[b]Name:[/b] Eva Ashton [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] The most noticeable thing is that she is always wearing a gas mask. This covers her lower face and goes over her nose too. [hider=appearance][img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/addf10c58e688492e8ef852999c088b2/tumblr_mz9inb8oPc1rsyj7to1_500.jpg][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] [list][*]Shy: Eva doesn't interact with other people that much. All people notice about her is the mask she is wearing and it always becomes awkward.[/*][*]Intelligent: Even though she doesn't say much Eva is actually quite intelligent. She never has to study for anything. She can also quickly analyze problems and find possible solutions to them. She will always think first before acting.[/*][*]Lazy: Eva doesn't really take any initiative to do anything. If it was up to her she would probably just lay in bed the entire day.[/*][*]Submissive: It doesn't take a lot of effort to make Eva do something and most of the times she won't even care.[/*][/list] [b]Power:[/b] [u]Acidic fluid production:[/u] Her body naturally produces highly corrosive acids. This has made all of the fluids in her body corrosive as well, for example her blood, tears and saliva. Her body itself is adapted to his and she is basically immune to any corrosive substance. She can't control her power that well though and because of it she always exhales corrosive vapors, hence she wears a gas mask that prevents the vapors from touching other people. The only thing she can control to a certain extent is how much acidic fluids her body produces. Producing large amounts of acids leaves her dehydrated though. If she concentrates enough she can also change how corrosive the acid she produces is. Also a thing she will never tell anybody is that because of the acids her body never produces any wastes so she never has to go to the toilet.