Ah, the open sea. Jax was standing at the helm, his hands on the wheel his eyes glancing to the sextant and the compass. This was what he loved. This ship surpassed any in the quality of the build, the wood, the lines, and the instruments. Jax loved this compass. He knew the value of the finely calibrated sextant and the decorated effective sundial. These were Jax’s tool. Here he felt right. He could work the Dusk Skate better than he could figure out any person. She glided from the port out to sea as if she longed for the open waters as well. With his hands on the wheel Jax could feel the tiller. Here his touch had a response. This lady, this lovely ship, knew his hands, what they meant and how to react. Best he keep his love and affection where it was appreciated. Jax bent to the smooth top spoke and gave her a kiss. Sure he could admit he was trying to get the taste of Nicki off his mind. But he was back. Back where he should be, not in some fancy cabin, not longing for some hot mess. And so was she. He tied not to watch her stomp around the deck giving orders and settling things. But Jax’s advantage was a clear sight of most of the mainship. He was noticing her more now that before port. That could be because he danced with her in his arms. Because he showed her the Night Blooms. Because she showed him her books. Because he kissed her. Because he puked in her cabin. He shook his eyes away from Nicki. He saw the boy from the Inn, Luc, get on board. Now that was a surprise. But not his concern really. He was younger than that, or maybe that age, when he first sailed. Still he wouldn’t have guessed his parents would release him so. And the task they were taking now? Not the best route of a green lad. Still, wasn’t Jax’s problem and his lovely mistress ship didn’t seem to mind. “We have a child for you, my Lady.” He whispered to the wheel. “Don’t you be jealous. It is just another chance for an adoring lover, you know” He glanced up thinking of that to look for his Captain. Jax had the charts, the ones he stole years ago and the ones someone managed to acquire that were very current of this area of sea. How they were obtained Jax didn’t want to know. Charts like these were worth more than a ship full of gold. They could bring the owner many hulls full. Jax waited for Captain Lightfoot to add more direction to his orders. He set the course. Jax had a good working relationship with the leader and usually once clear of land more instruction would be given. He expected the Captain to join him soon enough. “Sir,” He called when he saw the Captain near by. “I have a matter to settle. A confession.” He waited until the man stepped closer. “The clothes you so gracious leant to me are washed hanging to dry by your cabin. But the shirt is not there. I owe for it’s replacement.” Jax offered a weak smile and a shrug. “The night got the better of me and it was ripped, messed upon and tossed to sea. I will repay with coins and buy you a replacement punishment for my lack of respect.” He nodded formally and then turned back to his wheel. “She is a bit stiff this morning.” He was sure he would understand he meant the ship. But maybe not. “Seems she might be in a huff that her real lovers attention went elsewhere.” He teased. It was common for the myth of sailors who go to port being missed by the lady ship. But his smile and eyes might have suggested something else. Had the Captain been lucky? Jax chuckled and lifted his face to the wind.