Yeah I got nothing up today, but thought more about what I will do to the stats and basically I will provide a few reworked examples and want to get your feedback on it, the examples gonna be from "easy peas"y to complex "pls P&P section"(No, not really, but it will include a lot more complexity than right now >_>). I think I kinda rushed the OOC(and prolly Int. Check too cuz ALL THE EXCITMENT, such a scrub GM I am <3) as there are so many things I haven't properly explained yet, I should start making proper notes for myself instead of keeping the most stuff in my head <_<, yeah sorry for that. Anyways once everything OOC-wise is settled I gonna push up another, new interest check to hopefully get a few more people :). The two most annoying days of the week are over too, tomorrow, I have to prepare something in my private time for work though but I will try to get more information up on the same day regardless of how busy I may be(I also have other RPs to attend which I put on higher priority right now).