Bernie turned abruptly, a bit surprised at the person behind him, raising his hands in a furious flail of fake Kung fu. After he got a good look at her, he lowered his hands, crossing them behind his back. He felt a bit ashamed of this beautiful display of his trained reactions, especially considering how much military training he had. Running his fingers through his hair, a bit embarrassed, he began to speak. "Hey there. I'm not -" he managed to stutter out, before violently coughing. He was fairly certain that he saw some black smoke come or that time. "Sorry about that. Anyways, I'm not really sure how much of that you caught. The name's Bernie. You must be in the same boat as us, then?" He guessed, his voice still retaining the zombie-like raspiness. "That is to say, 'useless'." He muttered, voice laced with a deadly dose of sarcasm. "Well. At least that's what they're calling us these days." He continiued, voice ridden with an emotion somewhere between anger and sadness. "Well, let's hope you guys aren't as useless as I am." He said, turning to look back at the solitary man in his room.