[centre][b]Castle Bravil, City of Bravil [/b][/centre] "Two thousand elves, three hundred pussy cats--" "Call them Khajiit," The Argonian hissed. He stroked his chin and glared at the map, as if all the puzzles in the world could be solved with time. "Two thousand elves, three hundred [i]Khajiit[/i], and mercenaries. The Blackwood Company, four hundred in total," the Tribune spoke. She was a nord, conservative and a bit of a racist. She did not like taking commands from an Argonian, the very fact that Won't-Back-Down had reached the rank of Legate was an insult to most nords, but he prided himself on it. The Tribune's name was Kala, and while she had the personality of a troll, she was a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. She had led the charge while the elves had surrounded them, and had carried two wounded imperial men on her back while retreating. She was a true warrior, so the Argonian would forgive any flaw she had as long as she could help him with the only problem that mattered: The Aldmeri Dominion. "Tell the soldiers we will be moving at first light," The Argonian said softly. "Forgive my boldness, sir, but that is a terrible move, we should wait for reinforcements." "Of course," Won't-Back-Down smiled widely. "Tell the soldiers, the very chatty soldiers that we are moving at first light to meet with Legate Vorenus and that we march with haste to take back Leyawiin." "You do not plan to march," She said knowingly. "No, not really. I am not such a fool, but the city is rank with spies. It is populated with many Khajiit. I want them exposed. Such a lie would get the spies to move in fright... trying to escape to inform their masters. Behead anyone who tries to leave, including the counts personal soldiers. I do not trust him or them or anyone," "That will not go over well with the people. Do you really wish to anger them?" "No, I wish to save them," Won't-Back-Down lowered his face and was silent as the Tribune left to follow her orders. "The Blackwood Company?" He said aloud to himself, thinking of the Argonian mercenary group that had expanded considerably since their founding days in Cyrodil. They were expensive, yes, but the elves had access to their own mercenaries, elven mercenaries that would suit their needs better than recruiting a foreign race... He then gasped in fright and turned so quickly his tail flipped over a chair. He rushed out of the room, sprinting past his personal guards and he stepped out onto a balcony that overlooked the courtyard. He looked down upon his Tribune, who noticed him immediately. "Kala, to the Riverside! We are under attack! Blackwood Company!" Her mouth went slightly ajar, and then the realization hit her. She nodded and drew her sword. "You heard him! To the fucking docks!"