Jinx sat at the edge of the fight on a rickety old fence, munching on an apple as she watched the fight. She was impressed with the new member of the opposing guild, even if he was another competitor for missions. She cracked her neck, watching the arrogant contender be taken away from the stretcher. With luck she could take a visit to the morgue later and convince another soul to become a weapon of choice. She looked back over towards the tall metal guy and sized him up, as being more then just a brute with a hard punch. This guy was swift for wearing such a suit of armor, which could mean intense training or a little magical advantage. She also couldn't help but notice his soul was a bit off. The colour was a light grey and was located at a different spot in the body. Usually the two soul spots on a figure were the head or the stomach. It was rare to find it elsewhere. It was possible though so she didn't fret with it. She looked around at the people of the town as they began to whisper and cheer. One walked by and smacked his friend in the chest,"I'd like to see him face one of the people in Phantom! Like SteelFist or Tiger. Hell maybe even the Reaper." The other guy shook his head, "The Reaper would never openly go against him. You barely see the dude, except for the left behinds." Jinx chucked the apple core away, wondering what it would be like to take on lugnuts. She figured she could bring up a strategy to take him down, but she may lose an arm or limb in the process. They were right though, she liked her anonymous reputation that only the figures in Phantom knew about. She jumped off the fence and sauntered over to the large metal dude. She shoved her hands in her leather jacket and looked at him with a cheeky expression. Her russian accent vibrated through her words as she spoke, "That was quite a fight Steeltoes! It's nice to know that we have such a strong defender watching over our little town. A woman like myself feels a wee bit more safe when the guilds in the area have strong members. A chick can die out there in the big ol world."