sits in the middle of a desert oasis and it’s grandiose size, despite the location, comes from the numerous amount of gem deposits which are mined out from under the city’s foundation. Concerns have arisen about the possibility of the entire area falling due to rotting support beams and the weight of the continuingly towering buildings that the nobles are building, but the worried voices have fallen on the deaf ears of anybody capable of changing as much. The city’s structure falls in a rough circle; any form of city planning tossed to the wayside in favor of outer expansion. The rich, upper class are concentrated and crammed within the center, the lower class spread out, and always pushing the city’s outer limits further from the city’s nobility, and the middle class jammed between the two while trying to expand out themselves into the purchased hovels of the lower class. Buildings are made of either a mixture of sand, clay and straw -- the composition of which depending on the standards of the the surrounding social class -- or of a shining white marble. The poor use a baser rammed earth method for building, while the middle class uses an adobe brick. The marble, naturally, is reserved for the shining palaces and towers of the rich. This is a city which people come to in order to make a profit and advance their standing in the world. Unfortunately for them, business here only favors the already wealthy. So, to make ends meet, they join one of the numerous underground (no pun) “businesses” which are only too happy to have a couple more footmen on payroll. It’s a “career” that some are cut out for, while for others it just ends with them cut and alone in a hole, but as far as gem smuggling goes, Tevelesen is the Aegan epicenter of it. Of course, that isn’t their only “dirty” means of income. Occupation in the frontier forces: Laborer Gear of choice: An oversized worn-out black tunic paired with white sailor breeks hold together by a simple belt, for her foot she has simple sandals. For traveling purposes she also got herself a big brown blanket which gets abused as a mantle. She also has a second, more valuable stolen set of clothing, consisting of a black shawl, adorned coat and shirt paired with a skirt and the most important part, good footgear. Weapon-wise she carries a dagger and a knife around, both being attached to her belt. Furthermore, she carries a slingshot which usually has enough ammunition for 20 shots Positive Personality Traits: Calm | Calculating | Prodigy | Curious | Prideful Negative Personality Traits: Greedy | Skeptical | Egoistic | Liar Misc. Quirks: Tends to drool when too excited | Scared of needles Likes: Stealing | Magic | Knowledge | Money | Sweets | Milk Dislikes: Alcohol | Men | Studying | Luck | Honest Fools | Snobs Hobbies: Stealing | Magic training | Free running | Messing around Paired character: Emmeric Marcure(Voltin) Connection with paired character: Fuel source Partners fantastico! History: Born as the only child of a whore in the slums, Youn's early childhood was everything else but ordinary. Still, Youn had a place to sleep and wasn't running risk to die from Starvation, at least most of the times, not knowing any different it could even maybe said she was happy. However, as the girl grew more aware of the world and her surroundings things started to change. Youn started to hate herself and everyone around her. She detested those who kept blaming others for their own failure and misfortune. She didn’t want to end up like her mother to serve the twisted desires of men, Youn wasn’t one of those weak people who kept crying without changing anything. Youn knew, to get anywhere in this place, she would need money, thus, her career as a wannabe-criminal began. Around this time the girl was also granted a miracle. While stealing from other idiots who were in the same situation as her was usually done with ease, taking stuff from wealthy people like merchants was an entire different story; after all, as agile as Youn may be, she had still the body of a child. It was bound to happen -- greed was a sin Youn fully embraced, after all -- she got caught by the wrong people one day, people who wouldn't simply say 'Whatever' after trying to catch her or playing hide&seek for hours. Youn finally got caught, her life deemed as over as they would surely make quick process out of an unimportant pickpocket. However, her desperate struggle against the inevitable granted Youn said miracle, a miracle in form of magic: freezing the entire arm of the guard who made sure she wouldn’t get away gave her another chance to escape, this time, successfully. Being from the slums, Youn obviously had never any sort of education, so she didn’t really know any fancy rules about magic except what she heard from gossip and alike. That didn’t stop the young Prodigy from trying though. In fact, now that she knew that she actually had talent, it didn’t take her long to be able to pull out a few useful tricks from her sleeves, especially regarding deception and