Awe thanks I'm glad you liked it! I fixed where I put her gun though, because if I didn't everyone would get to see it xD I lived somewhere between the Gladwin/Midland area. I actually had to ask on that one, it around five/six years old haha. Yeah the summers are really nice up there, I do remember that we rented a spot in one of the campgrounds for the whole summer and camped out. Gosh though the winters are crazy, when I was there my dad got in trouble for us not going to school when it was under 0 degrees. Haha my biggest memory is my biological mom almost driving into a frozen lake taking us to the bus stop. I prefer mild weather myself, like fall...of that also means football so that could have something to do with it too xD I'm not in school yet, right now I'm working on getting my GED then I'm going to go. I'm trying to decide between Criminal Justice or Culinary Arts. Are you in school?