I would like to join this. I would prefer bard/druid, but it seems like they are taken. However, a paladin or hunter would be fine (presuming there is room) I am probably going to be a paladin. A question about faith in this game: Do Paladins have certain gods, or do they no certain deity and just worships the whole pantheon? [hider=Alexander] Name: Alexander STR: 15 (+1) CON:16 (+2) DEX: 8 (-1) INT: 9 (+0) WIS: 13 (+1) CHA: 12 (+0) HP: 26? Damage: D10 Racial Move: Human Lay on Hands Armored I am the Law Quest: To be revealed during the story Boons: Invulnerability to Poisons. Senses that Pierces though Lies Vows: (I guess I wait for the GM, however I suggest one of them to be Truth, considering this characters themes. I will leave how many and which ones I get up to you unless you want to do my vows. My choices would be Honesty and maybe something else.) Gear: (Max Weight = 27) Dungeon Ratios (5 uses, 1 weight) Adventuring Gear (1 weight) Scale Armor (2 armor, 3 weight) Mark of Faith: A bronze figure in the shape of a mongoose's claw. It is the symbol of honesty, and bane of (figurative) snakes (liars and cheaters) 1 Healing Potion Halberd (reach, +1 damage, two-handed, 2 weight) [/hider]