Connor smiled as she hugged him, and leaned down to kiss her softly, "We have daylight left, and I want to get back to the farm as soon as we can. I want to get Bessie out of the stable." And he wanted to make sure they were safe. His farm offered a lot of protection, out on the road, they were at risk of vampires looking for his blood. He chuckled, "We don't need Lust's abilities" He said, laying back down, content to stay where they were for a time, not wanting to particularly move either, but knowing they should move soon. He was feeling very reluctant to get up, warm, and happy, with Elizabeth in his arms as he wrapped them around her. And then he sighed, "Greed and Sloth" he said, with a yawn, "probably around somewhere" And that was precisely why they should get moving, before the effects could reach them completely. But he was very reluctant to do so, wanting to take all the time in the world, to simply just be with her.