illusions. Unfortunately, Youn was born with a small glorin vas, so she had to get her hands on some sort of storage. Fortune was smiling upon her. Doing her daily routine, Youn overheard how two thugs were talking about a certain jewel, a device capable of aiding her magical capabilities. One of them being supposed to get it, Youn seized this moment and made sure SHE was the one who would receive the valuable gift. It only occurred later to her, that she made a mistake, young and naive, she was now a wanted criminal, worse, wanted by other criminals. While initially able to escape their grasp, it didn’t take long for her to be finally caught. Thanks to her curiosity, the gem was long since depleted. Faced by 5 who all wanted the same, surrender equaled death, escape was not an option. It was in this grim hour that the very same person she had once fooled came to her help. Sure, the young prodigy could have used the confusion caused to escape, instead, she took out one of the guys as their attention was entirely directed towards the intruder. With 3 down, only 2 were left, still too much for the young Youn. Coincidence, Fate, Youn wouldn’t know, nor could she remember exactly, it all happened too fast, there was ice, a lot of ice, 5 corpses, 2 survivors. She had to get out, dragging Emmeric behind her. Already lying about leaving the 5 corpses unconscious, their long partnership slowly started to grow. They both know they had to get out of the city. With nowhere to go, Youn tagged along her new fuel-source, not planning to let him go off so easily, even if she had to sell that now useless gem, a small price for what she acquired in return. ----- [b][u]Emmeric Marcure:[/b][/u] Portrayed by Voltin Full Name: Emmeric Marcure Nicknames: Em (to those who wish to annoy him) | Marc | “The Noble” Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 26 Hair: Black, and generally messy but with the sort of "styling" that makes it look as if he has tried slicking it back numerous times. Skin: Fair, yet tanned from his days spent in sunny streets. Has a fair amount of battle scars. Eyes: A cool green. Height: 5"8' Weight: 151 lbs. Place of Birth: Tevelesen, the shining star of the north-west. The city sits in the middle of a desert oasis and it’s grandiose size, despite the location, comes from the numerous amount of gem deposits which are mined out from under the city’s foundation. Concerns have arisen about the possibility of the entire area falling due to rotting support beams and the weight of the continuingly towering buildings that the nobles are building, but the worried voices have fallen on the deaf ears of anybody capable of changing as much. The city’s structure falls in a rough circle; any form of city planning tossed to the wayside in favor of outer expansion. The rich, upper class are concentrated and crammed within the center, the lower class spread out, and always pushing the city’s outer limits further from the city’s nobility, and the middle class jammed between the two while trying to expand out themselves into the purchased hovels of the lower class. Buildings are made of either a mixture of sand, clay and straw -- the composition of which depending on the standards of the the surrounding social class -- or of a shining white marble. The poor use a baser rammed earth method for building, while the middle class uses an adobe brick. The marble, naturally, is reserved for the shining palaces and towers of the rich. This is a city which people come to in order to make a profit and advance their standing in the world. Unfortunately for them, business here only favors the already wealthy. So, to make ends meet, they join one of the numerous underground (no pun) “businesses” which are only too happy to have a couple more footmen on payroll. It’s a “career” that some are cut out for, while for others it just ends with them cut and alone in a hole, but as far as gem smuggling goes, Tevelesen is the Aegan epicenter of it. Of course, that isn’t their only “dirty” means of income. Appearance: Emmeric’s face is angular. Not gaunt, as if he hasn’t been able to feed himself properly, but a jagged, full type of face to compliment his pointed chin and his other relatively regular facial features. He’s a type of handsome that you would recognize the goodly tramp for, but with a smile that let’s on to more than it should as to what’s going on in his mind’s eye. He generally carries himself in an exaggerated manner. Whether it’s flailing about in some fake panic, his displeasure of being fed something horrid, or simply walking down the street with an unearned swagger. He does so with the same zest as an actor who is trying too hard. Occupation in the frontier forces: Laborer Gear of choice: -Clothing: A white, long-sleeved cotton shirt | a makeshift overshirt, fashioned from a potato sack, and with a small "v" in the front which is laced with a simple drawstring | A pair of black trousers; heavy stitching, and patchwork can be seen on the outer sides of both legs | a pair of