[b]1st Sun's Height Waters off of Sunhold, Eltheric Ocean[/b] At the same spot the Dunmer were caught awaited a patch of Pyandonean kelp and fish lazily feeding and splashing about. Once [I]]Sea Smoke[/I] came near, however, they began their work at stopping it. A large fish hopped aboard coughed up a sealed parchment, and struggled its way off of the deck. The note indicated to the Altmer that Orgnum was coming on his personal ship [i]Damnation of Tamriel[/i] shortly. They didn't wait long to see the high black hull. [i]Sea Smoke[/i] one of two Titan Class Aldmeri Naval ships sailed lazily through the water near Pyandonea, the High King of the Altmer aboard it. He had heard the King of the Maormer would wish to speak with him, and he would meet with this King. As they made their way across the open ocean, Aelid began to wonder if he should return home. He had been here hours. Yet all of a sudden a bump stopped the ship, sending everyone off balance for a moment. Immediately Aelid knew they had been found, and peering over the side of the ship he nearly got a face full of fish as one leapt up out of the water, onto the deck. Aelid was puzzled until it seemed to puke up a scroll with the seal of the Sea Elves on it. The High King smirked and picked up the fish. He thanked it for it’s services and threw it back into the sea, before picking up the scroll and reading it. It appeared he would have his meeting after all. [i]Damnation of Tamriel[/i] rode a soft breeze. At its bow stood Orgnum, whom silently stood as the ship approached. He nodded to Aelid as their ships were pushed by the kelp closer together. With the gangplank lowered Orgnum invited Aelid aboard. “Well met, High King Aelid. I am King Orgnum. Let us eat over discussions of a peace between our people.” He motioned to the lavishly decorated set of doors opening to his quarters. The young Summer Elf stepped aboard the dark and alien vessel and found it fitting for such a savage yet lethal people. Orgnum was an impressive specimen of mer, even to Aelid. The Lord Commander and several of his Order followed him aboard, yet as they approached the captains quarters, Aelid would signal for them to stay behind. He obviously wished to be alone with the King of the Mists. The inside of the quarters was dark and haunting, yet the chitin seemed to shine in the light in a way that reminded him of the own safety of the glass and silks of his ship. He would eat peckishly at the food, unsure of it’s strangeness. He would speak; “It has come to my attention that your ships assisted mine in the taking of Stros M’Kais waters. I would thank you for aiding my people in this great victory. Reports have come in that we have sunk at least ⅓ of their navy, if not more, in that one battle. It is obvious the strength of our combined naval forces, and because of that, I would ask for a Naval Union between our peoples. Trade ships between us could flow regularly exposing each other to both of our magnificent cultures, our Military ships would easily control the seas of Tamriel when working together, and I’m more than certain that your ships could benefit from the secret spells we weave into the silks of our sails, as I’m sure that we could learn much from this… chitin.” Aelid stopped at the last word, knocking lightly on the strange substance that was the wall next to him. “Further, I would encourage you to continue to grow the bonds of friendship with my people by aiding in our campaign against the Yokudan scum. However, if you would withdraw now, I shall understand and thank you for your services. In the least, I believe a Defensive pact could be signed that if any Nations declare war on us in the future, we must send aid. What say you to my proposals, King Orgnum of the Maormer? Though we have squabbled, both of us are the direct descendents of the Aldmer. They would not wish use divided and fighting like men.” “I have been alive a long time, High King Aelid, and I have rarely heard such wise words spoken. You no doubt have your suspicions of myself and my people. Our history is a turbulent Current, one we have only recently begun to mend truly. We would welcome your spells. My sailors have spoken about how much more quickly the Altmer ships sail than in the previous era. Impressive, to say the least. Our ships have focused on being brutal and efficient in the sea, our mages becoming more powerful aboard their ships, and our tacticians more cunning.” Orgnum ate a fish covered in featherseaweed. “To the military union you speak, I accept on a few conditions. It is my intention to bring Tamriel under one banner. The histories I have read make it obvious that men and mer cannot have the same government ruling them, at least not directly. The Ascendancy of Races, then, would rule over three governments: The Dominion of Mer, the Empire of Man and whichever union the Khajiit and Saxhleel agree to. Our people,men and the ‘beast’ races, are fundamentally different and it can hardly be expected that they follow many of the same laws within their countries that other, more enlightened species, have privilege to. The Ascendancy would exist as a higher government representing the broader aspects of Tamriel. Of course, the Ascendancy would have a representative from each species but it would take someone disinterested in Tamrielic politics to