Awesome! I'll post my form here, a WIP. [img][/img] Ignore the, eh, sniffing glue. I found this photo on an anti-drug newspaper article. Credit goes to and photographer Anton Denisov. [b]Name:[/b] Artyom Kozhin [b]Race:[/b] Boring ol' Human [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Hometown:[/b] Indiga [b]Occupation:[/b] Fisherman [b]Skills:[/b] Fishing, cooking, business [b]Magic:[/b] Life Detection - Artyom is gifted with a weak ability to detect creatures with souls through a strong feeling or intuition. He uses this ability to assist in locating fish, after exhausting the usual methods, like following the birds, searching near reefs, etc. This ability does work on humans, animals, and ghosts, but fails on soulless creatures, such as undead and enchanted objects. The magic is easiest in close range and becomes progressively harder the more distance is used. After a mile, it only hurts him. If used for too much or at an impossible distance, Artyom suffers a terrible migraine. It is possible for Artyom to suffer an aneurysm as a result of this magic. . . . Artyom was raised on the outskirts of Indiga, in a small house on the docks. His father was a fisherman and determined to raise Artyom on the sea. His mother, a housewife, had no qualms with this, since Artyom loved the water so much he learned to swim before learning to walk. Once he was old enough, his father took him on their company's boat for the early morning catch. Besides the usual tired whining, Artyom loved it. He went on many more, and soon started to help the men, pointing out the largest schools of fish, and telling them to avoid spots with whales or sharks near. One-too-many accurate predictions and the men got spooked. They told his father to explain himself, 'why was his son so good, he's not even a real fisher.' His father sat him down for a long talk, and Artyom explained that is he concentrated hard he could 'feel' the creatures nearby. First the men on the boat, then the fish below, and the birds above. Bigger things are easier to pinpoint, but they also hurt more. He just wanted to help out. His dad laughed, finding this rather amusing for some reason. Explaining this to the men, Artyom was let back on the ship. Some of the guys were still suspicious, but they soon realized his gift was very helpful. It cut down on time, allowing them to catch more and avoid danger. Once he grew big enough, Artyom was allowed to start fishing too. In five years they gained enough money to purchase another boat and expand their shop. The disaster at Crimsia helped too by giving them more customers. Artyom used his earnings to buy a small house, and now lives there. He still works for the same small fishing company. (Note: I'd say Artyom's a "novice" with his magic.) (Also, bleh, Artyom's history sucks, but oh well.)