Alright peeps! The first IC is [u]UP![/u] Let me mention this before anyone posts, though. During this segment I will be allowing you to take control of Shri-Rah in the event that you would like to interact with him or have him ask you any questions. I think I gave a sufficient amount of information regarding his bearing in my first post, but in case it requires more explanation, Shri-Rah is very goal focused, he gets his work done quickly and efficiently, but therefore suffers when it comes to social interaction. He is slightly awkward with people and prefers his books to actual individuals (outside his cal-bonded, which means wife in the Scael tongue). Also, you are welcome to speak for Shri-Rah's wife, Vriis-Nar. No explanation was given for her, because I didn't want to bombard anyone with questions from her right at the beginning. I will give an explanation for her now. Vriis-Nar is the relative opposite of Shri-Rah. She is a very social individual, she often speaks using big words or terms that only high level magicians would understand. She is extremely verbose, which means she uses more words than necessary. Additionally, she is very forward with her beliefs and intentions. Being an extremely powerful mage and exalted scholar, Vriis-Nar collects information whenever she can and never seems to forget even the smallest details. That should be enough for you all to build her character through her actions rather than a long backstory. Talk for each of them as you see fit. This will only extend to the end of "The Arrival", afterwards, you may be able to speak for them on occasion if you talk to me about it first. Now, peeps, begin your posting! :rock