You know, looking at those banners now, this really does look like the casting for a supernatural teen drama, which I suppose is appropriate. Also Remi is obviously the one who will secretly betray the group mid-season and probably kill of one of the other more beloved characters. Probably Freddy, you know, because killing the only minority member of the main cast is exactly what that kind of show would do without really thinking about it. But don't worry, he'll come back later on when the network realizes how bad an idea that was for their ratings and resurrect his character somehow. Plus there will be a complicated web of affairs where everyone is cheating on everyone else with everyone else, completely out of character for most of them. Well, everyone except Kat of course. Which is really a shame, but it will lend more canon weight to my KatXSimon Firefly crossover-fic. Oh my, I am having entirely too much fun, take the plate away. EDIT: Oh my gosh, you guys, I am so dumb. I should have made Remi look like Sean Maher. He would have been a much better fit for Remi. Poopcrap.