head it all. Someone with a great amount of experience and the patience to see through short term conflicts. I am, of course, speaking of myself. Each race would be treated fairly and have their own lands. Integration with the more reclusive species would be a gradual and carefully monitored process. If the Altmer can agree to head the Dominion of Mer while accepting myself as the head of the Ascension of Races, then the Maormer will accept your terms. A united Tamriel, and eventually all of Nirn, is our goal so that we may meet the true creators and rejoin with them as is our birthright. The Altmer must successfully unite all Mer races as well as provide the same military support and commercial cooperation that we do. As for trade, my people simply require resources. Magical ones, ores, lumber, jewels, knowledge, anything which can be bought. We can export our foods and craft ships from Morrowind Chitin as well as Altmer Wood should you desire. Additionally, I would like my army to train with yours. Our people are specialised at shore raids and sea battles, but lack experience in land campaigns. Your people have this experience. Within a day we can send the troops and sails for four hundred enchanted sails for our vessels. Our sails are not silken, so your mages may have initial difficulty enchanting the membranes we use. We will send our own mages to watch over the process and aid yours. The payment is no problem, that can be sent tomorrow as well. As for Stros M’Kai, what did you have in mind?” The young Altmer was glad that Orgnum seemed to be a fairly intelligent and rational leader, and Aelid thought that between the two of them peace may be possible between their two peoples. The mention of the Ascension of Races intrigued him, though he was not sure what the Summer Isles would do if they received word they would, in a way, serve under the Maormer. He cast his thoughts back to Valina, and her prophetic message of the sacrifice of a God. He decided if this Orgnum wanted to lay all the cards out on the table at once, then so be it. The High King bit his lip and revealed two goblets of golden elven craftsmanship, as well as a bottle of summer wine. He poured the drink like a artist, and offered the goblet before speaking; “My Lord Admiral informs me that indeed our ships cut through the sea at unparalleled speeds, but it is yours that can truly both deal out and receive punishment. Yet you would ask the Altmer to bow down before your people on our first meeting, and this is something I can not do. If I did, I would return to the Summer Isles to yet another rebellion. They would say I left a King and returned a Slave. I’m afraid we must even this deal, King of the Maormer. The Arcane Society of Alinor recently came into position of an Elder Scroll, and after extracting the information from it, it appears we need the blood sacrifice of a God. I have heard that you have ruled Pyandonea since before the Great Pilgrimage out from Aldmeris, and if this is true, I can think of none other with the correct blood. If you would seal our Pact of Brotherhood with your very lifeblood, we would swear fealty into this Ascension of Races. It may cause problems within my lands, but I would see it done. Though I shall rest assured that if the Emperor of Cyrodiil and myself both veto a decision of yours, our will shall be done. This shall prevent too much power being given to any one individual. Furthermore, I would reserve the right for the Dominion of Mer to secede from the Ascension of Races at any point that we feel the Mer have been mistreated. Though I will say the ultimate goal of Ascendence back into Godhood as is the birthright of all true Mer is a very attractive one. As for enchanting your sails, I’m sure our Arcane Society could do it, though we are quite busy recently. We are working on the Elder Scroll, just received new class of students, sending Mages to the Orsimer, preparing a second uber project, and more. Still, I will make sure the Arch-Mage Valina finds time, as a show of good will between our people. Our people could export to you Arcane Knowledge, Moonstone, Quiksilver, Soul Gems, Wood, Silks, and more. We would be honored to train our soldiers with you, and believe that you're more skilled operatives may even be welcome among the Illustrious Order of the Renshi. As for Stros M’Kai, I have currently set up two battle groups of eighty ships each, which blockade the isle and take turns returning to Alinor to resupply. We could either starve the defenders out, or actually communicate and work together for the first time, and show the Yokudan what we are capable when we actually plan to fight together. My Battlemages are tough, and we could prepare siege weaponry in little time. But I would ask for your advise on this matter. Oh, and I take it the Maormer would officially be willing to become a member state of the Aldmeri Dominion then, as part of this new regime? You are the blood of Mer.” Orgnum was not expecting an easy conversation, but this one was also fraught with danger. Still, it was going and could end better than expected. He kept from eating or drinking. "Ah, you have slightly misunderstood me. Our people would be equals, save for in their own lands where they are supreme. The Ascendancy would have little governance over matters unrelated to the