“Woah, woah, easy there, ma'am,” Ray raised his hands defensively and backed into the corner nearest to the door. “I just got here and I have no idea who's who and what's what.” The mother, who had been advancing menacingly towards him lowered her iron pan slightly. “All know is that King Fen-” Ray was cut off with a hollow metal CLANG as the pan swung towards his head with more speed than he imagined possible from such a heavy object. He reflexively raised his arm so the blow hit his elbow instead of his head so the blow was far less critical, but no less painful. “That scum of the seas is no King of mine!” the woman shrieked. Ray slid into the corner, raising his hands defensively as she advanced on him with renewed fury. “That Fennel bastard has my friends!” Ray blurted, causing the coming choleric storm to halt once again. The mother stared in slight confusion as the little girl whispered, “You said a bad word mister.” “He is trying to pressgang my crewmates and and I know them all well enough that none of them will stand for it. I need to help them.” Ray explained, keeping his arms raised, but relaxing slightly. After a few tense minutes, the woman smiled and started chuckling. Of all the reactions Ray expected, this wasn't even on the list. She explained between chuckles, “You meant Captain Fenn.” “What?” “His name isn't Fennel, silly, its just Fenn.” The little girl smiled and began to laugh too, now understanding the misunderstanding. Ray couldn't help but join in the laughter at the absurdity of the situation. He slumped to the floor, finally letting the adrenaline recede and letting his weariness be felt. After a minute the laughter died out, and Ray remembered his purpose. “Oh shi-oot,” he said, trying to catch himself from using profanity around the girl. “I need to help my friends. Do you know where I can find Captain Fenn? They were taking them to him and I haven't the slightest idea where anything is.” He nervously ran a hand through his hair. “I don't even have a plan....” He muttered sotto voce.