Done! [center] [img=] \Name/ Ava Ravier \Callsign/ KA 2-8 \Appearance/ [img=] Standing at around 5'10, she is fairly muscular with an average build. This is the armor/uniform typically worn by KA operatives during operations. \Faction/ P.K.F. (Peace Keeping Forces, World Government) KA Counter Terrorism Unit (Think a slightly more well armed SWAT) \Personality/ Skeptical at heart, critical thinking outwards, she is a strong minded, rational individual. She likes humor when its in good taste and is generally very collected and "in control" so to speak. Respect isn't given, its earned in her eyes, but that doesn't stop her from being generally friendly or simply a decent human being. She feels life is absurd and that we're all trying to get through it, though she seems to be ultimately a girl of contradictions. Tries to be "Moral' but won't hesitate to pull the trigger, is naturally skeptical, but works of the authority, generally friendly though can be very unnecessarily cruel when she feels like it. A complex, deep woman who is hard to figure out would be a good way to describe her. Bio: Ava had joined government service as it was a good deal in her eyes. Good pay, on the winning side, and her job kept her life interesting. The KA Counter Terrorism Unit was around since the beginning of the world united under one banner. It acted as a more well armed police force that could be deployed to handle more serious cases of civil disobedience such as violent protests, cult groups, riots, ect. She joined the KA for the sole reason of having something entertaining in her life. Not in the sense of movie or video game entertainment, but more to keep life worth live. She had no living family or friends, so her motivations were....lacking to say the least. Though in the deeper parts of her mind, she believed in the idea of preserving the global power. Thanks to unification, there has been almost zero all out wars, no nuclear threats, no planet destroying scenarios at all. Sure the regime was a bit brutal, but times and powers tend to change and thus Ava saw it was right to protect the government. With the advent of the rebels, the KA now has a bigger problem on their plate, an active terrorist group. Due this fact and the growing organization of the rebels, their have been other agencies that KA has to constantly contend with, particularly the vigilante groups and individuals such as "The Bullet of Justice" or "The Rightous Hand". In the eyes of the KA agency, these groups where almost just as bad, regardless of whoever they target. Pro government or not, they were illegals, and Ava of the KA is ready to take them all down. "Life is absurd, so why not? Intergovernment rivalry should be loads of fun!" \Abilities/ -Frequency Manipulation- She can change the rate at which molecules vibrate, causing any area or object in her grasp to change density and become unstable. In less sciency terms, she can heat stuff up violently or cool stuff down, particularly nasty when applied to humans. -Energy Projection- She can create solid state material made from pure energy. Essentially creating hardlight shields that can wistand a variety of projectiles, depending on the situation. Depending variables determines the size, strength, and how long the shield will stay up. For example, a tank fires a shell at her, she can very briefly stop the shell, but she will not be able to create another energy shield for some time. -Increased Bone/Muscle Density- She can fall from higher heights, take stronger punches, and jump and hit harder in return. Her bones and muscles are much more dense than your average Jo, allowing her to jump much higher and run much faster than normal while internal injury such as bruising, muscle pulling, and even the breaking of bones is vastly decreased. She can fall from twenty feet and land feet first without so much as spraining an ankle. She does not have super human strength however, more like super human durability. [/center]