My CS! Name: Aria Tatsumoto Code name: Athena Appearance: [Hider=Aria] [img][/img] [/hider] Faction: Rebels Personality: Aria is a very inventive girl, often trying to discover new ways to approach a situation. She is very serious as well, especially in fights, and always treats it as life or death whether it actually is or not. She is very passionate about the rebellion and is frequently very sensitive to people who say it won't succeed. She knows how to have fun when just with her friends, but when meeting new people she is very cordial and polite. Bio: Aria was born to a middle-class family who were known for being soldiers. From a young age, this fate was pressed onto Aria. Her parents drilled their daughter from age 8 on up, determined that when she inevitably went to fight the rebels, she would survive. However, this built a massive resentment towards both her parents and the government inside Aria. She didn't understand why they had to force her into all this. At age 16, she decided she was done with her parents and their drills. They took her out to a wooded area to do yet another movement drill, just for her to dart off. They never were able to find their daughter, so she snuck off to live on her own. The world, however, is not kind to a girl with nothing to her name but a gun and survival gear. Aria was forced to live in the woods and survive on her own. Soon, it got to the point where her rifle was a last ditch weapon, and she relied on hand-crafted weapons and things she could steal. This was no real life, at least not by most standard, but to Aria it was a dream. She was free to do as she liked, when she liked, and not forced to drill every day. However, seh was destined for bigger things. 5 months after her 16th Birthday, Aria was found by Abigail and brought to join the rebels. She quickly put her skills and abilities to use for the rebel cause, causing entire government shipments to vanish without a trace. Abilities: Stealth: Something about Aria renders her almost completely un-noticable when she's hiding. Its beyond normal skill, as if the shadows themselves swallow her whenever she's hiding. In reality, that is precisely what is happening. Aria is able to literally become one with the shadows Weapon Manipulation: Aria is an expert shot with any weapon, by skill, and an excellent melee combatant. However, she is also seemingly capable of extending her own willpower over whatever weapon she is using. Guns will shoot straighter, farther, faster and jam less often when in Aria's hands. Meanwhile, melee weapons will swing faster, go through more, and be more hardy. Aria can do this with any object, but only when she intends to use it as a weapon, not for more civil purposes.