[b]Hot Rod[/b] Hot Rod looked at Charlotte and was surprised at the sight of seeing a little girl on the team, kids today were so much more crazy than when he was one, he guessed it was probably the internet's fault. Normally he was nicer to kids but the way this girl talked to him made him decide to respond in a rude manner. "I didn't know this team was also a daycare, if you're going to be a rude little brat then don't expect to be kind. If you need help with those burns then just ask in a nicer way, and I just got here little girl, I have no idea what is going on and don't talk bad my powers you hear? Because I don't need tips from snobby brats" he said in an angry tone as he was looking Rolling Girl over to see if her burns were extremely serious. They looked to be healing which made him guess that that the little girl had some sort of healing power so again he didn't see the need to be rude. [i]kids today, they have no respect whatsoever and are such brats.[/i] He then turned away from the girl and was surveying the training session that was going on. It looked like the coach of this practice was pushing the team really hard and Hot Rod couldn't wait to get into gear and start training. "Can you tell me what the situation is?" Hot Rod asked Rolling Girl, ignoring Charlotte since he was still annoyed at the girl's rude words.