eventual reunification of our people and godhood. Things like Altmer ruling Altmer, Bosmer ruling Bosmer, man ruling man, would continue.” He paused, taking into consideration the Altmer’s youth. “I have ruled a long time and have learned more lessons than can be expected of most, but surely you see that many people claim their birthright while devoting themselves to matters which do not advance it either from necessity or willful neglect. They claim the things which you and I work for and yet do not lift a finger to advance it. Even more so, others act against us. Our knowledge and work is lost at inopportune times to savages and misguided zealots. Greeds, hatreds, arrogances, ignorances, and much much more work against us constantly. This is what the Ascendancy protects us from. The Ascendancy isn't a ruling government, but a guiding one with little interest in commerce or border disputes. It doesn’t favour Pyandonea, Cyrodiil, Alinor, Hammerfell, Morrowind, Akavir, or any other region. It exists to research and expedite how we can once again have a mended existence free from Lyrkhat The Corrupted and her treachery. Our history cannot be forgotten nor forgiven,” His voice was rising at these last few sentences, “And it must be avenged. Pyandonea can rally behind this call, despite its people’s grudge against yours. I suspect you feel the same way about Alinor. It would be quite some time before the first decree were to come, as sufficient research into the next step of our birthright would be a long journey. The Ascendancy needs someone whom can look beyond his own lifespan, and this is why I am necessary to it. As King of the Altmer, you would represent your people and their wellbeing without restraint excepting where necessary to assure our reunification. Even then, it would be by agreement that decrees pass. Why, instead of a slave or king your people should view you as an Emperor or… a god. However, I must inform you that this is all, including our people joining the Dominion, contingent on our success in unifying Tamriel. The steps I have taken towards this dream require it, and it is my price. For now we can both agree not to attack each other, trade resources and knowledge, increase the standing of Mer everywhere, and to cooperate militarily against our common Yokudan enemy. I understand that you wish my people join the Dominion immediately, but think of the consequences. Your people and mine are have a history of hatred toward one another. They'd likely revolt instead of rejoice at news of our peace. A population is always less tolerant of what must be done to assure our proper place in the universe than we leaders are, so they must be allowed to... adjust. Mutual conquest of the Yokudan will give our people respect of each other, and can foster goodwill. Meanwhile, our true goal can advance unimpeded by hatred as our people begin their slow mending. Let's also consider how we are to coordinate such a grand project, how we will police, fund, and protect these people. I have a method you will be interested in. First, however, we must speak of your own project. The blood of a god..... I must know what project it is you intend to complete and what you intend to do with it.” The High Elf traced his golden touched finger around the rim of his goblet, and listened to the words of the King of the Maormer. He had to admit, the idea behind the Ascendancy’s attempt to reclaim what the Elves lost long ago was attractive, but he did not like the idea of having any superior lording over him, and was wary of this Orgnum. He decided to inquire further; “What this Ascendency looks to elevate all of Mer into this Godhood, or only us rulers of our people? Perhaps the Men would be more willing to aid us if all of Elf kind were to leave Nirn once their goal completed. Of course, I’m not sure we can [i]all[/i] become Gods. I will submit to your Ascendency only once you would enter into my Dominion. Further, I agree that working together to crush Hammerfell will bring our people closer, and perhaps rub away old hates. It is true many Altmer still look with disgust upon the Maormer, unfortunately. I take it you would be willing to match the two battle groups of eighty ships each I have provided in this blockade? Let none say one of us carries the others weight, and tarnish our friendship. My current project is an attempt to control the very ethereal heavens above us. I speak of course, about the Moons in the sky of Nirn. We have worked hard at our goals, and we believe they may be coming to fruition soon. Yet I need the blood of an Immortal to finish this project, and you seem quite immune to Mortality.” He let the sentence hang in the air for a moment before sipping on his wine and continuing; “I am eager to hear your proposal to deal with the Yokudan. I hope to prove to them the strength of the Elves, and soon enough hopefully they will sue for peace. Yet until then, we must work together to finish what we started, and take Stros M’Kai for the glory of Mer. I take it the Maormer shall bleed in equal amount to the Altmer in trade for co-ownership of the Isle. For if we are to be brothers and equals, let it be in all things, both pleasant and unfortunate. It is important we have a solid plan of how whether we shall continue to starve the defenders out, or Siege the island and take