Well, mine isn't very good either dude... Name: [b]Samantha Merles[/b] Deity of: [b] -(Beauty, Wisdom, Love, Pleasure):[/b] Age/DoB: [b]24/ 2-16-1996[/b] Gender: [b]Female[/b] Appearance: [b][url=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1518679-bigthumbnail.jpg]Samantha Merles[/url] Height: 5 feet 4 inches/ 126 centimeters Weight: 180 pounds/ 81 kilometers Markings: She has two butterfly tattoos, one on the back of her neck, and one on her waist. [url=http://www.freetattoodesigns.org/images/tattoo-gallery/swirly-butterfly.jpg]Tattoos[/url][/b] Personality: [B]Samantha isn't a very tame girl, she is unable to keep her mouth shut, has a temper that is over nine thousand, and of course thinks she is the queen of the world. When she isn't acting up or being a total smart*** she is studying or reading a passtime. She really enjoys, talking, and has always had a d small social life; custom fit with people who tolerate her. As a Goddess she may cause some trouble, and she will have a hard time filling her position as a 'Wisened, pure, bimbo.'(that is she likes to call herself).[/b] Background: [b]Before the change, Samantha was anything but pure and wise. She was a smoker, a rocker, and she was on the verge of becoming an alcoholic. Fun right? To her, it was. She started off as a goody-goody, the typical golden child that every other parent loved; she had good grades, she presented herself well, she wasn't too moody, she went to church with her family and respected her parents. People liked her, and she enjoyed the limelight. You can say she started to spoil at the age of sixteen; breasts and boys and makeup and dirty acts! That was what she wanted at the time, she had never really cared about those things before. And yet back then it was all she could wrap her little head around. It was getting to the point where she stopped going to church, she got a belly button peircing, and she stopped talking to her family. She even started to smoke, if that is important. Things were going downhill swiftly, an she did nothing to stop it. At the age of seventeen, her parents forced her into counseling. She had suscessully vandalized twenty-two neighborhood buildings, and she was now being accused of arsony. She couldn't understand that, the flames barely made it out of the mall...oh, and they had no proof. One witness would get them nowhere, at least she hoped. As long as she could make it through these years she would be fine, it was almost time for her to go to college. Surprisingly, the years did pass for her and she managed to make it through without going to jail. She thought the therapy sessions helped, the doctor she visited was long forgotten now, but he had been nice. Things were looking up, and she was at least studying again. She refused to go to church, and still had problems with her parents, but she was passing classes like she used to. So in the end, it wasn't much of a surprise that she made it to college. College was...tough for Samantha, when she finally paved her way to the community campus she was excited, yes. But things were rough, she was surrounded by people that either ticked her off for triggered her. So yeah, she was confused, on the fence about going back to her old ways, and above all, she was angry. Around that time, she got into partying, drinking, and started to smoke once again. All was...kind of right actually. She enjoyed this life more than the shallow life of a person who studied. Because really, who did that anymore? She definitely didn't, which made it cool. Until she finally went to jail for a year, then it wasn't cool...but she doesn't talk about that. The summary, of her story is; after she got out of jail, she started to live life a little less. Studying and keeping in touch with her family, but she still drank and partied. The moral of her story is; YOLO.[/b]