[center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/121tn48.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.pictureshoster.com/files/21px0uy3mrghqlrinvw.png[/img][/center] --- [b]✗Age:[/b] [i]23[/i] [b]✗Gender:[/b] [i]Female[/i] [b]✗Race:[/b] [i]Human[/i] [b]✗Height:[/b] [i]5'1''[/i] [b]✗City-State:[/b] [i]Indiga[/i] [b]✗Occupation:[/b] [i]Seamstress[/i] [b]✗Hair Color:[/b] [i]Dark Brown[/i] [b]✗Eye Color:[/b] [i]Green[/i] [b]✗Skin Tone:[/b] [i]Olive[/i] [b]✗Personality:[/b] [i]Independent. Sarcastic. Free Spirited. Adventurous. Flirtatious. Hot Tempered.[/i] [b]✗History/Biography:[/b] [i]"Momma, when is Papa coming home?" Evangeline tugged at the corner of her mother's apron. The large, strong woman stared out of the small kitchen window with a blank and empty stare. There was no reply. There never would be. It had been an entire year since Evangeline's father had gone to sea. Rumor had it that he made some true riches and left his family behind, off to find something better- if you could call it that. Some claimed he had just died a watery death, like most men did. It wouldn't be the first time news traveled back to their small section of another taken. A few years before that the Delvine family was happy and complete as they could be. Mr. Delvine would go on his boat trips, come home after many of months with money, treasures, and exciting stories. Evangeline would crawl into her father's strong arms, her large green eyes looking at him in complete awe as he showcased his life before her. He was her hero, and she was his princess. Years and years passed and Evangeline got older, the stories still remained in the whispered slurs. "Did you hear her father left the two women alone to fend for themselves? I heard he has a wife and child in every city from here past Crimsia!" These stories brought only anger to Evangeline. She had a feeling her father was alive, and nothing would stop her from proving it. Often being spotted with and around the boys, she spent a lot of time learning to swim, sail, fish, and fight. Though her mother didn't say so directly, Evangeline could feel in her mother's icy stares that she didn't want her only daughter, her only family member left to even think about stepping foot near the water ever again. But time after time and day after day, Evangeline swam, sailed, fished, and fought. It wasn't a huge surprise when Mrs. Delvine forced her daughter to learn another trait during their hardships, and that skill was sewing. Eva took it upon herself to make a living for the two women, taking up jobs here and there whether they had to do with sewing, fishing, or some small manual labor to keep her mother quiet and not belittle Eva into an early grave. Evangeline yearned for more. She wanted to find information about her father, and would not stop until she did.[/i] [b]✗Likes:[/b] [i]Swimming, Creating, Stories, Warm Weather, Adventure, Sailing.[/i] [b]✗Disikes:[/b] [i]Secrets, Cats, Nagging, Vegetables, Early Mornings, Cooking.[/i] [b]✗Skills:[/b] [i]Sewing, Cooking, Fishing.[/i]