leather boots | A burlap cloak -Weaponry: A small, custom navaja, which he keeps on the inside of his sack shirt. Having nicked it off a trade caravan during one of his very few solo (and successful) jobs, he keeps it with him everywhere he goes. It has the curious imagery of a chimera overpowering a dragon on one side of the blade, a submerged leviathan being overwhelmed by a fiery bird on the other, and a golden, curved and rippling hilt with a snake’s head at the end. -Miscellany: A flask filled with water (sometimes not) | A pocket-watch (accurate to the hour) | A needle (only slightly rusted) | String of various colors and sizes (Mostly black, brown or white) Positive Personality Traits: Jovial | Determined | Bold | Economical Negative Personality Traits: Distrustful | Avoids physically strenuous work | Conceited | Vacuous Misc. Quirks: Sighs a lot | A big eater | “Theatrical” | Surprisingly Superstitious Likes: Relaxing | Wine | A warm fire | Birds | Horror stories Dislikes: Nature (aside from birds) | Aggressive Personalities | Loud noise Hobbies: Card games | Collecting unique currency | Strolling through city streets | Making his own clothes Paired character: Youn Barlai (Skyswimsky) Connection with paired character: “Partners” fantastico History: Emmeric comes from a small family of five. A middle child, he was never treated with the respect that his ways more capable older brother was shown or doted on with the same amount of attention that his little sister received. Despite his parents’ every effort and attempt, the three children were raised in a poverty where they could eat everyday and be full, but not be able to afford the luxuries of nice clothing or being able to throw parties for their every year of getting older, not even for the big days of them finally being able to work and support the family’s mutual well-being, or for their official entering into adulthood. Perhaps because of this, the middle child never exactly lived up to his parents’ expectations for him. His father wanted Emmeric to simply have a stable, good-paying job; his mother, a happy home full of a dozen grandchildren. What they got instead was a young man who was loose with who he slept with, and even looser with his money. His personality was the kind that got him what he immediately wanted but with obvious repercussions in the future than he was willing to acknowledge. The middle Marcure’s adolescent years were not spent working and improving himself like his older brother did to attract a wealthy wife (even if she were an older widower), or the kind of primping and educating his sister received so that she one day may become a politician and advocate for the lower-class, but in a stupor where he hung out with a similar lazy, charming group of good-for-nothings, and spent all his spare change on food for himself or at card tables. Due to this, his parent’s never bring up Emmeric’s existence when discussing their children with their friends or neighbors (even if they never chastised him for his reckless behavior), and is viewed as pathetic by his much more successful older sibling. The only one to support him was his sister, who was always aware of her brother’s path in life, and encouraged him to do better for himself, despite whatever his current circumstance may be. He made his own first coin as a pickpocket. It started as a dare from a friend, and years down the line, it was a dare that shaped much of his life. He got involved in with the dangerous underground types who were always willing to exploit the people around them to make an easy profit. Nothing more than a neutral gofer of sorts, he was a freelance hire around the city, known for his erratic work performance, and the steady cut from his knife-wielding hand. Many viewed him as suspicious -- having his hand in so many honeypots at once meant that he was a liability as well as a “source” of information -- but was viewed by many of these assorted gang leaders as “a loose end they were willing to keep loose, for now” for each their own personal gain. Marcure was a man viewed as an incompetent menace by the rank-and-file footmen, but as a sort of “diamond in the rough” to the higher ups; all of whom who wanted nothing more than to crack all those secrets out of him. They discarded this “jewel” after his brief possession of a gem. It was standard fare for him -- a courier job for an unnamed, sometimes faceless, man -- so it was nearly impossible for Emmeric to fail. Alas, such was the case as he encountered the quick-witted, and disingenuous, young Youn. She had met him at the meeting spot, gave the correct signals, yet the next day, he had been accused of stealing the magic storing device -- then selling it -- and simply wanted dead for his most recent, and financially important, failure. Giving up the current belongings not on his body, an easy task given the so little he owned (and that all family, except for his sister, had cut ties from him), and going into hiding was his plan for that moment. It wasn’t long before