Brandy was, while this was going on, walking around the field with her herbs book looking at all the different plants. When she saw a new plant she would add a rough sketch of it and then would write down it's characteristics. "Hmm, interesting." She said quietly to herself kneeling by a plant near the water. It's roots seen and dug deeply into the earth under the water. "A water-type plant. Doesn't need to be fully submerged of course. Can probably be submerged fully or not be submerged and still function perfectly." She mumbled while writing that down as part of a hypothesis. She could hear the others discussing food and although she wasn't verbally speaking she could still hear the conversation. And they all seemed to have that under control. She glanced behind her when Alli came back with wood for the fire. "Should be enough." She said softly to herself. In her head she was thinking about the fire and it seemed to be the perfect amount to make a highly functioning fire.