NAME: Till "Sea Blood" Hermann AGE: 25 SEX: M Race: Human APPEARANCE: A medium sized man who stands at 5'8 makes up for lack of height with a broad body type. Facial features of a Northman he has a round stout face and soft rounded nose. Not originally from Indigna he holds a naturally pale complexion (tanned from the sun) and pale grey eyes to match. He keep his hair at shoulder length and it is a dirty blonder color. His hands and feet callused from long days at sea and travel, he looks older for his age. He wears common clothes, a blue tunic and dark brown trousers. PERSONALITY: A curious and adventurous type he has found himself in a variety of situations as a result. His time travelling before joining the military and his eventual service has taught him that many times the only way to accomplish things with those you can trust. Often strangely upbeat, he finds that life is too short holding anger he attempts to keep people around him in high spirits and will try to decrease stress in high situations. He will not stray from battle but finds that there are many other things that can be done before violence must enter the equation. Strongly loyal to the Indigan Navy and its people. OCCUPATION: Sailor/Trader BACKGROUND: Born in the farther northern city state of Thuaidh where the nearby sea only melts for the summer months he was not originally of the sailing persuasion. His father a humble and often times meek man, and mother a fierce and strong woman of the north many times clashed eachother. He saw from early on what a place of constant fighting can do and at first chance around the age of 14 left home and has since never looked back. He traveled, never staying in one place for too long lived by panhandling or forming tight knit groups with other vagrants in the city-states he stayed. By the age of 16 had attempted to enter into Indiga by smuggling himself aboard a trade ship. Unfortunately he was caught and was given the choice of imprisonment or serving on the ships he had tried to smuggle himself on. Not being the one to be stuck in a cage, he took the choice to be apart of the Indigan Navy. Military life surprisingly suited him, he found himself following orders and doing tasks without hesitation. Rising through the ranks, he was quickly leading a small portion of sailors on a ship as an NCO. After 8 years his enlistment was up he was a freeman, and settled down in the sailing district living off a boat he had bought with his earnings from his time in the Navy. He will often hire his boat out for small shipping and fishing expeditions. He isn't a prominent figure by any means but is apart of the Sailor guild by default because of his profession and former military service gives him ties to the Indigan Council. SKILLS: Boating and Barter. WEAPONS: Standard issue pike and short sword from his days in the Navy. Can't wait to get posting with everyone!