name: Lt. Jason Tailor code name: Justice Bullet Appearance (picture not required. keep in mind this is an anime game):[img=] Faction: Government Personality: A loyal and dedicated member of a government special ops squad, somewhat arrogant but he's got the skills to back it up. He is stern and fierce most of the time, focusing on the task at hand and reducing everything down to a set of simple tasks that he completes before moving on. He has an enormous sense of pride when succeeding at something and pursues each of his missions with an almost demonic drive, never giving up until he is victorious. Bio: Born into a fairly wealthy family in one of the many big cities of the United States, Tailor was always pushed to support the rulers by his family who would tell him that those who favoured the government were favoured in return. As a child he didn't realise what this meant but as he matured and began to take note of the world around him he began to understand what they meant. He trained in and studied law and politics, hoping to one day make a difference and bridge the gap between the government and the radicals perhaps as a politician. In time however Tailor came to realise that the devisions were too deep and that one man couldn't fix it, he also saw that many of the radicals were in fact anarchists and rebels and couldn't be reasoned with. Shortly after this realisation he joined the police and quickly rose through the ranks and demonstrated excellence before being taken into a secretive and shadowy government unit created to tackle the more dangerous rebels. Now Tailor makes his living as the Bullet of Justice, using his special talents and abilities to keep the rebels in check. Abilities: The ability to tell if a person is lying or telling the truth by looking them in the eyes. Superhuman aim, perception and reflexes. He can slice a bullet out of the air with his blade or stop it mid-air with a bullet of his own. Excellent ability and grace makes him very hard to hit and allows him to doge most regular attacks with ease.