he was able to track the girl and the gem down -- figuring that the least he could do now was prove his accusers right -- just as she was encountering her own stint of danger for her committed robbery. Despite his regular reluctance in getting involved, and even with this was the thief who had gotten a bounty put on his head, Emmeric found himself approaching the group casually, and stabbing one of the weapon-wielding brigands in the back with his knife. A fight broke out; it was between him and the group of five that wanted both him and the girl dead. He was able to take out another with only a black eye and a few cuts and bruises. One of the bastards had snuck up behind him, though, and was able to land a heavy blow to his head. He woke up in an unfamiliar hovel not much later, and had the reason as to why he wasn’t dead explained to him by the very same girl who had stolen from him. It didn’t take them very long to figure out they were better off trying to get out of the city together than alone, so that’s what they did. They sold the depleted gem and used the money to pay for passage to the other side of the continent. The circumstance of their meeting had Emmeric convinced of one thing, however. That they were “destined” to reach the “Lost Continent”; the rumors of which had him practically drooling at the thought of all the riches to be had. But with all their gem money gone from traveling across Aega, and with neither of them having some rich benefactor, they were forced to sell themselves into a form of indentured service for passage. [/hider] [hider=Luched and Yvaine] [b][u]Luched:[/b][/u] Portrayed by Nevis Full Name: Luched (Loo-guttural 'ch' sound-eh-d), 'Lightning' Nicknames: Lu, Luch Race: Half-Human, Half-Elf Gender: Male Age: 22 Hair: Short in back, bangs dangling just past eyes, mix of dark and bronze Skin: Moderately pale Eyes: Green Height 5 '5' Weight: 130 lbs Place of Birth: Khloris, 'The City of Flowers' Appearance: I've got some pictures I'll get here later, though I'll be doing text as well. Occupation: Mercenary, dungeoneer/crypt explorer Gear: A dark red leather vest than can pass as clothing or armor, a black hooded long-sleeve shirt,grey trousers, high boots and a very light and thin hand-and-a-half sword designed moderately well for both single-handed and two-handed use and a very minor satchel of holding hanging from the backside of his belt. He carries a blanket, funds, a piece of flint and steel, a coil of rope and some sort of weak magical tool that he never uses in his satchel. Positive Personality Traits: Fair, honest, caring Negative Personality Traits: Edgy or hostile towards officials, short-tempered, honest Misc. Quirks: Likes: Combat, exploring, myths and folklore Dislikes: Nobles, hierarchy, abuse of the weak by the strong, swimming Hobbies: Paired character: Yvaine (Chezka's Character) Connection with paired character: Childhood friends, saved her life, pseudo-hired guard. Luch, pressured by time and his pursuers, eventually agreed to travel to 'let' Yvaine go with him to Ialdia. As per her upbringing and his martial ability, this often means him defending her from danger, though. While it is not fully apparent to Yvaine, their relationship is actually rather strange and somewhat one-sided. Whereas Yvaine idolized Luch since childhood, let alone after having saved her now, his vehement disdain for nobility as a whole puts him somewhat at odds with her, and snide comments from her about her background aren't unknown. In fact, it is only because of the glimmer of authenticity in her that he does not write her off completely as an idiot tyrant. Simultaneously, thoughts of politics haunt him-of twisting her into a political pawn in order to further his anarchistic aims. As he generally dislikes such manipulation, though, he is torn on this. History: Luch was born and raised largely in Khloris, 'The City of Flowers'. He is from relative poverty and spent as much of his days outside the city in the fields and forest as in it; in neither place did he ever feel at home, though. That said, he was far from unacquainted with the streets, and his tendency to stick by his word and what he thought was right, rather than being loyal to friends whether right or wrong, put him frequently at odds with the other children-often violently. While this won him few, if any, genuine friends, he was, at least, respected for his honesty-and for raw talent when it came to combat. Among his few friends was Yvaine-ironically enough, the heir of the lord of the city. Something of both a defender and a teacher, he both took her side when the others would attack her based on her position of birth and tear her arguments apart when she tried to abuse it. In the fullness of it, it is perhaps that he respected and saw her, yet not her position, that lead to her following him around like a loving puppy. When adolescence came, childhood adventures became more serious and dangerous, and Luch's sense of not belonging only grew. He began wandering further and