it with force. But of course, I would also hear your proposal for financing and managing this new regime.” "Your own history reveals that every elf is descendant from the heavens, separated from it only by Lyrkhat. This is what I would undo." Orgnum felt a tingle at his mind, an old hatred for the shortsighted plans of mortals and the greed which inherently came with it. Aelid was asking him to be an "equal" whom answered to the Altmer. He stifled the feeling, for there was still time to set the young elf straight. "As regent of your race you must realise that there are times when even a superb species is unbalanced in its position by the myriad of groveling beasts beneath it and that it must ally itself with those like itself for survival. Ask yourself whether my people were in that position when we last vanished from Tamriel. Now, ask yourself whether your people are in that position. What must a regent do to secure his people?" Orgnum let the point sink in. The Altmer had agreed to equal terms earlier, but asking the Maormer to serve the Dominion was far too much for the reclusive people. His tingling was back, telling him that the Altmer truly only wished to serve himself. He pressed on. "Do not, like your admiral did, boast about victory at high cost. My former captain lies in the stomach of some sea creature for his folly in disobeying orders and attempting to drag my people into a war on his greedy terms. Now you make similar sounds to me. I must join your war on your terms in order to provide you aid? What benefit is this to me, whom can easily speak with the other provinces and get a better deal? Consider whether what you offer is truly equal to what you demand, and if what you stand to lose is greater than what you may gain. I do not chastise you, High King Aelid. I merely ask you to consider whether you would agree to such a deal were the tables turned." A tight frown appeared on the mouth of the young elf, both with thought and displeasure. He liked Orgnum, and he agreed at least in part with what he said. The weight of all the Dominion was upon his shoulders, and he would not have only Altmer die to benefit, of all people, the repulsive [i]Maormer[/i]. He felt a quaint feeling to throw his arms in the air and tell the Maormer that the deal could not be brokered, nor peace reached. Yet he would not see blood in the waters of Summerset, and especially not a war among other of his own blood. Orgnum spoke of the regency of races, and Aelid thought he detected a hint of a threat in his words. This King of the Maormer seemed to be taking a very different mer than the one he had spoken to only moments before. He wanted to speak biting words to Orgnum; tell him that he had been defeated and cast back into the Mists once, and it could be done again if need be. But what use would idle threats be? Instead he drank his sweet summer wine and listened politely to the bitter words, then spoke; “Indeed you may seek relations with other provinces, King of the Maormer. I shall not stop you, nor could I. Though I will say I doubt the Yokudan will forgive you. They still blamed me for the sins of my father and brother, much less actions we ourselves did. Yet we do not ask for unconditional aid. Though I admire that you are protective for the lives of your people, I find it disheartening that you would call yourself my friend, yet not shed blood with me. I’m afraid a friendship not sealed in blood is not a friendship at all. You may not mean disrespect Orgnum, but it seems you find yourself disagreeable to both my Lord Admiral, myself, and the brave Maormer that would aid my people in their time of need. ” Orgnum sat silently for a few moments, his face full of thought. “Your willingness to be reasonable in spite of what should have angered you is intriguing. The conversation had taken a turn towards something we both do not want. Let us right it. I do not apologise lightly, but forgive my temper. Old memories are the strongest, but I am clearly dealing with a different Dominion today. However, Pyandonea and Alinor cannot enter into an alliance so soon. We will agree not to war with each other until the Yokudan is eliminated.Our people will cooperate in this mutual endeavour.” Aelid’s fury at the Maormer slights was much deeper and with more conviction than arguing with Orgnum now, and he buried his hate from the King of Pyandonea. He felt a bitter taste in his mouth, despite the sweet wine, and the sight of the Maormer disgust him. Peace had been secured, at least for now, and that was what mattered. He smiled a polite and sophisticated Altmer smile, though there was no warmth to it. The High King was sure these Maormer would never be brothers of his, nor he a brother of theirs. “I’m afraid if I let petty insults and threats get to me that easily, I would have died in Exile long ago, Orgnum. Let us not war, until the Yokudan are eliminated, indeed.” He nodded in agreement at Orgnum’s words before rising from his seat. He knew staying any longer and speaking would only deteriorate the situation further, and Orgnum smelled of rot and wet death. It was repugnant. He swept gracefully to the cabin door, and opened it, revealing sunlight and sea water. The Lord Protector Dobin stood outside loyally, and the young elf stepped outside into the sun, shutting the door behind him.