Gore hadn't seen anything, but the noise was clearly evident. Despite how hurt he was, he still seemed to be look angry. As the rushing water rushed over his form, he leaned his head down, narrowing his eyes at the person that so bravely walked out. Tilting his head at her, he actually was shocked that this meek girl would come near him, though as the blade shimmered, Gore bared his fangs, staring at it. His composure changed from being comfortable to that of being tense. Did this girl really want to try and hurt him? That's when she spoke up which caused him to be even more confused. What did she mean leave? He wasn't going to go anywhere in his condition let alone escape the Hunters. The Blood Dragon was real, he wasn't a myth so that means he needed a minute to recover from the onslaught that fell upon him. That's when she did it, she held up the blade in a way that made it look like she was going to hit him. Bringing a sword may not have been the best idea. Gore quickly dropped his head down to her, growling violently when she moved the blade. [i]'All of you pathetic creatures are alike!'[/i] Thought the Blood Dragon, ready to rend this girl if she tried anything. Girl or not, -All- humans were greedy and lacked the sense of honor that had been lost in their kind generations ago. Gore remembered the times he was hunted by Knights who only possessed steel to guide them, not guns or giant harpoon like things that don't stop coming! That takes the skill out of any conflict! Stepping out from the water, he now stood before her, staring at her at his full height. Dragging his claws over the ground she stood on, The Blood Dragon snarled faintly while his eyes followed the blade when she waved it. That's when she began talking in such a confident voice, making the Dragon recoil before her in shock. Apparently this human must either be some kind've highborn, or had little disregard for his kind just like every other human. Or both. Either way, The Blood Dragon planned to remedy her tone quickly. When she finished talking, Gore roared in front of her defiantly, slamming his tail down at her side, causing the ground to shake while he dragged his claws over the ground she stood on, glaring daggers at the woman who dared 'warn' him. It sounded more like a threat! That's when he actually stopped for a moment, blinking. Did she say honor? Humans depicted him as -honorable-? That made the Dragon before her laugh in which she probably only could hear huffs. Honorable in the eyes of the enemy? That was beyond silly. He blazed whole towns for what mankind had done, that isn't honor to him. Fighting a real fight was, a fight that required skill and determination and strength. To look into the eyes of your enemy as they fell before you. It seemed the Blood Dragon may have some remorse about how he acted, after all someone whom held honor so close to their heart doing such awful things? How could he not. Despite that, he still hated all of -their- kind. They took something from him that he still hasn't gotten back. His eyes continued to follow the blade that was being waved in front of him, staring at it closely as if he was waiting for this girl to attack him. Even if the Blood Dragon was waiting for it, he didn't really want her to. They came for -him-, not the other way around. He disappeared for centuries and wanted to stay gone, living out the remainder of his life away from the corruption that mankind has spread throughout the lands. There was no sense in fighting a battle that couldn't be won, it was simple really. There were just too many of them, and too few Dragons left that had the heart to stand and fight. Once she was done talking, he scoffed and turned away from her, moving back to the waterfall so he can continue pulling out the arrows that were stuck in him. To him, it wasn't worth the lives lost to just shoot at him, but they signed up for something violent, against something that hadn't been heard from in eons. It wasn't his fault they came for him! If they wanted to live, they should have just let him go and left him alone. He didn't hurt anyone where he was at, his den was away from most humans anyway! Though thinking about it, his den now had to be remade elsewhere. He figured he would go somewhere further north where it was colder, and therefore maybe less people would be around. Though Dragons weren't immune to cold, nor did they prefer it. What choice did Gore have but to go some place that wasn't crawling with tons of humans? Besides the chilled air would make their weapons malfunction. While he was lost in thought, he turned to look back at the girl that still hadn't left, making him stare at her as if she was more a pest than anything. He tried ignoring her but it was hard to when she carried a blade on her. What did she want now? To talk and threaten him some more!?