further away from the city, and his skirmishes with children were replaced by encounters with beasts and bandits. Over time, his skills in combat grew from meager fights into genuine martial skill. And every time, while travelling, his aching urge to leave, to move and discover only grew. And when a merchant caravan offered to hire him on as an armed escort, he took it. Years passed with Luch travelling and exploring, honing his technique with a sword and learning magic. Over time, he became more and more disgusted with the distinction of class in the society and grew to be ever more anarchisitc. Eventually, he began associating with anarchist groups and interfering with armies and guards, going to far as to be a famous vigilante at one point. Then, one night amid a city-wide conflict between the group and the guard, he fled, a strange aura that caused fluctuations in magic emanating from him as he cringed in pain. While he has apparently been constantly on the move since, the glowing aura has plagued him since and has made it impossible to not be spotted and leave a trail to follow. His pursuers eventually set up an ambush for him when, after having his identity betrayed by a captured member of his group, it was determined that he was heading back to Khloris. Just outside the city and with his pursuers close, Luch, while hiding, came across a girl about to be raped by guards. He interfered and slew all of them. Much to his chagrin, the maiden turned out to be Yvaine, who was apparently fleeing from home-who had, in fact, been tracking him down. Out of time, he fled with Yvaine onto a boat-one setting sail for the lost lands of Ialdia. ----- [u][b]Yvaine Rinaldi:[/b][/u] Portrayed by Chezka Full Name: Evianna Noelle Rinaldi Nicknames: Yvaine Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 18 Hair: Blonde Skin: Fair Eyes: A light blue that darken noticeably when she's upset Height: 5'3" Weight: 99 lbs Place of Birth: Khloris (more commonly known as The City of Flowers) is located in the southeastern province of Aega. It is built atop a large hill that overlooks a valley of flowers, hence its moniker, and is enclosed in concentric tiered walls that split the city into four sectors, culminating with the Fortress at the summit. There is an apparent caste system that arose from this division, wherein proximity to the Fortress signifies social standing. As such, the outermost sector (called the Roots) houses the lower-class citizens, and the two middle sectors house the middle and upper class respectively. In addition to its chivalric repute, Khloris is well-known for its grand, season-long flower festival during springtime. Many travel from all over Aega for a glimpse of the valley when all the flowers are in bloom, as they are said to rival in beauty and magnificence even those found in Siilara. An even grander festival is held every seven years, when the rare, night-blooming Aegan fireblossom sets the whole valley alight for exactly thirty-two hours before withering instantaneously. Khloris has been presided over by the Rinaldi family for six generations now, having steadily risen as prominent figures in the lands of Aega because of their vast resources. They currently have dominion over most of the verdant farmlands of southeastern Aega, and are the primary providers of the lands' grains, fruits, and wine. Appearance: [img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v75/3monica6/2187979a-55c9-4851-8487-28b8ab299a06_zps59b543f8.png] A lady in every sense of the word, Yvaine possesses feminine graces that make her beautiful, or so her mother boasts. Her blonde locks fall in loose waves past her lower back and curl tighter at the tips; as per her mother's insistent request, upon her ardent belief that short hair does not become a lady, she is prohibited from shearing even an inch off. It can get unmanageable if not properly maintained, and she rouses an hour earlier for her handmaidens to style and set her hair for the day. Her fair complexion is layered only with an ever-so-slight hint of gold despite the persistent sunny spells in Khloris. If there is one thing that points to her life of luxury, it is this; smooth and unblemished, nary a semblance of toil. Her light blue eyes are honest and far too expressive, very much unfit for deceit. Try as she might, she never could properly hide what she feels from others. Her attempts to conceal disdain, as she is told a lady must always do, are laughable. Yvaine carries herself with a certain poise that harkens to her noble upbringing: head held high in a self-assured manner, yet not without a hint of demureness; gait purposeful but airy. There is something in that way she moves that is almost melodic, as though her actions are performed in time to a song (should one ever ask her, she'll say that they are). Occupation in the frontier forces: Emissary Gear of choice: Yvaine is woefully unprepared for travel. Before hightailing it out of the city, she thought only to take with her two sets of spare clothes; they