Well, if you want a general idea for tech level, look at Neuromancer, The Diamond Age, Snow Crash, Ribofunk, Shadowrun (the tech, not the magic), Johnny Mnemonic, Blade Runner, that sort of thing. As far as genetech goes: Broadly speaking, you have two general types of augmentation, those being cybernetics and bioware. Cyber is more easily available, as it's much easier to install due to crazy nanotech and less rejection problems- it's the back-alley aug type, common within the working classes. Bioware, on the other hand, is made-to-order (and thus more expensive) because it's tailored to one's genetic makeup and the like, though the fact that it doesn't show up on metal detectors and you aren't, you know, covered in metal adds a lot to the appeal. Chrome is more cost-effective, but meat lacks the social stigma, obviousness, and need for maintainance. Anyways, replicants, genemods, and the like do exist (they're a staple of the genre), though they generally stop short of UNSTOPPABLE ARYAN UBERMENSCHEN WHO CAN LEAP TALL BUILDINGS IN A SINGLE BOUND. Generally speaking, clones are either bodyguards for rich people, test subjects because they have no civil rights, creepy child surrogates for scientist dudes, or plot devices. I'm rambling, but yeah sure you can totally play a weird genetic experiment/clone/replicant/whoever. Go crazy.