Team Love Burns Love Burns continued up the passageway. They opted to travel the bomb shelter passage way so they can bypass the cafeteria. The couple wanted to keep a low profile because there were so many hostile teams around. The whole situation was setting off alarm bells in their head. As they neared one of the side exits, they heard muffled voices coming from the other side. Rich pressed his ear against the cool metallic surface of the door and motioned for Sela to remain quiet. The smartest thing to do right now was to figure out who the other players were before they strike once again. A sharp, clear peal echoed within the confined space of the bomb shelter. “Camron!” "Either there is a battle going on or someone is throwing one hell of a Rave." Rich quipped offhandedly as he pulled back. His ears were ringing because of the intensity of the scream. [i]Damn the teenaged wench.[/i] How many teeny boppers does A.M.R.O keep on their payroll anyway? Sela rolled her eyes. “Hopefully someone breaks out the ice and the rest get doped up. I love it when things are nice and easy.” “Cleanup is about as boring as boring can be…” “I rather have less notoriety. I bet no one will trust us if they knew what we are doing.” Rich shrugged. His wife always erred towards the cautious side. Not a silly thing to do really since being an Asylum wasn’t all about blood and gore. There were a lot of hidden politics going on, and they weren’t that privileged to be in the know. The half-Brit brushed his one against the surface of the door and yelped. Sela could hear the clinking of the beads in his hair as her husband swore furiously. The metallic surface of the door clanged loudly as he kicked again and again. The denting blows cut off parts of the ongoing conversation. All she could deduce was Lizard made an appearance, and the bastard had betrayed them. Figures. You can never trust another Silencer or Sniffer. They were a sleazy bunch, and too god damn cocky. The last kick forced the door open as Rich tumbled up. Reacting quickly the man grabbed Puppy and pressed it against the young Asian girl’s head. She was what he needed to work off his pent up frustration. He smirked as he released the safety catch. It was his lucky day. A.M.R.O. had sound proof the entire corridor so no one heard the racket he was making inside. “I think not,” Seira replied calmly. “What’s with the ace… Wait! What! What stop!” Rich yelled flamboyantly as his favorite pistol began falling apart. His mind did a double take. [i]Oh mai GAWD![/i] He had totally forgotten this girl was the weapon alteration specialist. Fucker! The man snorted. “Bitch!” He yanked the old Switch-a-roo from behind. That teeny bopper is so gonna die. No one, fucking no one, not even his wife, messes with Puppy. That was his precious baby for crying out loud. Rich had just transformed it into the bat’leth when suddenly someone popped out of the wall quite literally. A blondie followed by yet another chinky. He dropped his weapon which immediately snapped back to form a skateboard. Rich barely jumped out of the way in time. It pissed him off even more. He could have lost his leg. “Jesus Fucking Christ! You teeny boppers are sprouting everywhere scaring the shit outta me.” He felt someone touch his shoulder. Rich froze. The hand patted his shoulder in a soothing fashion. Based on the amount of strength going into that awkward motion, he deduced that the person was male and not his lovely wife. “That’s a good nigger. Ice cream would make you feel better. I hope I don’t have to explain what it is though, since I doubt you can afford it.” “Boy, do you know who you are talking to?” He asked tersely. Camron stopped patting Rich’s shoulder. “Blade’s fugly stunt double?” Sela blocked the punch her husband threw at the boy with one of her fans. A small stream of blood trickled down the side of his hand. He flicked the injured hand once before mumbling darkly to himself. The senora chuckled. Her hubs always loses sight of the bigger picture when his temper gets the better of him. She heard the other teams already declaring their allegiance to the Chrono and her red undertaker. The dark queen fanned herself coyly as she directed her wanton gaze at the pale Vladimir. “You know what, I would like to call. I am sure our cards are much better than what A.M.R.O. has at the moment.” “My cocky dear bitch since when were you ever lucky when it comes to Poker?” Rich asked cynically. He took the pain to enunciate every word clearly to make his crisp British accent more marked. Sela stepped on his foot. “Leave the betting to me. You can’t even win when playing UNO.”