are, at the very least, among her simplest pieces. One is a deep red made from cotton, with shorter sleeves and a shorter hemline for the warmer weather. The other is a light shade of blue; made from a thicker material, with its skirts dragging and its bell sleeves flaring out, she hoped it would be enough to ward against the cold. She also has a long hooded cloak. Her only weapon is a finely crafted staff made from durable, lightweight metal, sturdy enough to withstand a fair amount of force while doing little to encumber her. It is enchanted to project her voice, and as such, increases the range and effectiveness of her spellsinging. The two gems embedded within the staff serve as her surplus. She has also brought a few precious trinkets (two golden rings with gemstones and an enchanted necklace that glows like the fireblossom, a rare Khlorissian product) from home that she believes might fetch a high price in the right market, all safely tucked away in the deepest recesses of her satchel, and two of her favorite books (The Herald and the Crown, the story about the love between the queen and the enemy kingdom's royal messenger; and The Seventh Light, a page-turner of an epic about the brave knight Owain). Positive Personality Traits: Genial, resourceful, curious, honest but tactful, empathetic Negative Personality Traits: Impressionable, indulgent, starry-eyed, stubborn, too easily swayed by emotions and whims Misc. Quirks: Fifteen years of etiquette lessons have become so finely ingrained within her that she is mannerly to a fault. Should she extend the same courtesies to an enemy that she would a friend, it is because it has become a conditioned response. Likewise, Yvaine cannot bring herself to use profanity—as a child, it only brought her painful slaps on the wrists and nights without dinner, which at the time, was just the worst. She reflexively lectures those that do. Yvaine Likes: Songs and stories in general, but nearest and dearest to her are the ones about romance and adventure; Yvaine knows hundreds by heart, and is likely to use them as references. Good, honorable people who protect others. Learning about the different cultures in Veruulis. Dislikes: Cold weather (temperate Khloris has unfortunately given her little resistance to lower temperatures); any affront to her hero's honor; enclosed spaces; restraint of any form. Hobbies: Singing, for entertainment and not just for magical purposes; reading (and she is wont to get overly engrossed, to the point that she may ignore her surroundings); collecting flowers she hasn't seen in Khloris and pressing them. Paired character: Luched (Nevis) Connection with paired character: Childhood friend and her personal hero. Yvaine adores Luch and holds him in the highest regard: to her, the righteous Luched is even better than the heroes in the songs and stories she loved so much. She sought him out after running away from home, but ran into trouble before she could find him. As luck would have it (or destiny, as the romantic in her likes to think), it was him who found and saved her. She asked to join him in his travels, and he relented. fantastico History: Evianna Noelle Rinaldi is the fourth child and only daughter of Florian and Isabelle Rinaldi. Born to a mother whom had long since yearned for a daughter, Yvaine found herself the recipient of her undivided attention. She has three older brothers and two younger ones, but it was only she that their mother openly fixated on. The proud and vain Isabelle wanted nothing more than to raise the perfect lady, one that every noble family would envy, and she finally had her chance. At first, their mother's special treatment earned Yvaine the ire of her brothers, but as they grew older, they realized that being at the receiving end of their mother's obsessive devotion was not at all something to be envied. For one thing, her early childhood was nothing but a haze of lessons: etiquette in the morning, academics at noon, magical arts in the evening. Impossibly high expectations were forced upon her as she was shaped to be what her mother considered the epitome of a lady. Graceful, refined, and prudent all at once, always presentable and never homely, armed with an ever-present winning smile—Yvaine thought it silly to have to strive for perfection, but fear of disappointment compelled her to obedience. She did as she was told, if only to make her mother happy. Paranoia (and a sense of elitism) also gripped at her mother's heart, and it made her irrationally overprotective. Unlike her brothers, free to roam where they wish so long as they heed caution, Yvaine was not allowed to venture past their gardens without an escort, or past the city gates at all. Her mother even refused to take her to the lower districts. "My precious flower will just get tainted," she would say every time Yvaine asked why. She thought nothing of it at first, brought up to believe that such wariness was essential (lesson twenty-seven: "a lady must always proceed with caution, no matter the