Ten thousand years ago a battle reached across the stars and Zordon, the first [white] Ranger, managed to deafeat a young Rita Repulsa and imprison her on the Earth's moon. His ship badly malfunctioning, Zordon and his droid Alpha 5 crash landed on Earth. They watched as civilizations rose and fell, and sooner than later the year fell on 2014. However, a routine moon landing accidentally had a Russian astronaut unlock the mystical prison of the villainess and her minions. Now the Earth is in peril once more. Zordon, now only being kept alive in a stasis chamber that projects his conscious mind into a holo-tube, must find five humans worthy of the other worldly power coins. Based on the original American series the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, five players will get to recreate the Rangers from the ground up. New aliases, new relationships, etc. The only thing that remains the same are the dinosaurs associated with the colors and the weapons/zords for the most part. I'll take the role of the Green Ranger and be an on again off again badguy/anti-hero. I've taken care of the general look/tone for the game with the slightly darker toned and armored Rangers. However players can help me pick an enemy of each 'episode' within the context of the game. Other than a Rita Repulsa more along the ages of the Rangers [in appearance anyway] as well as Zed, I haven't made any plans for the other long standing enemies like Goldar and Squat and Baboo [other than appearance]. [hider=Red Ranger] • Name: Robin Thompson • Age: 16 • Image: [img=http://safebooru.org//samples/1087/sample_00187c46e0b8676cc8f14c1cf37d62cf9be102ea.jpg?1128938] • Colour: Red • Skills: Generally athletic, possessing above average physical capabilities for a girl her age. She doesn't exactly get the best grades, but she somehow manages to pull through and at least get passing grades. She doesn't like to admit it due to fearing people would think it's too "girly", but Robin has a passion for cooking, and is in fact a rather wonderful cook. • Archetype: Balanced • Personality: Hotblooded and reckless, and prone to charging in without thinking when she believes someone is in trouble. However, due to experience gained from her soccer games, she thinks that teamwork is the best way to solve a problem, and that there really is no I in team. She's a disappointed that due to her boyish looks and atheleticism she's more popular with girls than boys, but only a little. • BRIEF Bio: The eldest child of three, she's always willing to act like a big sister to others, even to people she isn't related to or those she is actually younger than. As the star striker on her school's soccer team, Robin's life basically revolves around the sport, and it had brought her a moderate level of popularity... Although to her dismay she's far more popular with the girls, and often finds several love letters in her locker every morning.[/hider] [hider=Blue Ranger] Name - Jace Dixon Age - 12 Image - At 12: [img]http://puu.sh/6Bmda.png[/img] Morphed: [img]http://static4.businessinsider.com/image/52125c49eab8ea032b000025/the-famous-jett-jackson-disney-star-dead-at-29-of-suicide.jpg[/img] Color - Blue Skills - Best in his class at soccer, good with video games Archetype - Agility Personality - Loud, Reckless, Kind BRIEF Bio - Jace isn't from a broken home and his parents are still very much in love. His dad is an engineer and his mom, now domesticated, used to be a revered chemist. In a way, these things weigh down heavily on him as he doesn't make high enough grades to impress his parents. It was a hard task just getting straight B's one semester and all he got was a long "do better" speech. Because of this, Jace feels as if they don't really love him and as if he needs to prove himself in everything he does. Although he puts his sports ability on the back burner and hits his books a lot, he always has a yearning to be out there on the court. He just wishes his parents could see him for the things he likes to do and excels at, but, they don't consider sports talent. [/hider] [hider=Yellow Ranger] Name – Tamara Wade Age - 17 Image – [img]http://i.imgur.com/rnEas52.png[/img] Color - Yellow Skills – Tamara is excellent at volleyball, easily beating her classmates in a friendly match. She aims to become the ace attacker of the school volleyball team, and comes down hard on herself when she is unable to perform well. Archetype - Speed Personality – Tamara is a passionate girl who loves making others laugh. The first impression she gives is that of the class jokester, always full of puns and jokes to make her classmates laugh. As such, she appears to be generally popular and well liked. Her friends see her as an interesting girl who always manages to make them laugh. She has a habit of speaking her mind, which can get a little out of hand sometimes, and will often act without thinking things through first, but it’s not gotten her into trouble. Yet. BRIEF Bio - Still Needed.[/hider] [hider=Pink Ranger] Name – Quentin Samson Age - 17 Image - [img]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b197/dead_sparrow/c198849a46974df77020215b975ae7a9-d4ca4lh_zps7cedfe14.jpg [/img] Color – Pink Skills – Quentin is the most likely person to be valedictorian of his class and for good reason. He's brilliant and it's never taken him long to pick things up. Archetype - Intelligence Personality – Prudent. Above all things the young man could be counted as prudent. He isn't one to rush his decisions nor does he just jump into action. This has given him the image of some one that is cold and calculating, but that's not really true. He does care about the people around him, he just has a hard time letting anything but logic rule him. BRIEF Bio – Alan and Marsha Samson had one child. A boy that they named Quentin after Marsha's own father. Alan was a professor of anthropology and his Marsha was a cop. Five years after his son's birth Alan was a professor and a widower. It had been a traffic accident and it was the darkest day the young family had ever known. With time things got better and no matter how bad it had been Alan had discovered that life did, in fact, go on and things got better for him and his son... Even if they boy kept dying his hair odd colors.[/hider] [hider=Black Ranger] Name - Daniel Wolff Age - 17 Image - [img]http://static9.depositphotos.com/1003940/1113/i/950/depositphotos_11134038-Healthy-muscular-young-man-isolated-on-white.jpg[/img] Color - Black Skills - Training in mixed martial arts, jiu-jitsu in particular, as well as amateur wrestling in his high school team. Archetype - Strength Personality - Boastful, Mildly-narcissistic, Prideful BRIEF Bio - Daniel hasn’t always been the bronze sculpted God of mixed martial arts and pro wrestling like he personally believes. Back when he was very little Daniel was overweight, with a family that seemed all too happy to be just like him, and get by however. It wasn’t until Daniel watched a pro wrestling show on TV, seeing massive men who looked like real life superheroes. That Daniel finally saw the light and began working feverishly to be like them. Now years later Daniel is training in MMA, aspiring to use it to leapfrog into pro wrestling training one day, and a career in it. Though deep down through all the bragging, he still fears deeply letting himself slip back into those overweight days.[/hider] [hider= Green Ranger] Name - Alexander Mason Age - 19 Image - [img]http://inalonelyplaceencounterswithfilm.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/james-dean-cute1.jpg[/img] Color - Green Skills - Thief, street fighter, motorhead [biker] Archetype - Loner Personality - Quiet, Loner, Rebellious BRIEF Bio - Mason discovered the mysterious power coin of the Green Dragon in his travels up the eastern coast of the United States on his motorcycle. He only recently discovered the powers the coin possessed, operating as a Ranger for a short time before the others found their coins. Upon Rita Repulsa's release, Mason has caught her eye and became something of a project for her. While Goldar and the gang would rather destroy all of the Rangers, Rita wants to turn hi to the dark side.[/hider] I'll Make an opening post in the IC this evening. Sorry for the delays! Edited the suits a little more to be more like the originals! [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/thekidlantern/aPowerRangerRedesign_zpse51c8223.png[/img] IT'S MORPHIN' TIME! ~KL~