circumstance"). But as she grew older and fell in love with stories of adventure, curiosity and longing stirred within her. She wanted to see the world beyond Khloris, the world that she knew only through songs and stories. Suddenly, the palace walls became stifling. The palace she thought to be a haven, protecting her from the evils of the world, seemed more and more like a prison. A dollhouse for her mother's favorite doll. Yvaine was nine when she first stole away to the lowest Khloris district, the Roots. She was in a particularly petulant mood after being punished repeatedly for horrible posture (each time her shoulders sagged even the slightest bit, her governess would touch her with her shock-inducing wand; it doesn't cause injuries, but it certainly stung) so she decided to rebel by running away. Escaping was surprisingly easy. There were passageways scattered throughout the palace, some of which were only known to members of her family. She took one that led directly to the Roots and used her two hour self-study and reflection session in the afternoon—a time for herself when no one was allowed to disturb her, not even her mother—to explore. It was there that Yvaine first encountered Luched. As she roamed the streets, she happened by a brawl between two children, one big burly, the other small and slight. There was a crowd that gathered around them, whether they were vociferously cheering or heckling them, she couldn't quite tell. Yvaine felt duty-bound to stop the fight, but she was oddly fascinated by the slight boy's quick and precise movements. It looked as though he was at a disadvantage, but it would be he that emerges victorious. A clearly wonderstruck Yvaine approached him after the fight, offering to soothe his injuries with her magic, and although he seemed hesitant to accept her aid at first, he eventually relented. She had to leave before they could get better acquainted, but she sought him out the next time she snuck away to the lower districts. From then on, secretly escaping to the Roots and trailing after Luched became routine. The two quickly became friends, and it was Luch who taught her all about the world she didn't know. He even defended her from those that picked on her, and silenced those that wanted to tell her family of her actions. But even after he disappeared without a word one day (as upset as she was, she knew full well that he longed to travel, just like her), Yvaine never stopped visiting the lower districts. The few hours she spent there each day felt like an adventure, and she came out of it knowing something new each time. This went on for years without her mother ever knowing, and her brothers acting as accomplices. Then one day, she came out of the passageway's exit to find her mother angrily waiting, a small battalion of palace guards accompanying her. Yvaine was heartbroken. She had at last arrived at the end of her little adventures. Her mother did not take her act of disobedience well. It was shameful and dishonorable, she said, to deceive family to play with vile lowborns. Her mother saw only one fitting punishment for such egregious behavior: total confinement within the palace until she deems her a presentable candidate for marriage. Until such a time, she would be under constant watch, with lessons doubled to ensure it properly sticks with her this time. Before her mother could subject her to a life of imprisonment, Yvaine allowed herself one final act of rebellion. She ran away once again, this time escaping from the city, as she had always longed to do. It was time for a proper adventure. She dreaded the thought of disappointing her mother once again, but she knew this was something she must do or regret would consume her. After successfully fleeing from Khloris, the first thing she thought to do was to seek out Luch, like she did as a child. She remembered vowing that she would join him in his travels one day, even as he brushed it off as an impossible endeavor, and she intended on fulfilling that vow. Unfortunately, Yvaine all but made it halfway to the neighboring city before a couple of drunken, lecherous guards cornered her. They advanced on her all at once, and as one had their hands clamped against her mouth, she was unable to cast any sort of protection spell. She struggled to break free, desperately kicking and clawing, but it hardly affected them. Just as she started fearing for the worst, there it was: a miracle. It happened so suddenly that she never managed to properly process it. Blood pooled where the four guards laid, utter shock permanently etched on their faces. She was saved. When she realized that her savior was no other than Luch himself, Yvaine collapsed from relief, a cross between a sob and a laugh bubbling in her throat. Still completely shaken up and fearing she'd be left alone, she asked to join him, caring little about his destination. [/hider] Let me know if I missed anybody or anything! Also, I'll be posting the first IC shortly! HUZZAH! EDIT: It might take a few hours.. It is kinda long.